Rifles and pistols and shotguns oh my!


True BYH Addict
Dec 24, 2015
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Sacramento County
I have that same Primos rest, except the cushion on mine has been repaired with duct tape.
Don't ask how, but while sighting in an SKS for wife to shoot up some tannerite, I put two rounds thru the top of the original covering.
My favorite weapon is my Weatherby .270, but the older get, the heavier it seems to get.

Many people consider the Weatherby .270 to be the best all around deer rifle on the planet. What a beautiful rifle to own and shoot!

How do you like the Primos rest? I fell in love with mine and often use it on a daily basis with the Marauder. At times I feel as if I am cheating when I use it! My favorite activity is to invite people who have never shot before or who haven't shot in a long, long time to use the .25 Marauder resting on the Primos. This set up can make even the youngest rookie feel like an absolute pro! It is a wonderful way to introduce newbies to the joy of shooting.

So sorry about the two holes in your cushion. The good news is no one was injured and your green Primos cushion received a purple heart!
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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
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East Texas
I like it but only use a rest when sighting in a new scope or re-sighting if something gets bumped. All the rest of the time I'm a sling shooter.


Loving the herd life
Aug 5, 2016
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SW Oklahoma
shooting is great family time. My kids have a Marlin 39A youth .22 LR that was my first gun, and a Ruger 10-22.
They still flinch at anything bigger so they don't get to shoot much else. I tried to let them try my AR15 but it's loud and makes them flinch.
Hubby has a .50 cal black powder rifle, and weh ave a 30-30 each. A 12 gauge for home protection (Mossberg 88) and then our carry pistols.
I used to carry my Colt 1911, but we recently bought 2 Glock 30SF's to beat up on carrying, since my 1911 is pristine and made in 1936.


Herd Master
Dec 19, 2009
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North Central Texas
@soarwitheagles, your comment about keeping the noise down while shooting on your homestead made me chuckle. The last time we saw our nearest neighbor, a dairyman, he asked my DH if he had been sick as he was concerned about NOT hearing him practice. God bless Texas.

On a not related note, we took an alternate way into town yesterday and saw another dairyman had 9 coyotes displayed on his fence. Now that fellow's been busy!


True BYH Addict
Dec 24, 2015
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Sacramento County
I like it but only use a rest when sighting in a new scope or re-sighting if something gets bumped. All the rest of the time I'm a sling shooter.

Greybeard, you must have a lot of talent being a sling shooter and steady as can be!

shooting is great family time. My kids have a Marlin 39A youth .22 LR that was my first gun, and a Ruger 10-22.
They still flinch at anything bigger so they don't get to shoot much else. I tried to let them try my AR15 but it's loud and makes them flinch.
Hubby has a .50 cal black powder rifle, and weh ave a 30-30 each. A 12 gauge for home protection (Mossberg 88) and then our carry pistols.
I used to carry my Colt 1911, but we recently bought 2 Glock 30SF's to beat up on carrying, since my 1911 is pristine and made in 1936.

Carrying and qualifying remaining proficient with .45's? Wow, your wrists must be made of steel! I tried prolonged shooting with my .45 and realized it is for superman only!

@soarwitheagles, your comment about keeping the noise down while shooting on your homestead made me chuckle. The last time we saw our nearest neighbor, a dairyman, he asked my DH if he had been sick as he was concerned about NOT hearing him practice. God bless Texas.

On a not related note, we took an alternate way into town yesterday and saw another dairyman had 9 coyotes displayed on his fence. Now that fellow's been busy!

Wow, each time I read about Texas, a part of me wants to move there immediately! Hopefully Trump will apply pressure on all these liberal politicians in California and make some progress here in a way that helps us all to return to at least an inkling of sanity!

Funny you should mention the coyote carcasses on the fence! That was my exact thought earlier today. If I could only nail a coyote I would like to mount it on our fence for all to see! We have also had a problem with a mountain lion taking both sheep and cattle in our neighborhood.

Steel traps are highly illegal so I cannot use them. Haven't the time to set up bait and hide and shoot for the coyote so my chances of shooting a coyote are quite slim.

Today was the first time in weeks that I let our sheep and lambs in the back forest. I hung out with them for a few minutes, then had to come back in...I so much wish we could legally set the steel traps...


