Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
We will stop to do walk arounds. We discussed when to leave again. DH said that he would come home from his dr appt on Thursday and go straight to bed for a nap. Then he said he will get up at midnight and we will drive through the night to avoid the desert heat. I said DH can't drive through the night since he come to bed at 9:30 pm most nights because he is so tired. He said he wakes up at 3:00 am and can't go back to sleep so might as well drive. I said since he sleeps till 3 am we could just go to bed and get up at 3 am and leave, no nap. Icy silence in the car from DH. It will work out.

After PT went across the street to Petco and bought a cloth muzzle for Bubba. We have a large rubber one but it is not comfortable on him and e ates wearing it. We only need one to go from the car to the motel room and during potty breaks at rest stops and truck stops. Don't anticipate any problems, but don't want any either. The XL was the largest they had and when I tried it on Bubba it wouldn't go over his nose! I wil return it after next PT visit. Got DS1 and we measured Bubba's muzzle. 15.5" upper circumference, 12" lower circumference. Upper length 5" and lower length 6". Went online and finally found one that would fit. It should arrive Sunday or Monday. Taking Bubba and Angel to the vet early am Monday for their annual shots. All Bubba's paperwork is copied and ready for our trip.

Got the suitcase out and will start packing. Won't need much since we will only be gone about 10 days and wearing shorts and T's instead of heavy winter stuff like last February. Sandals instead of winter boots. No heavy coats. We will be bringing a 40lb bag of dog food to start Bubba out at Erick's, and a loaf of Red Barn. Also have to bring some folding camp chairs when visiting Erick. Cooler (possibly 2) pillows and blanket in case we have to stop for a nap (per DH). Also bringing our electrical wire for the house in Yantis, a drill, driver bits, hasp, and padlock for the tack room door in the barn. We will lock up the wire there. DH said we should give it to the electrician, but I said he won't want to store it since he's not planning to get into the attic of the house to do the work till September when hopefully the weather will cool somewhat. The other thing is that if anything happens to him how do we prove that $1000 worth of electrical wire, etc. belongs to us? We'll just lock it in the tack room. It will be safe since to get to the barn you have to go past the tenants, through the cattle, and know that the wire is locked inside a room in the barn, then jimmy the lock and hasp off. Not happening.
DH said we could just bring it in September, but I told him that we would have lots of other stuff to bring back in September including tools for running fence.

New idea for getting to Texas sooner - Rent- A- Fence! 6' chain link panels that bolt together like horse panels. They can go up to contain dogs and sheep while we are installing permanent fencing. Will check into it.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Now have decided to drive as far as possible first night, then nap in the car in a truck stop. 2nd night in motel in Leander. With the car we can park far to the end. With Bubba in the car we will be safe. Another reason to park far to the end of all cars and trucks. He has a massive bark and may decide that he doesn't want any other cars around us. Not worried about his barking at other people but really don't want to fall asleep and be awakened by a humongous bark in our ears. :ep

Have now packed our suitcase with our clothes. Also have a box into which I am tossing all the other stuff as I gather it. DH suggested taking a laundry basket into which all the extra stuff can be collected in one spot in the car. DS1 suggested putting the back seats down to give Bubba more room but I vetoed that. I need that back seat space for easy access to the coolers. Also don't want 160 lb. Bubba crawling across the front console to imitate a lap dog while driving through Texas at 70 mph! He can make do with the 4' x 4' SUV cargo space assigned to him. We put in a moving pad to lay on and bringing some chew toys. Knowing adult Anatolian behaviors though, by the 2nd day he will have shut down being away from home, (and not for going to the semen collection vet)! He may not even eat on the road. Some adult Anatolians stop eating when removed from their home territories. We are bringing 5 gallons of our own water and will be feeding half meals. Bringing 2 coolers to house our lunches and breakfasts for the first day, along with a lot of bottled water so we don't have to stop long when getting gas. I guess I will go out to the shed and get the moving pad. Having everything already collected to load makes things easier and makes sure I don't forget anything. Won't need snow chains this trip! :lol:

DSIL1 stopped by this am to borrow a couple of our dog X-pens. They are going for an overnight campout and the dog has to be penned or on leash. Loaned him 2 pens which will make a 6' x 6' pen and an old sheet to clip on top to prevent jumping out. It is a psychological barrier, but also provides shade and I drape it over the west side of the pen to provide extra afternoon shade. Sirius will be comfortable in the pen, and they will take hm into their tent at night. They don't anticipate leaving the campsite unless they go on walks and then will take the dog on a leash. Told him to take 1 gallon of water from home to blend with the campsite water.

