Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Finished the Christmas decoration packing last night and DS1 and oldest DGS loaded up all the boxes and took them to the Connex. Done till next Thanksgiving! :):(:):(
Then I packed the box of paper plates, plastic flatware, travel knives, etc. Added some food and will finish packing that box after DH picks up the instant oatmeal. Need to take water as well.
Got out the cold weather clothes and thermals. Yes, we do have them for when we go to Washington state where it is wet and cold all the time. DH decided to take his overalls since they would be more comfortable on his waist now that it has become a casualty of Covid. They are 6" too short.! Country clamdiggers? Next pair he buys I will wash before shortening them. Got out an old pair of jeans that I use for making jean patches and will add back the 6" length in cuffs. Did not expect to have to do this but since I got most stuff out last night have extra time.

DH cleaned out the truck last night and the new clamps for the truck box will arrive today. The old ones had broken and DH and DS1 said they would have to order them and install "before the next trip". In the Ridgetop way, this meant that when they got ready to install the truck box they realized that neither of them had given it another thought since our last trip to Texas. :rolleyes:
DS1 went to several hardware and auto supply stores but the clamps were sold out, It's the Ridgetop way. DS1 ordered them and they are supposed to arrive today at which time (probably in the dark at 10 pm) he and DH will install them. DH and I will pack the rear cab of the truck with our luggage, coats, cooler, thermoses, food and emergency supplies. If the clamps don't arrive in time, DH assures me he can strap the truck box into the truck bed safely. OK. I will not argue since that is not productive and what will be will be.
Got to finish packing. Then will disconnect the laptop and pack that. That is why I am finishing up the emails, etc. now. Won't be back on for a couple days. Need DS1 to load the hot spot with hours too.
That darned ewe has still now lambed so she may not lamb for another 2 weeks. :barnie Oh well, DD2 is on lamb pulling duty if needed. DS1 knows what to do and how to judge an emergency. He has vet numbers and I will show him where the lamb colostrum and formula is in case of worst case scenario.

DH has gone to Costco. I will get to sewing the overalls. Then finish packing suitcase. Next load truck. Remember to get out cripple card from car for truck, and also Texas map. Also all phone chargers, etc. And extra masks. :tongue Easier to just go in 5th wheel trailer since I can load it over several weeks as I think of stuff we will need. This is a quick trip though and DH wants to come back through Yelm WA, and pick up our personal papers and stuff we are keeping from Yelm house. We will rent a U-Haul for trip from Yelm.

Hope I don't forget anything since with the Covid virus may not be able to stop at Walmart if do.

Kris has gotten several appointments already for us to view properties. :celebrate


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
7041 lambed today. She was due on the 5th. Twin ewes, both hairy which supposedly shows good shedding, 9.2 and 8.1 lbs. with no trouble. Grandchildren came over to clean stalls before going back to school tomorrow. DGD1 came too because she wanted to work in the barn. She is our little farmer. DGS1 came up to tell e that 7041 had a new lamb and was cleaning her off He went back to cleaning so DGD1 was given the job of watching the ewe for second lamb. Second one born easily. Then DGD1 helped to weigh the new lambs after we weighed the older ones. 2 FF ewes and their lambs were sent out to the big field and 2 ewes with young lambs were moved t the creep. Next week we will separate the 3 month old ram and ewe lambs from the field and castrate. No need to still be nursing at 70 lbs. Just drags down the ewes. We need more pens to separate lambs into. Really need to move to Texas ranch with nice FLAT pastures that actually have grazing.

7088 is due on the 12th. Her vulva is starting to loosen up so hopefully tomorrow or the next day. Just checked her and she is laying quietly, breathing heavily, but NOT cudding. May be first stage of labor. :fl DS1 will check on her before he goes to bed She should not have any trouble lambing and I expect twins from the size of her.

Then Blue11 is starting to show an udder She is a yearling first freshener so I anticipate a single, although DS1 said she is starting to look very large. She did not shed out this year so I am not sure if she will stay in the flock sice am breeding for total shedders. It will depend on her lamb. I will keep her another year anyway since they often skip a year shedding or only do a partial shed the first year. Her wool is not long, just fluffy which makes her look larger. She will be moved into the barn jug soon since she is due on the 19th. Have to check 0123 - the new Lewis ewe I bought in May with her newborn ewe lamb. Her ewe lamb is almost as large as her mother at only 8 months old and a beautiful little ewe. These Lewis ewes are larger and a slightly different body type than my Patton ewes. I vove the body type on the Patton ewes - they are super chunky and meaty The Lewis ewes are meaty but look rangier since they are taller and longer. In proportion, just larger overall. I might buy another Lewis ewe if I can get a good one reasonably. They go well with the Patton bloodlines. I really want another Lewis ram but can't justify adding a 4th ram for the amount of ewes I have right now. Before we move to Texas for sure though!