Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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We had a little baby shower/potluck party for a coworker. This her 4th kid, so just a little thing to welcome the newest one that is almost here. The happy couple was keeping her name a secret. So since coworker wasn't going to name her baby, I did. I decided on Mimosa and of course giving coworker a little bit of good natured ribbing now and then. I came across mom and another coworker discussing other coworkers new baby and how she is named after her great grandma. I jumped into the conversation as I was passing through the area and decided that I thought Mimosa needed a middle name and I thought Rose (with an accent on the "e") sounded good together, and what did they think about Mimosa Rose??? Coworker1 was going through grandma names and mentioned that Margarita was one of them, so I settled on Mimosa Margarita Rose... that way grandma gets a little bit of honor too right? LOL! All of my coworkers knew I was playing this game with the name... although, the more I say it, the more I really like it! It kind of rolls off my tongue. Anyway, I went shopping for baby stuff, found a bagillion adorable things and put together a cute basket and a couple little decorations. At the last minute, I had an awesome idea and enlisted another coworker. I put together the cutest name plaque for the baby... check it out....
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Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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I have babies! :weee

Voodoo has twins! Buck, black dappled head/cape, white body, Doe black dappled with a small white patch on one side. She had them on the coldest night and then of course, it rained today! The other boers all gave Voodoo and family, the bigger shelter, but it is leaky since the goats have taken off some of the roof and back. This shelter was 2nd hand and it has been used a lot, so not unreasonable, but just a thing, that it doesn't protect as much as I would prefer. I moved her into the small pen, hopefully the babies will sleep in the house and Mama will teach them to stay out of the rain at least for a little bit, till we have more kids for them to snuggle with. Annnd…. I can snuggle the babies to try to tame them. Voodoo does let me pet her a little, but now she is all snorts anytime Im near her kids, or holding them, or looking at them. Voodoo has an injured eye with limited vision, so I try to not do things to frighten her too much. With her alone, I can offer her more grain without her having to share.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Yesterday we had a kid delivery from Delilah. Buck, red with a light spot and a grey ear, Doe, solid black. I went to feed first thing and the buck was dry on the ground next to mama, doe kid had fallen into a hole in the ground. I snatched her out, sure she was gone. Grateful to say I was wrong.... little girl is OK. I think she ought to be named Bunny, trying to hop down a bunny hole and have adventures before I even knew she was born!!! Sounds like something my animals would do though doesn't it? :th (and it is actually a squirrel hole, but who's counting?) I had missed the note on my calendar about the day I put Kodiak in with the girls, so I thought I had another week before expecting kids. Whoops. :hide


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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I was just snuggling with my Karma bear on the floor when Skye, my floofy cat came and lay next to us. He did the same last night. I had all 3 dogs sleeping on the couch and he snuggled next to Karma, tolerating a paw across his back for a bit, then her fat head, then a rambunctious, upside down nuzzle from the same big head. Lasted maybe 20 minutes. Progress. Karma is just so darn big and heavy. She had plowed him off the arm of the couch earlier in the day, just jumping up to say hi. We are working on it, but life is rough when you are a Shrek sized beast and your best buddies are all the size of a one bite snack. o_O


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Just checking in, its been a little while.

I am good. A little extra stressed with all this Corona stuff. I am considered essential so I am still working. 3 of my kids are also still working, 1 kid and the ex are furloughed as they work in restaurants and are in a high traffic tourist area. Of course we have made several changes to our daily processes at work to limit exposure to other people, etc, but I believe my coworkers all shared the virus around Nov/Dec as they were all crazy sick for several weeks.

I have 4 baby goats still, no more have arrived, but a few more girls left to kid in the next few weeks/months. I have been letting my Nubians out to graze and they have been doing a fabulous job on the weeds near the house.

