Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
Found a University of Kentucky video on how to make a black vulture effigy to hang up to keep away the black vultures.
Forestry and Natural Resources


Black Vulture Effigy Directions - University of Kentucky

Complete directions for making the effigies. You can download and it includes the pattern. They recommend using 1/4" black rubber mats. Hard to find that thickness. Not sure if it works but will make one and hang it around the pastures and barn. The ones on Amazon are real pricey and got poor reviews. I am going to apply for a permit to shoot them.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Plan to do that. Am applying for the permit and also will do the effigy thing so I can say that I have tried other means of scaring them away. ;)

Another 2 ewes lambed this am. BL16 and
GR38 ha a single ewe lamb. She is granddaughter of 8111 the straight back ewe that I have to pull lambs each time. No problem lambing, up, dry, and had nursed by 6 am. So far, she hasn't thrown that straight croup on her lambs. None of them have problems lambing.

P12 lambed with 2 ewe lambs also. One was up an around, dry and had nursed when the second was born. The mother sort of ignored it at first. It was limp and barely responsive although alive when I went down to see it. Rubbed it and it was breathing but weak.

I had half an hour before picking up Elizabeth for the her lesson at 8:30 am. I got GR38 up almost to the gate to the barn when Ozel realized that Rika had an afterbirth and they started going at each other in the gateway! Goodbye ewe! She went over and started licking the new weak lamb. After 2 more tries on my own, the ewe was more interested in the limp lamb than in her own. Idiot! DH came out to feed and he helped me get the ewe into the barn with the lamb. I won't go into the totally Ridgetop way of forgetting to close one gate then another which allowed the ewe to double back several times. :rolleyes:

Time to try the next one. Since P12 was not interested in following the lethargic lamb I put it in a jug. She had a lively one and must have decided to cut her losses. Maybe she would follow tht lamb into the barn. I chased her down the pasture hill and up. I finally caught the lively lamb but it was time to leave for Elizabeth, so I handed it off to DH and sent DS1 out to help him.

They brought them up to the barn and the other one eventually got to its feet. I left to take Elizabeth to a riding lesson. Afterward, I picked up her brother on the way home and gassed the car which was absolutely on empty with the flashing light showing just 30 gallons left! Elizabeth came home with me after we dropped off DGS1. The lamb had not nursed, so I thawed 6 ounces of colostrum and Elizabeth fed the lamb with a bottle. It looked more alert afterward but still weak. I thawed a quart of goat milk and will feed it to the lamb in a couple hours.
P12 and weak lamb.jpg Told Elizabeth if this became a bottle baby she could keep it in her room. We'll see how it goes with the lamb. Other than a rocky start in life, it seems fine.
P12 both lambs.jpg Bouncy lamb.jpg The bouncy twin is another candidate for the commercial flock. Occasional color is a result of the original breeding to make White Dorsets from Black Headed Dorsets. Both her rear feet are black, black eye patches and black tip on one ear.
One week to go - how many will lamb before then? :idunno


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
You must have a talk with your ewes. Tell them to either hurry it up because May 1 is the cut off date. No lambing in the road will be tolerated. Cross their legs and sit on their rump and you will see them May 4. ❤️


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Bob May is picking up the sheep, horse and mule May 4. DH and I have to start packing the trailer tomorrow. We will have to leave May 1 to make it back to Yantis before he arrives with the sheep since we will be each driving a vehicle. I can't drive all night so will have to stop for 2 nights on the road probably. I forgot that May 4 is next Saturday! Gonna have to scramble to get my paperwork finished before I leave.

The lamb took about 4+ ounces of colostrum this am and had another 4-6 ounces late this afternoon. Elizabeth said she is looking stronger. :fl I have another pint or so of goat milk to feed her but hope she will start nursing soon. I don't want to drag along a bottle baby in the car with 2 dogs. DH said we can put the dogs in the trailer at night since most motels won't let you bring 2 large dogs in. He will have to block out a space for them where they can't chew any boxes or furniture.

Also need to get a small pen set up for the young ram lamb - he will be 3 months old May 19 and I want him in a separate pen. We moved everyone around and the large flock are out in the big field grazing. Hopefully they will come in the front pasture tonight for their alfalfa. I don't want to hunt for any newborns in the gully! The logs that DS1 used on the front pasture to hold down the fence are either not working, or the sheep are leaving by another route. There were several on the large pasture this am obviously not wanting to wait for the gate to be opened. LOL I don't blame them - there is nothing left to eat on the front pasture and some god forage in the large field.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Another ewe lambed this morning. Single ewe lamb. Pretty sure it is GR42 x Lewis, however, P13 thinks it is her lamb. She is dirty on the back of her legs so at first I was not sure whose lamb it was. But GR42 had bloody streaks as well so I think it's hers. P13 may be starting into labor and anticipating a lamb. Or just stupid. However, I will take stupid motherly over stupid rejection of lambs. Both ewes are in the large jug for the day. I will check during the day to see if P13 lambs otherwise she can go back out this evening.

Speaking of stupid and rejection, P16 still has the white lamb in with her. This morning both lambs were snuggled u together which gives me hope. The white lamb has stopped trembling and looks like it may make it, either as a bottle lamb or on its mother if we can coax it to nurse. The lamb was sniffing at her udder and did not get pushed away so there is hope. l did not give her a bottle this am and DS1 and I will go down later, tie her up, and let the lamb nurse. Naturally my grafting panel is in Texas! Along with the formula and bottles. I have another feeding of goat milk thawed, and have a couple gallons frozen in quart containers which can be mixed with @Baymule's formula mixture. I am glad that I did not take the frozen milk to Texas! And that DDIL2 gave me one of the bottles belonging to Nicky and Robert. Robert still takes a bottle at bedtime and last night he saw us with the lamb bottle and wanted it. When we said he couldn't have it he was upset until we showed him his and told him one was for the lamb and one for him. :lol: LOL Depending how many ewes will be left to lamb when DH and I leave for Yantis, I will just bring one container of colostrum with me and pick up the rest this summer.

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