Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Yes sir I do!:D =D

Wednesday was rough. I got bit at work. I was already standing up straight and backing away as I had assessed that the owner was losing control of the dog, but it jumped up from the ground, straight at me and bit my face. Nose needed patching up so instead of helping our goat kids out at the fair, settling in, I was in the ER. I'm OK, small wound, but I gotta not touch it or wash my nose for a few days. Got an updated tetanus vaccine and the flap of skin was glued shut with steristrips also glued on over the top. Antibiotics of course. On the mend.

Apparently the fair didn't go well for the goat kids today. They started the show an hour earlier than they had scheduled it, with notice given last minute, wrong because there is so little time to even sleep during the fair, that you have to really budget your time. So with something like this, how are you supposed to be ready on time? :rantThe classes with only one entry were not allowed to go into the ring and show, wrong because the kids and the goats need the practice, they deserve an appraisal of the animals strengths and weaknesses (that is what the judges are paid for) and all the work preparing for, paying for,etc,..... should be acknowledged with the courtesy of at least a quick but fair walk around the ring and attention from the judges. :somad There were other things too, but it was rough for all the goat kids.

I wasn't able to be there, I can't afford to take time off this year for the fair, so I feel really bad not being able to be there to stand up for our kids and all the work the kids and parents did to get to this point. :(


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Sorry you got bit! I trust the owner was properly apologetic and paid for any medical bills. I know our insurance covers the ER IF you get admitted. If not, big deductible to pay.

Sorry about the fair as well. You are right, it was just wrong (and NOT FAIR! ;) ). Yes the kids SHOULD have been allowed to show the one animal. They need the experience and the judge should be giving them EXTRA attention and helpful tips BECAUSE there is time in the schedule to do so.

But I know things do sometimes run early. My daughter used to compete in figure skating competitions (*) and our club ran some competitions as well including New England Regionals several times. The RULE in figure skating comps is that they will never be more than 1 hour early and will stop if necessary to ensure that. The competitors must be at the rink an hour before they would show up if the comp was running on time. For most people that would be at least a half hour so they can stretch, change into their competition clothes, get their skates on, etc. Better to be hanging around for an hour than running in at the last minute or worse, just after their event finished. I'm sure it is harder with animals since you can't let them go hang in the stands with their friends until it is time to get ready.

* She's doing Adult Theatre on Ice now. National competition is in Evansville, Indiana this coming week if anyone is interested.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Sorry about your incident, that had to be painful. Wgat I don't understand about the competition is, if they had so many catagories with only 1 participant....why not have them all in the ring at the same time? This would allow the experience to be gained, and the animals could be evaluated as individuals, tho they wouldn't be competing against each other. Sure would've been better than not at all.


Loving the herd life
May 9, 2017
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Hudson Valley, NY
in my past experience (showing Holsteins) if there was an earlier spot in the ring they kept as scheduled to minimize stress on handlers and animals.... guess that has changed huh?


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Sorry about the fair as well. You are right, it was just wrong (and NOT FAIR! ;) ). Yes the kids SHOULD have been allowed to show the one animal. They need the experience and the judge should be giving them EXTRA attention and helpful tips BECAUSE there is time in the schedule to do so.

Exactly! :thumbsup

Sorry you got bit! I trust the owner was properly apologetic and paid for any medical bills. I know our insurance covers the ER IF you get admitted. If not, big deductible to pay.

Well, I have no idea how the owners responded.... :idunno I immediately capped the needle from the vaccine, set it down, and walked out of the room with my hand below my face to catch the blood. It is covered under workmans comp since it happened at work. I won't be out anything for the medical bills and my boss is paying me for the rest of the shift since I was ready and willing, just unable to finish it.

in my past experience (showing Holsteins) if there was an earlier spot in the ring they kept as scheduled to minimize stress on handlers and animals.... guess that has changed huh?

We are there early, but we have our time budgeted for prep for animals and kids. This added alot of stress for everyone that was there. This year was just a super crummy fair and from the sounds of it, some of the livestock office folks were quite rude to several people I spoke with as well. So much that the poultry barn supervisor is likely done for good. :(


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
So the deal was, I was trading a nigerian doe kid for a buck kid with lots of stars in his pedigree and moonspots to boot... The young lady had just the one doe and she gave her triplet boys, of course! Why would any self respecting doe out of excellent lines give us girls! :thBut she was really going back and forth between the 2 girls. They had different strengths and after awhile, I decided she should take both. They are going to a show home so the feedback will be excellent for me either way, and they get to keep each other company, so easier transition for them, and generosity breeds generosity right? soooo come on Karma! :thumbsup

I have had so many bad things happen to me lately, I swear the universe is trying to bury me.... I need some good energy returned, so I am trying to spread some goodwill! I am going through a separation from my husband after 21 years, dealing with a couple different health issues, on top of the dogbite, and everything else.... Seems every day just brings a new heartbreak or stress..... Praying for a break from all the rough stuff....:fl

Trying to be productive, I fixed the dryer exhaust that was soooo full of firestarting rubbish... no more fire hazard!!! Yeah! and I put a latch on the front screen door after 10 years of not having one. Now I can have the screen door to let the air in and keep the cats from opening it to let all the flies in.... just gotta deal with the ones that got in while I was putting it on.... :th


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Oh yeah, So the 2 boer doe kids went home with their young lady the other day and another young lady contacted me about buying Champaque. He was sooooo sad about leaving, it was giving me issues (he was so stunning and a really sweet boy) so I gave her Derpy as well.... at least they will have each other to help with the transition... and she will have some options for breeding. She has a small herd of 6 does and uses the milk for soap and stuff... and she brought me a bar! I love the look! Trying it out today!


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Gee.... I guess I know why I don't make any money off my goats.... :thI can't just let them go to homes alone..... The boys were hurting me to let them go... :( They were my keepers from last year. But I have to make some cuts, life being what it is. The girls were just so the young lady didn't have to choose, that was easier. All are going to wonderful homes so I am grateful for that of course...


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Does sound like a rough road :( I hope things get smoother soon! The soap looks really nice, quite fancy! Maybe you can make soap too!