rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
She's on "planet New England nut cases" they are mostly all nuts up there. See why I moved south.... except there are too many nutcases in the northern part of Va now..... moved here from affluent areas that think they know more, are smarter than, and a few levels above the average dumb, blue collar, working class. Sadly, new england has fewer and fewer of the salt of the earth thrifty yankee types anymore. The natives have been forced out by the flatlanders that have moved in with money. I know, we have had relatives in CT, VT, NH and many have not been able to afford to live there as the moneyed people have moved in with higher paying jobs, and the ones that are into the "finer" pursuits in life like skiing and such. That is why they were offering so many incentives for new, beginning farmers to move to Vt because they were losing all the "quaint village atmospheres" as the farms just could not afford to operate anymore. Been going on for about 50-75 years.

Just make sure that you keep all your e-mails....PRINT them out. And since you have already been contacted by the authorities...... and they have done a previous "study" of your place and were pleased with and more than satisfied with your "operation" she has no idea of what she is opening up herself for. It is VERY FORTUNATE for you that you had that "inspection" of which I am sure she is totally unaware of, and it is a big black mark against her for doing what she did. DON'T get yourself into a big upset..... you are in a good position here. So sad for the puppy, but maybe the medicine will control it and you can find him a family that he can be happy with. If not, and you have to euthanize him, all recorded by the vet, you have grounds to go back and countersue her if she decides to pursue this. Just try to not lose any sleep over her. Just take care of yourself, your kids, the animals, and hopefully you can help Badger. It's not your fault for getting him in a good faith purchase.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
@ farmerjan nailed the Massachusetts and parts of New Hampshire attitude right on its head.!
That is why " the breeder" if we have to call her that, is attacking you first, they are all known as " Mass. Holes " for a reason...
Does she have a Facebook page,? I am sure you have enough friends on this site that wouldn't mind sharing a review of their "friends heartbreak and problems with this dog she sold our friend" your name, city or state doesn't even need to be mentioned.....PM me the information I sure would love to write. a short story about my friend and her family's heart break about their puppy that was sold as a healthy LGD and turned out to have heart breaking seizures that the vet has confirmed ...and how the breeder isn't willing to refund her money.... etc...your name wouldn't even be mentioned, ....but I sure will post mine, and my town and state.....:somad


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@ farmerjan nailed the Massachusetts and parts of New Hampshire attitude right on its head.!
That is why " the breeder" if we have to call her that, is attacking you first, they are all known as " Mass. Holes " for a reason...
Does she have a Facebook page,? I am sure you have enough friends on this site that wouldn't mind sharing a review of their "friends heartbreak and problems with this dog she sold our friend" your name, city or state doesn't even need to be mentioned.....PM me the information I sure would love to write. a short story about my friend and her family's heart break about their puppy that was sold as a healthy LGD and turned out to have heart breaking seizures that the vet has confirmed ...and how the breeder isn't willing to refund her money.... etc...your name wouldn't even be mentioned, ....but I sure will post mine, and my town and state.....:somad
:yesss::thumbsup @B&B Happy goats !!!!!!!


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Oh dear. We're in for it here. I can't stand adult brats. :\ Maybe I'll just hide for the rest of our tenure here.

and @B&B Happy goats , I'll let you know if that's necessary (working on getting un mad still over here). None of her pages have reviews-google, fb, yelp. Even one bad review would make her look very bad. I'd only want that if you could keep your name and contact info out of it. She's probably love to sue you too if she's the kind of person she's making herself out to be and I don't want to give you that.

I put out a request for a list of good rescue groups in the area for my puppy on our town page and a vet from the other side of town gave me a contact in a good rescue group that might take and place him despite his mixed heritage because he owes her a favor, and is also passing my info onto one of her clients who likes special needs pyrs. Maybe something good will come of it.

Snowing again, btw. This time not just 2". Pack it up and send it to australia, please. I'm so over that snow stuff.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Oh dear. We're in for it here. I can't stand adult brats. :\ Maybe I'll just hide for the rest of our tenure here.

and @B&B Happy goats , I'll let you know if that's necessary (working on getting un mad still over here). None of her pages have reviews-google, fb, yelp. Even one bad review would make her look very bad. I'd only want that if you could keep your name and contact info out of it. She's probably love to sue you too if she's the kind of person she's making herself out to be and I don't want to give you that.

I put out a request for a list of good rescue groups in the area for my puppy on our town page and a vet from the other side of town gave me a contact in a good rescue group that might take and place him despite his mixed heritage because he owes her a favor, and is also passing my info onto one of her clients who likes special needs pyrs. Maybe something good will come of it.

Snowing again, btw. This time not just 2". Pack it up and send it to australia, please. I'm so over that snow stuff.

My dear Rachel....I am a born Yankee...I AM NOT AFRAID of her , or putting my name out for anyone to read up there...my family has alot of history in the area where you live...
she would have a really difficult time with a costly attempt at trying to sue ( me) out of state, ...she would have to hire a Florida attorney to represent her. , and how can you sue the truth ? " it's my friends distraught and my sorrow for her family that I would write about" ..." and the" laws that are needed to protect my friends rights from a uncaring and accusing breeder" ....
if she has no social media pages on herself and her dogs , then there are local newspapers that I can write to...
As to quote the wicked witch in the wizard of OZ. ....." WANNA PLAY WITH FIRE SCARECROW " ? .....just send me the information when your ready for me to light that match :hugs your friend Barb
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Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Thank you, I will. I just need to spend some time thinking about how I really want to approach this. I WILL be leaving reviews and telling people. I think I'd like the puppy somewhere else or put down so she can't accuse me of animal cruelty and come after me afterwards. I also really want that last blood work back.

As a side note, the frantic pre-seizure bouncing, biting, pawing and ripping at people and Bailey behavior has stopped. He's still a bit of a snot, but I think THAT might be puppy behavior(big puppy that can put his feet on my shoulders behavior -I WILL be addressing THAT too). I think he's stopped destroying my short milk stand, which he started doing on Thursday, if I remember right, and when the seizures really got bad. He may still have had one or two in the last 24 hours, but none in front of me. I think his medicine is starting to work. He still needs a non-guarding, lower risk, away from goats and off my property home though.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Not really. It states that you have to take the puppy to the vet in order to get a "health guarantee" (from the vet, as far as the vet can see, unfortunately). It was my first red flag. The next one was when I was driving up she was force feeding them coccidia medication and they'd just come home from the vet. Animals get coccidia, I didn't think that was a big deal at the time, but in hindsight, I should have walked then.