Better check my list and get the moving pad.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Received the histologic results of the needle biopsy on Rika's toe lump. Had to look up "hamartoma", "fibroplasia", and "mesenchymal stromal cells". Scary sounding names for abnormal cell growth that is benign and normal in dogs. Just a collection of fibrous cell growth that is not dangerous and has taken 10 years to show up. Always pays to ask for a copy of the test results so you can look up everything yourself. Doctors love to use medical jargon to scare pet owners into unnecessary and expensive treatments. Rika's biopsy results reported "rare spindle cell with minimal atypia". Looked up "spindle cells" which can be cancerous cells which can turn malign. In normal speak - not cancer. And from what I read, at 10.4 years of age my sweet Anatolian bitch will die of old age before needing chemo or surgery. :) Thank goodness. Rika can become the yard and house dog in Texas if she decides to retire. Or can be the lambing pen guardian.

Up and down all day yesterday as I read my list and ran back and forth retrieving items for the trip. After starting to pack a small bag with our toiletries, meds, etc., graduating to 1 bag apiece, I then realized that by taking a slightly larger bag we could pack everything in it and only have 1 bag for all that stuff. So the final gathering of items:
1 small carry on size suitcase (zipper extended)
1 small gym size duffle with shoes, toiletries, meds, knee elastic excercise band, ice pack bags, etc.
40 b. bag of dog food (for Erick to transfer Bubba over to his brand)
Moving pad for Bubba to lay on
2 leashes and muzzles, feed and water bowls, chew bones, 1 tube of red Barn soft food


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Oops! Hit wrong button - here is the rest of list:

Bubba's paperwork, AKC, DNA, CHIC, Semen collection, etc.
Several gallons of water (Bubba)
Febreeze (Bubba - long trip in car with windows up for AC)
2 folding chairs to sit in yard with Bubba and Erick

Cooler with ice and bottled water, Cooler with ice packs and food (us)
Pillows and light blankets for night in car
Small tool bag with drill driver, etc. for Yantis
2000 feet of electric wire for Yantis if it will fit
Thermos & travel mugs
Knitting bag, Kindles, phones

This will take precise packing in back seat of car. Bubba will ride in the rear cargo area of the SUV on the moving pad with his chew toys and bones. Luckily I have expertise in packing for fairs with 40+ dairy goats, Books of registration papers and entries for each child, 2 milking stanchions, milking machine, milk and shaving equipment, feed, chairs, tack room supplies, show equipment, shovels, rakes, muck buckets, feeders, water buckets, med supplies, stall signs, etc., in a 16' stock trailer. Also packing everything a family of 6 needs for a week of beach camping in a 12' Lance camper (with tents for the children) or a week at the Fairgrounds with several sets of white show clothing for Fairs. Can you believe 4-H kids have to show in white pants and shirts? Those rules obviously not designed for mothers who have to present them in the show ring spotless with no laundry facilities. :mad:

No wonder I have relied on lists for years! Do not sneer at "THE LIST"! (DH's idea of packing for a weekend away is to throw a toothbrush and fresh pair of underwear into a paper bag!) :woot

We are now ready to take off Thursday night or Friday morning.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Bubba and Angel got their shots yesterday but now car is full of dog hair! DH said he will take it to carwash and use the vacuum to remove all hair. Wednesday evening we will pack electrical wire rolls under the seats. Wire is heavy but don't want to wait till Thursday evening to do it. Thursday DH will not get back from doctor till at least 5/6pm. I will have to pack car then so want the heavy wire already loaded.

Off to PT now.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Bought 2 small battery fans to use inside the car during the trip to keep Bubba cool. They are camping fans with batteries that recharge through the car phone inputs. Also packed a can of lavender scented Febreze for Bubba. Started on his oral hygiene plan with the mint flavored biscuits, guaranteed to cure bad breath in dogs. He likes them so that is half the battle. No need to hold him down at great risk and brush his teeth. He does not like any muzzle, but too bad. it is only to walk from the car to the motel room and while walking him at rest stops to potty.

