Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Lately I have been having issues with Beaux Jangles, my 8 year old queensland/german shepherd mix. He is a fine dog and usually causes no issues. He used to go out when I told him to, took care of his personal business and then would find a nice spot in the sun to just rest, watch the other animals through the fence and relax until I opened the dog door and called him back in.

This last year, he has started barking at the dog door after taking care of his business and he doesn't stop. He doesn't want to be out at all. I don't make the dogs stay out in bad weather, 10 minutes to finish their stuff, then back in, but in good weather, I do expect them to have some time out for fresh air and contemplating how spoiled they really are.

I know it is anxiety driven, but I am not completely sure why. This last year Rico the pug joined the family and Wiley left because she was starting fights with Beaux, so those are family dynamic changes. I also was gone a few times for several days traveling to Alaska and Texas, and a few shorter trips, but I have done occasional trips before. Just not for quite this long.

I had him checked out by the vet, he has a clean bill of health and everything else looks fantastic. So I tried him on one antianxiety med. He was silent the first day, still alert, but not on edge. But then he was back to his usual barky self. We continued for a few weeks, at a slightly higher dosage, but still nothing. So after further consultations with the vet, we decided to try Prozac. I have it but have to do a cleanout period to let the other drug clear from his system.

In the mean time, my own anxiety, caused by his barking so much every day, was going through the roof. I was starting to resent him, I was super angry every day because of him, and I really have plenty of other things I have the privilege of stressing over. A well cared for dog that I am trying everything for shouldn't be one of them. I spent over 10 years with the same issue from Charlie, my exes dog. I was so relieved to finally have peace when Charlie died. But I refuse to live this way now.

So I ordered a no bark collar. I hesitated to use it because I know he is anxious, but I believe he went from just wanting to come in, to learning to keep barking because at some point, I would let him in. I couldn't wait until the barking stopped before opening the dog door, because it never did. I cant just let him have run of the laundry room through the dog door because the other 2 dogs aren't fully housebroken and will pee. Anyhow, I put the collar on him while I would be home so I could interfere if it caused issues. I felt bad when he barked the first few times, but is effective and my life for the last couple days has been peaceful. I only put it on him during the day, I deal with him making a little noise first thing in the morning and I have been better rested and can concentrate so much better with the quiet. I was constantly worrying about him, because he was always making noise and I didn't know what to do to help him. He is currently standing quietly watching the other animals. Because of his breed, he is strung a little tighter than others, he always wants to work, and whines like no other, but that I can live with. I am hoping this will unteach the barking and when we get started on the other medications, hopefully he can relax into a different routine. I am so happy this tool is effective, but it is only a tool, hopefully very temporary.

I am also going to try to rehome Rico. Beaux has always been great with all other dogs, never picks a fight, or shows aggression to anyone we meet, here at home, anyone elses house or out in public. But when Rico came in he was intact, so maybe that was an issue? They all sleep in a big dog pile and don't fuss or fight, I think they are all good, but I don't speak dog. Unfortunately.

I don't think very many people appreciate and use tools effectively... my favorite dog training collar is a check collar. I get a lot of flack for using it because it has "spikes" on the inside, but then the same people are blown away when my dogs, thrilled at the sound of their collars jingling (it means they get to go somewhere) walk so much better than the other dogs around us. I use the check chain to communicate with my dog and he understands because we have practiced it. I don't use it to punish him or hurt him even though that is what it looks like. Tools, used effectively for the right reason make life easier. I am so happy these tools are working for me.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
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North central florida
I have to agree with you completely on the use of dog tools. I have used them all and they work....I have found some people who object to them...then i see their dogs docked tail or cropped ears.... really ?
The use of training aides in problem dogs is much more humane than rehoming them....:)


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
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Northern Lower Michigan
DH's dobbie turned very high anxiety in the last few years of his life and would run around the house barking like something was outside, then we would let him outside and he would bark to come back in and all other sort of nonsense because of his anxiety. He was i think 6 or 7yrs old when this started. His anxiety started from being a literal working dog for the first 3yrs of his life to not having a job per say and then we got another dobie(Issac our blue) and DH started a regular 9-5 job which cause Mauler separation anxiety too. He just started having anxiety attacks and manic barking fits that you couldn't stop. Shaking during thunderstorms which he never did before, digging thru our couch cushions...yes thru. He dug a hole in the middle of two different mattresses.

After almost a year of this behavior I thought screw it and bought him a thunderjacket. I was super skeptical but figured I could at least try it. Ya know what those things work! If the new medication doesn't do it, you should try a thunderjacket. The jacket really made a high difference in his anxiety immediately. He completely stopped barking in the house unless someone or something really was outside, he barked twice to come in when he was ready, he didnt make holes in the couch cushions or the bed...he was overall very much less stressed.

We did try other things like calming medicines, walks, long exercise sessions, long training sessions, putting him thru his paces, taking him "hunting", just trying to reassure him, etc...nothing else but that jacket really helped. I doubt it works for all dogs but for our anxiety doberman it was the key to him relaxing and learning to get past his anxiety.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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I love the work and books by Temple Grandin. She has given us a unique perspective and incredible insight into animal behavior and response. I don't have cattle, not sure if I ever will, though mini jerseys are on my wish list, but I have Ms Grandins book on cattle handling facilities. I have a few other books by her as well, so much great information.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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And for Beaux, I suspect that he might be losing some of his eyesight, though the vet says his eyes seem fine and he appears to see everything you would expect him to. It seems like he may just be showing some minor signs of aging. I need to give him a few more days before trying the other drug, but he seems physically calmer now that he isn't barking so much. Not sure if that is because his barking raised his own anxiety (from not being answered right away when he was "asking" for something) or if my anger and anxiety from his barking made him more tense. :idunno


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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I just got back from delivering 2 Nigerian does to their new people. Really nice family, just getting into goats. I know they will love these girls. This was for Cow Baby Jr, a partial bottle baby that I desperately wanted to keep forever, and Masquerade, one that originally I kept back for myself because she was pretty and mellow, but ended up with a small defect on one teat. I had to work at not crying.

The young lady at starbucks liked my name, said she never ran into anyone with my name and nickname, but had been considering using the name for her daughter (when she has one) because she thought it was cool, so now she was liking it even more. As a kid, I didn't care for my name because no one had it. Guess I don't mind it much now, though I do like my nickname better. She was intrigued that I was delivering goats as well and took down my website name to pass on to someone she knew that was looking for goats. :D =D I guess that is just another day in the exciting life of a barista huh?.... running into someone that is crazy about cats, goats and has a name you like. :idunno


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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I couldn't remember if I shared these pics so here are a couple more
Bailey and her doe kid and one buck kid

From back to front, Rigatoni, Delilah, Monet (Baileys doe), Baileys buck, Delilahs buck and Chrysanthemum (Delilahs doe) is the one laying down

Copper Penne (Rigatonis doe)

Delilahs buck

Baileys buck

Delilahs buck and Monet (Baileys doe)

Blueberry Melanie and her buck and doe kids

Kandys buck kid

Kandys doe kid.... Aurorasaurus Rex.... pronounced "A Rawr A Saurus Rex!!!" really loud, like you are starving and NEED a bottle now....:hide ....I get the biggest kick out of this loud and stinkin adorable little dinosaur girl.... :love

and a little bit clearer pic of Voodoo Dolly with Arawrasaurus Rex in the background