I am delivering the Nubian buck kid this weekend, but I am going to miss grandma this time, even though I will literally be in her neighborhood. The sale of the buck kid should cover the gas I need to make it to see the ex though. I need some signatures for legal stuff so I am escorting the papers myself, and I'm going to take advantage of the time there to see my kid. And I am going to bring my monster puppy with me to their apartment.... I kind of "notified" the ex that I was bringing her, while not exactly asking his permission, just letting him know as a courtesy that my dog and I would be underfoot. He likes dogs, but this one is 50 lbs already and the apartment is small, but my kid is OK with the plans and he pays the majority of the rent, soooo theres that. During that conversation, the ex actually said that I was also his guest, so that was nice I guess. My kid needs some good home cooking, so I have a few recipes ready and I am planning on what we will need.

We have been social distancing and limiting all other contacts and outings. Since we are still working, life is kind of the same except I haven't seen my BFF for several weeks, so that is crummy.

I am most worried about all of my loved ones, friends and family, that are having to isolate, that suffer from depression and isolation issues already.... and those are going through other difficult times that really need someone to connect with right now.... You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there!


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
but I believe my coworkers all shared the virus around Nov/Dec as they were all crazy sick for several weeks.
I'm sorry they were all so ill but it most likely wasn't from this virus, it didn't show up in China until Dec.

We will get through this in time, hopefully everyone stays safe and manages to retain their sanity. I recognize that it is a lot easier for me since I normally don't even leave the property but once or twice a week and that is for grocery shopping. I'm still doing that. A lot harder for people who are used to daily interaction with friends and coworkers.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Been a minute, but I am still hanging in here.

Trip went Ok overall. Karma did great. She was a fantastic guest except for interrupting the ex's attempts to exercise in the middle of the living room. Puppy kisses and playbowing look like exercise moves to me too though.... The kid, Karma and I got plenty of walking around the town, beautiful area. The apartment is about the size of our one living room here at home, so cozy. And the pup didn't understand why I asked her to stay off the couch.... So DS1 did what farm kids do with dogs and helped her learn about bending rules. It is true... she is not technically "on the couch". When he asked why she couldn't get on the couch, I told him, well, because she is a guest and she needs to have good manners since this isn't her home. My kid: "huh! well that must be what I am doing wrong... I've been letting the guests sit on the couch all this time!" I admit I giggled at the thought of telling human guests "Oh no, please sit on the blanket on the floor... the couch isn't for guests, mind your manners!!!" Poor Karma!


There was some distressing family drama while I was in the general area, so we made a quick check in on a couple family members that were in the thick of things. Everyone is OK, stressed and shaken but fine for now.

Now that we are home, we had some stressful times on the farm. Tahiti kidded with triplets, yeah! But they had signs of rickets, Vit D deficiency. All I had on hand was my personal cod liver oil (excellent quality, lemon flavored) so I gave the kids some of that to start. The next day I was able to grab 2 tubes of a probiotic paste that had ADE and other good stuff and a different pelleted feed for Tahiti. I am worried that maybe the minerals in my well water (hard water) might be causing an issue. All of the other goats have done OK on the same feed and water for the last 8 months but this doe is new to me and while she came to me in great condition, I havent learned her personal nutritional needs yet. Babies legs are all doing much better, the little girl toes out the tiniest bit, but otherwise is ok.

And then we had twin boers and triplet boers born this week as well. Everyone is good, but I am topping off the triplets just to be sure they get enough.

While I am still working, the gym has been closed .... and I have been indulging in junk food. For fun and because I feel like it. So I furloughed my bathroom scales. And I may not rehire them when the gym opens up... because lets face it, I am not thrilled with Rudees work. I have come to the conclusion that I don't actually want my scale to tell me to the scientifically specific lb, exactly what I weigh. I much prefer the , oh, you are generally in the "xyz" lb range. So he may not have a job when the quarantine is over. Sorry... not sorry! LOL!

To all of the mothers out there in all of the different roles you fill, I wish you a Happy Mothers Day! Thank you for all that you do!