DH took the car to the car wash and vacuumed out the back which was full of hair from the 15 minute trip to the vet.
:barnie Maybe we should pack some masks after all! LOL


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Camping fans didn't arrive so went and got the one battery operated one from the trailer. Not as good and not rechargeable, but it will do. Food cut up, bagged and in fridge to be put in cooler tonight. Bottled water refrigerated. Everything ready to pack this evening when DH returns from doctor appointment. DS1 and DS2 will help while DH naps. DH also went to Petco during my PT today and got a new shedding glove. He gave Bubba another brushing. I will give him a spritz with Febreze before loading him, and he has been getting breath biscuits every day. I wonder if I should bring a small jar of Vicks Mentholatum to dab under our noses. I understand it is popular in coroners' offices to block the odor of decaying bodies. :gig

See you guys in a couple weeks.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
For those of us who knew we were gone, we are back from our quick trip to Texas! For those of you who didn't notice we were gone, we are still here. LOL

We started at 2:00 am and drove 19 hours straight through t Ft. Stockman. The next day we started early and drove on to Leander to meet Erick and deliver Bubba. Bubba was very good on the trip, although he would not drink or eat much. Once out of the car and on a leash while we sat with Erick he rapidly drank almost 3 gallons of water. These dogs do not do well traveling from their territories. In the motel he stationed himself in front of the door and did not move the entire night. Unfortunately, the bathroom door was right next to the entry door so frequently during the night I would hear exclamations as DH's foot hit 160 lbs. of Anatolian. Knowing he was there I scuffed my feet slowly along in the dark until I felt fur. Bubba was very good.

The trip there and back with all that driving was hard on my knee. Even stretched out it began to ache badly. Then I figured I could bend the knee and rest my foot on the dashboard to exercise the knee so I did that frequently. Then later I found I could rest my foot on the dashboard with my leg stretched straight. Got to do more exercises now that I am home though.

Once out of the car, we took it easy introducing Bubba back to Erick. He was on leash and Erick made no moves towards him. Anatolians have to decide when they will approach you after they decide that you are not a danger and need killing to protect their owners. Eventually Bubba went up to Erick and sniffed him then put his face up to Erick's. Everything was great until he let out a low growl. Pull him back and start over. Erick was very surprised since he never had an Anatolian do that. Bubba then turned his back on Erick and lay down relaxed. We discussed why the dog would do that. He had shown no sign of aggression, and it was very odd. Later when Erick went to shower and dress for dinner, he realized he was wearing the clothes in which he had been working with his male Anatolians. It was possible that Bubba had caught their scent and was voicing his disapproval of them rather than of Erick. This was proved to be correct when after dinner (in clean clothes) Bubba was affectionate with Erick.

Next step we moved him into a pen in the back of the property next to the one he was born in. There were goats and 2 other females in that pen. They immediately started barking at him, one very aggressive, the other less so. Bubb just looked at them calmly. He was on new ground and it was not his place to oppose their warnings. There was another female, Dikkat, in his pen for company. Erick chose this pen and bitch deliberately. Apparently, Dikkat is a very dominant, bossy bitch who likes to beat up everyone else. Erick said that he keeps putting larger dogs in with her so they can teach her that she can't bully other dogs. Although she is over a year old, Bubba was about 12" taller at the shoulder and looked like a monster standing next to her! She liked Bubba and started playing with him. Bubba stood there wondering why this little dog was jumping all over him but was a gentleman and tolerated it. Eventually he began to play with her and they ran around for a while before coming back for more water.

We continued to sit in the shade and watch their interaction. After about an hour the bitch decided to show Bubba that she was the pen boss, snarled at him, and tried to attack him. Bubba, with an expression of disbelief, gave a low rumble. Erick approved of this and said it was appropriate behavior not to immediately jump on her and kill her but to tell her he didn't like it. The bitch kept trying to attack Bubba and cow him into submission. After a couple of deep rumbling snarls and a display of male annoyance, he finally knocked her aside. She returned to the "fight" and we left the pen in case the 2 dogs decided they were fighting to protect their own masters.

