Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
My oldest daughter just turn 40, so ya can just imagine where I'm standing.....:gigas ya gain "Experience", you'll be a "Professional" before ya even know it....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!......:clap.....:)


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks everyone!

It was a pretty quiet week but coworkers were getting on my nerves like somethin else! I couldn't wait for this weekend.

The weather here is between 50s and 80s!!! sooo nice! It won't last though, never does so I am going to enjoy it while I can.

I called to see about slaughter prices for the 2 boer kids. Looks like it is about $65 per head slaughter fee and a set $55 for custom cut and wrap. I will set up that appointment soon. Can't wait to try goat meat finally!

On a sad note, I am offering some more goats for sale. Madeline my mini nubian, since I just didn't find a buck that I liked at a reasonable price for a project. $450 for a mini nubian buck is not reasonable, when he would only have one F1 mini nubian and one mini boer doe to breed, and I didn't like any of the bucks that were in the "project price" category. Also offering Rocky, my fullblood dappled boer buck. I really like him, he is easy to handle and very pretty, but 3 boer bucks is a alot of goat to handle. Beast and Andy like to live together in the off season, but Rocky does better by himself or with girls. And even though Andy is the one that is worth the least money/paper wise, being commercial and related to most of my girls, I would not enjoy my goat chores as much without him. And Spartagus is going back to his breeder, only because she wants him back, and I have 5 nigerian bucks for 8 does :hide .... not a logical ratio. (Not that 4 bucks for 8 does is reasonable either....)


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Your decisions seem reasonable, but sure doean't make it any easier, I know....it is a shame we can't just continue to grow and keep them all, but then enjoyment becomes too much like work, so those tough decisions have to be made....:th


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score

Rocky sold and left already. :( The family drove 4 hours to come get him for their small family herd. I hope they like him, he is a sweet guy. The money made a huge difference so I am thankful for that, and I had Rocky in with 3 girls so we should have more kids from him this spring.

The lady that was coming to look at Madeline had to cancel at the last minute as her dog died. She still wants to come see her though and mentioned that her grand daughters middle name is Madeline and she is excited about maybe getting a goat that is named after her.... I have a feeling she has a new home.:)

My crock pot blew up. :barnieRight in the middle of taquito making season. What a rip off!!! I like to use the crock pot to cook the duck longer after I take it off the bones. Since our birds are free range, the muscles/meat is firmer. The crockpot deals with that just fine. But alas, there was a bang and a pop and a spark, and then she died on the counter right before my eyes. :hit Ah well, she was an old one, 15 years I think so by todays standards, she lived a good life. Time to get a new one. I did save the pot and lid though. I can use the pot in the oven I am sure, just not the plastic handle on the lid so foil can be a sub for that while cooking.

This weekend is the Calico Art Festival at our local elementary school. They are a charter school and they are really a great school overall. This is their fundraiser. The different classrooms all put together baskets with donated items, usually with a theme, and those are auctioned off in a silent auction. There are vendors of homemade crafts and a sweet shop with donated goods. Our 4-H club runs a caramel apple booth and my friend and I always volunteer with our kids for the same shifts every year so I will be there later this morning. Before the festival actually opens, our club sells pastries, coffee and breakfast stuff to the vendors. This year I volunteered to bring 2 dozen pumpkin spice scones with cream cheese filling. :drool I was up and had them barely done and out the door, still hot, at 7 this morning.

All week I have been working on tweaking the recipe, so I have been testing them out on my coworkers. The reception was great, one said they tasted kind of biscuity... well yeah, they are a fancy biscuit, so that is a good thing! :D =D

Another said I should add more sugar and frosting... so she wanted cupcakes. No.:confused:

After the 3rd batch, I decided I wanted a savory scone so I made pizza scones. I put pepperoni, sun dried tomatoes, feta and Parmesan in the dough with basil pesto on the side.:drool I made those for DS3 and I, but decided to share some as one recipe makes 2 dozen and even making them up at only half a batch, that is alot of scones! So I took some to work to share for breakfast. M said that the first bite tasted like "heaven came down and kissed me on the mouth", K said that "if I wasn't married...." and A just said she wanted to be my "sancho". :lol: After some arguing, apparently I now have 3 female sanchos! :ep Oh my goodness!!! Maybe I accidentally spilled a little love potion in the mix or something cause I really did hear one say and I am not making this up... "I love you" !!!! :gig:gig:gigMade for a really fun morning! By the way... I think my scones are good... you should totally try them! :old


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
They sound kinda Dangerous to me....:lol:

Such is the life I live!!! :lol:

Wanna bite?
