Ready or Not....... Shouldvknwnbetter- Fall

Hens and Roos

Herd Master
Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
South Central WI
So finally getting a second to post a picture of Rio's doeling :D =D, weighed her today and she is 8 lbs 11 oz!
Rio's doeling-4-3-2017(2).jpg

We are also milking Rio to help with milk production...

Today is day 145 for Coco

Hens and Roos

Herd Master
Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
South Central WI
It's been a long and crazy week here to say the least......both DH and I are glad the weekend is here! We were suppose to have a unit ready Monday but due to drywall delay we ended up finishing on Tuesday....half way through cleaning, something in the unit triggered a migraine for me and by the time I finished and drove home, I was miserable- I went directly to bed....thankfully my kids have no problem taking over!!

So today is day 146 for Coco and this is what she looked like when I left to do some errands:

And this is what she looked like when I returned about 3 hours later :th
Coco-5 kids(2)-4-7-2017.jpg

5 kids on the ground and placenta passed - 3 pretty much dried and fluffy and 2 still needing some drying off. Lucky for me a friend of ours was available and she came to help me. We have nick named her...."Stealth bomber" as this is the second year she has kidded with no signs that we have picked up on.

We have no idea which order they were born in so they are listed by weights:
Buckling 1(black hind end; rt hind foot-white boot)- 3 lbs 8 oz
Doeling-(dark colored)-3 lbs 5 oz
Buckling 2(mostly white)-2 lbs 15 oz
Buckling 3(thin black dorsal stripe; side spots)-2 lbs 8 oz
Buckling 4(mostly white on face)-2 lbs 4 oz

She is very attentive to them all and we have seen all nursing and bellies seem to be full.