Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
We get choc soda and add vanilla ice cream... called a black and white ice cream soda ..... I specifically buy choc soda to occasionally treat myself to a ice cream soda .... black and white was my grandmother's favorite... she would take us to the Dairy Queen in the summer after going to the beach.... and we could get whatever we wanted... always got the black and white ice cream soda.....
Turkey Hill ice cream is pretty darn good here in the "east"... out of PA.... really like it... their Columbian Coffee flavor is real good...


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
I get mine now at an amish/mennonite food store.... Used to get it at Rural King of all places....CocoFizz... put out by Durango Soda Company, Durango CO.... As all soda it is mostly sugars... but it is real cane sugar, not high fructose corn syrup...
Makes a great ice cream soda....
Got the cane sugar - soda from Mexico has it. Just all the different flavors of soda aren’t easy to find here. Same is true for most sweets. 😕 I think so cal has a pseudo ban on all the good stuff - been that way at least since 89 when we moved here.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Before long, you'll be looking for "things to do"
:yuckyuck:gig:gig:gig:gig:gig If I live long enough1
I think so cal has a pseudo ban on all the good stuff
Liberals and Gov Gruesome like to ban everything people want. Then they figure out ways to get it for themselves somehow.

Did you see that the guy that broke into Nancy Peolsi's SF house has gotten a huge sentence? Yet cop-killers, murderers, and rapists get almost nothing! :somad

Yesterday and this morning I opened, unpacked, and put away 24 boxes of books on the bookcases in the office. Most of them are paperbacks and I double them up by putting one row in front of another row. Had to redo the shelf spacing but got an extra shelf in one bookcase. Most of the hard covers and older books will eventually go on the bookcase I will put in the spare bedroom. Right now I'm letting the Ibuprofen work on the stitch in my side.

The metal man wanted to come by this am so DH and I penned up the rams. Then I went in the barn and moved the 3 sacks of feed off the ancient dishwasher/washing machine? in the tack room that the MacDonalds left. It is massively heavy so he can take it as well as the old iron stanchion we found in the barn, the broken tractor equipment parts, and all the old meta we gathered up and put in a corner. The problem was that dh stacked the hay in front of the metal pile. I warned him about that when we were moving the bales but naturally I am just a mere woman and he said it would be fine. :rolleyes: So I moved all the wire I cut to put on the corral panels, moved the large plastic 50-gallon water barrels, moved the tractor sprayer, and got a pathway behind the hay to the metal. Staggered back to the house to find DH sitting with his coffee "waiting for the guy" in the driveway. I suggested that we sit on our nice front porch instead and got a chair and my coffee. We agreed that the only thing we didn't like about our lovely front porch was the highway. Then we discussed the possibility of having "Speed Bumps" signs made and one night installing speed bumps on either side of our property. DH said it was a bad idea. LOL Anyway, I think we will eventually replace the two overhead hanging lights on the front porch with outdoor fans. Then we could sit out there in the summer at night without the fans to drive away the mosquitoes. I really wish we were on a quiet road, but on the other hand we really like this place. I went inside and got 2 of our patio chairs and put them out on the porch - we need some rocking chairs and maybe a swing. DH was talking about putting in some flower beds. Eventually we will put in some sort of decorative plantings across the front of the yard to help with the traffic noise. By the way, the metal man never showed up! DH tried to call him but couldn't get hold of him or leave a message. He called 3 hours later and said he would come on Wednesday - he had some sort of problem. I went out and turned the rams loose. Not a happy camper about them being locked in a tiny holding area for 3 hours.

DH went out while I was finishing with the books and connected a hose to the well. The tank is holding water so he wants to see if we turn on the pump if we can pump water to the sheep. I think it is a great idea. I also will look for a well man to see if we can put a new casing inside the old one and keep the well operating. Larry was shocked that I was considering drilling a new well when the old one is still functioning. I told him that the MacDonalds hooked to city water because they were getting a bad taste from the well water, but he said to keep using it for the garden and livestock so we will try it.

Larry also called this am to say that we can go on Friday and pick up the Generac generator! They had one in stock so that cuts down on the wait. Levi texted me today to say they will try to come tomorrow to start our front fence if they finish the job they are on. :fl Once that is done the dogs can come into the backyard - necessary if Rika has another bad spell.

One day this week we will head over to Priefers and see if we can get any gates in their "seconds" yard to close off the barn from the barn yard. Then the horses can come out of the garden. They have eaten and beaten down most of the grass there.

Anyway, the office is taking shape. DH was able to sit at his desk, sort out, and put away his box of desk stuff. He has another box too, but I don't want to overload him. LOL Watched Magnum PI last night. Tom Selleck is such a hunk! Tom Selleck's older brother was in DH's high school class. Sadly, he passed away suddenly a couple years ago. He wasn't as good looking as Tom, but still a nice-looking man. A friend who used to live near them says that their father was even better looking than Tom. He was a contractor. DH looked like Tom Selleck but with bright blue eyes when I met him.

We are off to test out the well.