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Greybeard, you must have a lot of talent being a sling shooter and steady as can be!
I learned with the best.
<<<< See avatar.

My brother was down here yesterday for just a couple hours. I shot about 4 mags thru his Ruger American .45 cal.
Nice piece, but not as nice as a Colt, and he, I and his son in law all found it consistently shoots 2" low and 3" to the left at 60'. Low/left is often a result of poor trigger pull but not with it happening to all three of us. He's going to have to have some sight work done on it when he gets back home. Recoil is noticeable but certainly manageable.

He had another little toy with him, that I had some doubts about..........If you've never used a maglula magazine loader, you are in for a treat.
Here's Hickock45 showing what it is, and I agree with his review.


True BYH Addict
Dec 24, 2015
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Sacramento County

Go Marines!!!

That was one of the funnier of Hitchcock's videos, and I have enjoyed many, many of his Youtube videos. The guy is amazing and I really like his up front honesty and what I feel are unbiased reviews. Sometimes I wonder if he has shot a greater variety of weapons than anyone else in the world!

My wife and I started to use the Maglula speed loaders after taking a number of 4 day classes each of which lasted 8 hours a day. So that was nearly 32 hours on the range, a lot of it shooting, with some good training too. We have done three classes in a row and it can add up to nearly 100 hours. My concern is I would not have any thumbs left...only nubs.

To be 100% honest with you, our thumbs were incredibly sore when we did NOT use the Maglula speed loader. After some years of being "spoiled," we use the Maglula speed loader for every class and I still use it in our backyard range.

Some people looked down at us for using the Maglula speed loader...many of them old schooler's, but it did not matter, my thumbs were good to go!

One of the main arguments against it was, "Well, you can't use it in a real life altercation."
My response was, "Well, if I cannot stop 3 or 4 perps using two magazines, no amount of reloading will help me!"

My wrists are not very thick, and my wife's wrists are even skinnier than mine. My wrists would begin to hurt if I shot too many .45 rounds...so I retired my Glock 21 and now exclusively shoot only 9mm in the Glock 17, 19, and tactical 34. Don't mean to be a wimp, but that is what works for me! I could not handle 8 hour training classes for 4 days in a row with the .45 [whimper, whimper tail between the legs].

I would say costs of the ammo also had an influence on our decision to move exclusively to 9mm. Thousands upon thousands of rounds can begin to add up real fast. 9mm is now my favorite.

How about you? Do you have a favorite?
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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
One of the main arguments against it was, "Well, you can't use it in a real life altercation."
My response was, "Well, if I cannot stop 3 or 4 perps using two magazines, no amount of reloading will help me!"

Why wouldn't you? You could if you had it with you. Not to mention the fact that given the need to reload, you'd be able to get it done so much faster using the Maglula than doing it the old fashioned way... How many folks are carrying boxes of ammo to reload with in any altercation anyway? Better to carry 4+ mags.


True BYH Addict
Dec 24, 2015
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Sacramento County
@soarwitheagles Did you ever get anymore information from your neighbor regarding the dog attack? You really need an LGD. And if there is a mountain Lion you REALLY need an LGD.


I have not seen this neighbor is quite some time. Next time I do see him, I will ask for more details.

BTW, it is a confirmed mountain lion. Neighbor next to us lost a calf, others nearby have lost sheep. DFGW gave warnings to all school age students and their families that it is not a good idea to walk our road to the bus stop. Also my good friend and neighbor found tracks and brought in a professional tracker and he told us from the size of the tracks, the mountain lion is 13 months old. It is the real deal. Another neighbor just lost his first lamb of the year to coyotes last week.

Yes, we are still looking for a good deal on a LGD. While we are waiting, I often walk the property line looking for animal tracks and activity but find none. This is the best I can do for right now...Our extensive repair to the outer perimeter fence has shut down all or nearly all animals from coming on our property for now.

3-4 weeks ago had some wild dogs injure two of our ewes while in the back forest. I was not fast enough with the gun...they were out of sight before I could retrieve and aim the gun. The wild dogs were coming in at a breach in the fence. As soon as we fixed the breach, most if not all animal activity has ceased.

I also checked the old coyote dens on our property, everyone of them is completely filled to the top with flood water...
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