We went out to early dinner with Erick and then returned to his place to see how the dogs were getting along and feed. After his chores, Erick fed the two of them. Bubba was still not completely settled, and did not obey my back off command when we tried to enter the pen. This meant that we had to squeeze through a tiny opening. Erick scolded me vigorously for not teaching him properly to back away on command. :hide My weak protestations that "he does at home" were ignored. I apologized for ruining Bubba, hoping any other poor training would not be too obvious. Erick is a stickler for proper training of Anatolians. Bubba had half his normal helping since he was still not acclimated. He did not eat it all and the bitch decided she would finish it off. Bubba didn't mind, which we took as a good sign. He investigated her bowl and had a bite or two of her dinner. After a visit with the two of them when Dikkat started getting pushy with Bubba again we left them for the night. We were coming back in the morning to spend some time with Erick and Bubba to make sure they were ok. At the gate I got another scolding about my poor Anatolian training. Eric informed me he would work on that with Bubba. :celebrate Yay!!!

Erick was very pleased with Bubba's size and bone. He said Bubba had an even better head than his sire. Erick absolutely fell in love with him. I had told him that he could breed him while he was with him. Erick originally said no since he was so closely related to his own dogs. But after seeing him, his conformation, and his temperament, he has decided to search for some dogs that would go well with him. He said that Bubba was not an aggressive Anatolian at all. DH said he sure seemed like it when the UPS man came around. Erick said we had not socialized him properly. I admitted my fault again. Apparently, we have ruined our dog. :hit We left for the motel with plans to return the next morning for more socializing with Erick.

After our late lunch we went back to the motel and went to bed. We were tired from the trip. Early next morning we had breakfast at the complimentary breakfast bar where DH picked up about 6 pieces of sausage for Bubba. Off to Erick's to feed the dogs their breakfast. Bubba was impressed with Erick for bringing him sausage. Erck was pleased that I hd taught Bubba to be gentle when taking treats. (One training I did right. LOL) We spent some more time with the dogs while they ate and watched them getting acquainted more. Again, Dikkat tried to attack Bubba and again Bubba just knocked her down and ignored her. Erick said he had a lunch date with a friend whose mom was only in town that day so we went to Walmart to pick up a couple things, and then back to the motel for a swim and a nap. We decided not to go back to Erick's that night unless he needed us, but he called and was very pleased with Bubba' behavior. We agreed to meet the following morning for breakfast with Bubba again and then we would leave for Baymule's place.

Next day bacon was on the menu, so we loaded up on bacon for our visit. Erick was thrilled with the bacon and ate some himself. DH had added 2 fried eggs as well. Since we had to access Bubba and Dikkat's pen through a pen with 2 bitches, both of them got some egg. We had to fight our way into Bubba's pen again since he was so happy to see us. another scolding for me. Bubba was happy to see up and happy to see Erick too. Erick said that Bubba's temperament was wonderful, NOT aggressive at all. After some bacony goodbyes, we left. Bubba tried to scrabble at the gate, so we went further away to chat before leaving.

Everything has gone well. Erick says Bubba is not aggressive and that the person must have antagonized him. Once we move to Texas we wll fetch Bubba to his new home. Much joking about whether Erick will let us have him back or not. DH's fear is that Erick will fall in love with Bubba and not want to return him! :oops:

Anyway, with Bubba safely established at Erick's, we drove to Groveton. Her new place is wonderful! 25 acres of grass on a private road with nothing to hear but birds and the chewing of the cows. I loved it! Her new house is adorable. Great layout with an additional mud room built off the original laundry room. Nice size rooms with porches on front and back allowing shady and breezy sitting space both morning and evening. She has lots of things planned for the property and is going to have a blast carrying them out. AND NO THORNY VINES TO REMOVE LIKE IN LINDALE!!! :D =D

We planned to help Baymule for a couple of days putting up fence. But once there she refused to allow us to work out in the sun. I need to mention that the week of our trip was the HOTTEST week Texas has seen. UGH! 🥵🥵🥵 Thank you Bay! :hugs

Instead, DH, aka Master Mudder, filled the seams in the walls (where Baymule had removed the stripping) with joint compound. Once those are filled with drywall compound and sanded she can spray the walls with Kilz. Then her guy can texture the walls. I measured and cut the vinyl flooring to line the kitchen cabinets. I found out that I can actually kneel on my new knee! :weee I had to do it very carefully. But unfortunately, I found that I couldn't get back up!!! Luckily, I was able to semi-crawl-roll over to the folding camp chair and lever myself up off the floor! :lol::lol::lol: Painful but doable. I remembered that one of those sponge kneeling pads for gardening was what I forgot to get at Walmart! Would have been much more comfortable.

