Processing Wether


Loving the herd life
Jul 14, 2010
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK
I sincerely hope this doesn't bother any one and it's not against the rules, but I have a wether that I can't easily handle that I need to have processed. My goal is to have him processed after the peak growing season (maybe July/ August time). I am lucky in that we have a custom processor that specializes in goats nearby.

He is a Nubian wether and on the smaller size, approx. 50 lbs. I'd guesstimate. He is almost a year old. When do I need to have him processed? How should I request the meat to be cut/ divided?

I've never eaten goat but I feel like it will be similar to venison or sweeter than venison.

Thank you all for your help!


Herd Master
Dec 19, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Texas
Absolutely fine question, and seeing that you have a processor you know that does goats you are well set for your mission.

When we have extra wethers processed we take them to our favorite processor who turns them into leg roasts and ground meat. You may want ribs... it really all depends on how you eat meat, as in what cuts of meat do you normally eat? Just think of the wether as a small cow in regards to processing for meat cuts and chat with your guy to see what he can do. We like to have our guy hang the meat for as long as he can to age the meat. Some folks don't do that at all. It is a matter of personal preference.

I can't advise on your Nubian as we have Nigerian Dwarfs. I should think you would want some more weight before taking him in...

We've done all ages on our wethers, some a year old some a couple two/three years old and have not really seen any difference in taste or texture/tenderness.

Chat with your processor as to when to do the processing, after all the processor should know what weight is good, and also the timing as our processor doesn't do anything but deer in deer season and the rest of the year he doesn't do goats every day as it depends on what else he is handling that day. Your processor is the man in the know.