Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I am glad that the film people are gone and things can get back to your level of abnormal. I hope you can find the cause of Bubba's hot spots and get him some relief. It's like telling a child not to scratch the itch, they just don't get it, that it only makes it worse.

A party sounds like fun. Our DD and family are gone for the week, we are babysitting their dog, a beautiful half Australian Shepherd, half Blue Heeler pup about 7 months old that they just adopted. She is doing very well considering that she has never been exposed to farm animals. The Looney Gooney trio run loose and she started to take a dive for them, but came back when I scolded her. It was amusing to watch the male guinea make short runs at her, protecting his girls. The pup is blue, speckled all over, has a black head and pale blue eyes. They named her Pepper.

Deviled eggs sound good, that's a good party finger food. A fun day with family and friends on the patio sounds like a good way to spend the 4th.

My husband hurt his back one time and I bought him 2 of those chair massage things. He had one at home and one at work. I teased that he just drove back and forth between them. They really are a great thing to have for sore muscles. When we moved here, I bought adjustable beds with massage and he adores his.

The Black Dragon sounds like a dream. Trucks now have more whistles and bells than what I have ever seen. I don't know that I could ever figure them all out. LOL

Have fun with your party!


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Having been a car sales person before, if I turned down a $20,000 down payment from a customer who was buying NOW versus a "beback" with no skin in the game, my boss would have fired me.
Probably so, but there are lots of jobs out there.
I won't work for an unethical boss or owner, no matter how much it might line my own pocket. Used care dealers and salesmen have a very very well earned reputation, depending how one looks at things, one rung below or one rung above lawyers.

My nieces are still PO'd at me for telling them about and then insisting they divulge where my brother buried about 20 old tires, big chunks of concrete and..big pieces of asbestos laden transite on his property. Drew them a map about a month after his funeral of exactly where it was. They said 'We only have to divulge what we know and we didn't know about that.'

I said. now you do, and as soon as I get back to Texas I'll take that same map to the realtor you are using and give it to her and by law she HAS to divulge it.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Probably so, but there are lots of jobs out there.
I won't work for an unethical boss or owner, no matter how much it might line my own pocket. Used care dealers and salesmen have a very very well earned reputation, depending how one looks at things, one rung below or one rung above lawyers.

I hope you are not suggesting that I am or ever was unethical, or ever worked for anyone that used unethical practices, with my knowledge or approval. I did work for a man one time, that when I found out his business practices, I made sure to make right to every customer I had and inform them of his ways, then I quit. I had a sterling reputation in the town I lived in, that I had earned over many years of doing business, owning my own business and working at various places. I carefully guarded my good name and did nothing to besmirch my reputation. I always strove to deal with people in the most honest and truthful way possible, no matter what my occupation. Such was my reputation that people knew that they wouldn't get screwed over in dealing with me.

Your comment, aimed at me, is insulting.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
I can attest to @Baymule's ethics. I would trust her with my life! She is as honest as the day is long!

I, too, consider the previous comment about used car salesmen/dealers and lawyers to be an insult to both professions! Some people should just keep their opinions to themselves! As I always told my children, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all!"


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
I hope you are not suggesting that I am or ever was unethical, or ever worked for anyone that used unethical practices, with my knowledge or approval.

I did not, nor did I think it.
You alone know your ethics and I certainly don't dispute them. There are good and bad in every field of endeavor.
I said only what I would do and what I have done in regards to employment. I have walked away from very good paying jobs because I knew the owner or my immediate supervisor was sticking it to customers. The last job I held was as a mechanic (tech they call them nowadays) in a Kubota dealership and it happened every day both in the parts dept and in the service dept.
The auto sales sector perennially rates just below or just above politicians in terms of public trust.
From a gallup poll:

More recently:

CHICAGO — April 11, 2016 — MAXDigital, a premium end-to-end software provider for automotive dealers, released new strategic dealer research on the subject of trust and transparency in the digital age. In conjunction with Erickson Research, MAXDigital surveyed U.S. dealers during the 2017 National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) Convention.

Key findings from the research include:
Dealers are overestimating their trust by customers. Nearly 70 percent of dealers said their customers have a high level of trust in their salespeople. That is a huge disconnect from the December 2016 Gallup poll that showed just 9 percent of consumers have a high level of trust in car salespeople.
In 2016, a Harris poll showed this:
Consumer Dissatisfaction with Auto Dealerships

    • 56% would rather clean their homes than negotiate with a car salesperson
    • 87% dislike “something” about the process of shopping at auto dealerships
    • 34% of 18-to-24-year-olds would rather wait in line at the DMV
    • 24% of the 35 – 44 demographic prefer to get a root canal
    • 52% of all age groups feel anxious or uncomfortable at auto dealerships

Again, in 2018:


There is a reason for this distrust, and that reason is personal experience with auto sales people.

I never said nor inferred you were unethical, but did state I would never work for an unethical boss.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
@greybeard you are well known on this forum for your blunt way of putting things. Just this week I got a PM from someone who asked if you were mad or didn't like this person or was this just how you are. Every thing this person said, you had a remark to make. My reply was that you are a wealth of information, you are helpful to others and generous with advice when asked. I also said not to take it personally, you are an a$$hole to everyone. I said pretty soon you would move on to your next victim, and you did. It was Ridgetop. You not only badgered her half to death over a truck purchase, you strapped rowel spurs on and gigged her good. Then it was my turn. Most of the time I just ignore your comments and let it slide. Your snide remark ticked me off.

Then you come back with your researched charts and polls to back up your statement. Did you ever think that maybe you should apologize for being rude? Has it ever crossed your mind that you can come across as a real jerk? You are, in fact, pretty darn good at it. I don't care about those stupid charts, but if you feel the need to prove somehow that you are "right", then go for it. Whether you intended to or not, your remark to me was rude. You should apologize for it. You are all about your word, I am sorry are some words that you could include in your vocabulary. You should, in fact, also apologize to Ridgetop. Your remarks to her were definitely not your finest moment.