Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
You get one guess as to which one of those was me. LOL!!! (I am the one with an unlimited access to an ungodly amount of spiders in case you needed a clue!!! :lol:)
I am appalled! Not that you would bring spiders but that person 2 was acting so juvenile in a work setting. That would seriously torque me. And I suspect an ear lobe tweak would get a :smack in return. A real hard one. Personal space "dude", GROW UP!!!!!!!

20 years ... depends on how long each will live ;) But given I know your age and can therefore estimate his, I would be concerned he's still evolving quite a bit.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
20 years ... depends on how long each will live ;) But given I know your age and can therefore estimate his, I would be concerned he's still evolving quite a bit.
@Bruce yeeeaahhhhh.... in the words of another friend.... 'wow, he is still a pup!!!!' :th (He is in the same age range as my kids!!!) Oh well.

So more updates:

The other night, with my newly stitched up hand and my bruised heart (both due to the fight with my baby squirrel) I was out at midnight watering my flowers, trying to keep them alive in our over hundred degree weather when I jumped and screamed like a little girl!!!! One of my fat toads was dragging his saggy belly across my foot... in the dark!!! I totally did not deserve that! I like the toads and want them around... but around does not mean TOUCHING ME!!! Especially in the dark and on my bare foot! :barnie

In other news, a friend and I have been talking about maybe renting one of the bedrooms in my house. He is currently going through a divorce and was looking for a place closer to work. There really isnt much available and the ones that are get snatched up quickly. Since my DS3 just left (for probably the last time), I have that room open. I am actually looking forward to the possibility of a little help and a little company sometimes. Personality wise, we are pretty compatible so hopefully that will work out ok for both of us. We work really different schedules so we might be like my DS and I were, more like ships passing in the night. That would be ok too though. Im pretty mello so we should be able to figure out a peaceful coexistence.

I am basically drowning in goats milk.... even on just once a day, Moonshine is giving me just over a half gallon a day. My 30 minute mozzerella came out too firm this time. Got lots of milk to practice with though.

Fawna AKA Force of Nature AKA Fawny Bones latest shenanigans:

Her favorite current occupation is paper towel hole puncher. I havent used a paper towel without her punch mark signature for the last 3 weeks at least. She is very consistent in her newly appointed position


Herd Master
Jan 13, 2010
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
When my husband of 28 years left cus he thought the grass was greener, I immediately rented out a room in my home. I rented to a physical therapist "traveling nurse". She was great. She stayed maybe 2 months.

I then moved, and rented out a room twice, to young men. One stayed a month and was a scrub nurse. The other stayed two months and was a xray etc tech. Both were just fine. I loved the scrub nurse dude and we are still friends on FB. The other dude was a recluse and that was AOK with me.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks @Bruce

I just want to eat my favorite pizza (Mt Mikes the kind with the white sauce) and drink cheap champagne.... preferably with a friend or 2. I asked the roommate last week if he wanted to hang out with me for my birthday but he was being weird the yesterday (got himself a new girl so maybe that is the issue? not totally sure) so Ill find someone else. Or just hang by myself with my kritters, they are excellent company. Anyhow, I actually have the day off as the office is closed so I got to sleep in a tiny bit and Ive had 3 cups of coffee already. Havent found any 'so happy they make me cry' kind of stories on the internet (that is my favorite way to start the days) but I was looking. I love reading about humans or animals being kind to each other. Might try some 'junk' shopping at the thrift stores for a bit just to get out. BIG plans I know! but yeah, just hanging out and taking it easy sounds like a great way to spend the day.

So I have been meaning to confess another thing I did last week.... I was up and doing chores, feeding everyone, letting them out to potty, checking stuff, all the usual morning routine before work. I was still about 90 percent asleep though, also totally normal for me. I literally roll out of bed and just start going through the motions. I stick my toothbrush in my mouth and immediately I am AWAKE. Full stop. This is not my toothbrush. Not roommates either, he keeps his in his room.... I pull it out of my mouth and look at it. I just stuck DOODLES toothbrush in my mouth!! :eek: I dont even like dog kisses on my face!!! Needless to say, I was fully awake as I gagged and brushed and gagged some more. :sick I think I might have used up half a tube of toothpaste that morning, brushing and rebrushing! Listerine was also used in larger than normal quantities of course. :barnie I mean.... I could store her toothbrush somewhere that is not the same cabinet... but it makes the most sense since that is where I look for toothbrushes and stuff and to be fair, it was originally my toothbrush before I got a new one, LOL!!! It lives in a different jar than mine, just so you know. Anyhow, this laugh of the day was brought to you by 'this is what happens when I do stuff uncaffeinated.'


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I'm still trying to get the hang of my new toaster... I mean phone. Got the basic camera mode down I think. Here's today's results since I finally took the time to paint my face and get all dolled up. Not too bad, although I kinda think I look younger in my pics from after the party.... Or maybe it's just the mimosas talking!


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Sorry you had to spend your birthday alone.

Love the pictures, you still don't look your age (which I know but some may not)


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks, my daughter thought I looked pretty good too.

I ended up at the neighbors. We are pretty good friends and they knew it was my birthday but weren't sure about asking if I wanted to come by or if roommate and I had plans. Grabbed my pizza and champagne and headed next door to hang out for a few hours so that was nice.

I got lots of texts from my kids, Alaska, my mom, the ex, an aunt, and my dad accidentally called when he was trying to text... So you know where my toaster skills come from! And the card from grandma got here last week. Lots of love from all my peeps. Oh and Karma tried sitting pretty for me.. she isn't very good at it, but she has learned that it's one way to kiss up to me so I got that too.

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