Poor Bay and her neighbors worked outside on the fencing in the heat. Two days broken by evenings of showers and collapse! But got it done, mostly. Best part was 2 days of fun with Baymule!!!

Next, we headed north for Suphur Springs where our motel is. Yantis if the sort of town that you blink and it is gone. They do have a post office and coffee shop. Otherwise, if you want anything except bait you drive the 10 miles into Sulphur Springs. We had a lot of electrical wire to drop off at the farm for when we come back in September. Our electrician said he wouldn't send anyone into the attic to run wiring since they might die of sunstroke. Not a joke. In that heat it would be all too likely. However the wire is there is the temperature drops before we get back in September.

We met the tenant ad sat out in the back yard under the trees with a lovely breeze. The trees on either side of the house really keep the temperature down a bit. She told us that their probate and lot split was finished ad they had even gotten their survey. Since the land was nt i their name they could start looking for a contractor to put up their house. They are doing a metal building. She thought they might be finished by December. :lol::lol::lol::lol: I figure more like end of January or February. No problem since once they are out of the house we can start bringing truckloads of corrals, wire, pasture water barrels, etc. out faster. We will be going back in September and will bring some stuff that we can fit in the 5th wheel trailer (where I removed the banquette).

Once the tenants are out of the house, we won't need to bring the 5th wheel and can bring back corral panels on a flat bed. Then we will rent a tractor and tractor out the barn which is filled with old cow doo-doo. We will just dump that to one side for future use in the garden. Then put up the corral panels to prevent the cattle from getting into the barn. That will give us some where to store our loads of livestock gear. We can buy blow up mattresses and leave folding chairs and a card table in the house ad go back and forth with loads of equipment. We will use DS3's flatbed trailer and either rent or buy a large enclosed trailer to pull with DS2's truck. That way we can have 2 loads of equipment coming back at one time.

We did have a bad episode when we opened the door to the tack room which had been empty when we were there last and found it had been filled with junk. The doorway was blocked by a large dolly that seemed to be stuck. I got inside and tossed some wood to the side to free the dolly to allow DH to remove it. Then I started tossing lumber and junk to the side to allow me to walk inside a few feet. There was an old wire shelf inside and I cleared off the rubbish on it and we loaded the rolls of heavy wire on it. Then I put a hasp and padlock on the door. Not necessary since only the cows go there but I figured I would do it anyway. I don't know where that rubbish came from since I don't remember seeing it there last year. On the other hand, considering the amount of rubbish on all the other properties we looked at it might have seemed cleaner than it was. LOL Another shock was when the tenant said that the only stuff in the storage building that was his are a bunch of fishing poles and tackle boxes. He said he found that shed full of junk when he moved in. So we will have to rent a dumpster and do a bunch of clean up before we can utilize that nice shed. :th

On the other hand we were able to measure the distances DH needs to run electric to the barn and well. He plans to put it in underground. We also measured the barn, and the living room and kitchen of the house so we could decide what to bring back. There is also a nice built-in pantry i the kitchen that you don't see at first since it is fitted into the paneled wall. The kitchen cabinets are solid wood and in very good shape. I don't intend to gut the kitchen since all the appliances are in the right spot, and the cabinets are good. There is a sort of breakfast bar sort of peninsula with no storage that will come out. With that gone I think there will be enough room for an island. If no island, then another peninsula with cabinets underneath. I will paint the dark paneling in the living room though since it makes the interior too dark. I need to install a shower in the family bath over the tub and then tile above the tub all the way to the ceiling. I am going to see if I can find a bathtub refinisher and have the tub refinished in white. The family bathroom tub is currently brown. The dark green tile in the MBA is pretty, but the grout is disintegrating so I will have to regrout it. If I can find a tub and tile refinisher, I will probably have that shower tile refinished in white too. I used a tile refinisher to do the bathrooms in the apartment and they came out looking brand new. I will remove both vanities in the bathrooms and replace them with new ones with granite tops. Neither vanity has any storage underneath. Instead, they both are built like a lady's vanity table to sit and apply makeup. I want the storage - it's too late for makeup for me. LOL

Back later.