SA Farm's journal

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
Glad you had that taken care of!
Did they inject a radioactive isotope to trace the nearest lymph cells?
No. It wasn’t necessary since it hadn’t gone outside of the immediate area. The extra chunk they took out of me was mostly a precaution. I only bothered so I wouldn’t have to deal with any further worries/treatments.

Definitely a relief to have that all taken care of for sure! It was a rough few weeks for me and the members of my family who knew about it.

So, onwards and upwards! Looking forward to this new year with all the new joys and challenges it will bring. If I’m not on again in time, Happy New Year, everyone!:celebrate:weee:bunny:hugs

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
Better late than never, right? Ramchop is finally at the butcher getting processed after DH spent the better part of the afternoon cleaning him up, I’m getting my extra livestock sold off, my incubator is running with two dozen eggs to start, and I got my early seedlings started.
Progress. Spring fever is upon me. :weee

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
Had a lovely cool, but sunny, day today. Started getting my garden in order, putting last falls compost in so I’ll be ready to plant when the time comes.
Animals were out and about, the girls following me around. Can’t wait for it to warm up enough to shear their messy wool off :p I’m not used to the wool yet. These are my first woolly creatures lol
Turkeys are looking good and will hopefully start breeding and laying soon. I didn’t give anybirdie light this winter, so only my chickens have been laying - and them only for the last week or so. Still have two more pullets I’m waiting on.
My Sweetgrass tom is looking very handsome. I really hope he does well for me as I’d like to keep him for a very long time. He has a good number of ladies to keep happy, so I hope he’s up to the task! He seems certain ;)

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
Miss @SA Farm, good to see you posting again! :)
Yeah... I’ve been on this site for years, just not consistently. I tend to just blame my absence on life getting in the way or certain times of the year being more...mundane...than others.
I can let myself get overwhelmed when I fall behind on posts I’m following and then it just seems like it’s just...too much to catch up again. I’m kind of in that place now. I’m trying to get back to posting occasionally, but I really feel I’m missing out by not reading what’s going on with everyone :(
I’m hoping to find a balance someday - or get into a major reading mode where I can catch up with everyone ;)
Until then, I’ll keep updating every so often, hopefully! Today was mostly focused on housework, so nothing too exciting. Rain is just around the corner, so I do need to get some things packed away this evening before it hits, but I’m on a break at the moment.
Hope all is well with everyone! I’ll be back, don’t worry! I just can’t guarantee when lol

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks for the suggestion @Bruce That’s exactly what I’ve started doing :)

Thanks to being an introvert, my life has been mostly unaffected by the corona virus as I’m already a homebody and have a tendency to avoid going out and interacting with people in general anyway.
My parent are both over 70, and my Dad is rather worried about it, my Mom less so. DH’s Mom is over 60 and has asthma and diabetes, so she’s scared of it as well. The rest of my family don’t really care about it, but are being safe and doing their parts to prevent the spread anyway.
I normally couldn’t care less about getting a pneumonia-like flu, but I’m being paranoid about getting sick since I’m about 22 weeks into my first pregnancy :D I’m hoping my ultrasound next week isn’t cancelled as a lot of ‘unnecessary’ medical procedures are being cancelled these days. We’ll see. I hope we can go through with it! I want to know if my gender guess is correct or not lol
So, that’s my personal life update and the other reason I’ve been cutting back on what I’m going to be keeping/raising with regards to my critters.
Not that I’m stopping! I have chicks hatching right now. 16/24 so far with a few more pips and a zip visible last I checked. Helped one earlier today and hope that didn’t stunt the others too much. I’ll keep an eye.
My Pilgrims have begun laying, but I’m not sure of the fertility. I might do a test hatch once I have a good number of them. For now I’m planning to shut down until my turkeys start laying...Unless I end up hatching more chicks...We’ll see. Stupid spring fever:lol:
I have plans to raise my garden bed a little more this year. DH has promised to put a ledge on the inside of it so I can sit while working in it. Hopefully that will make it more doable for me once my belly gets bigger and therefore my back gets worse.
So, one pen of turkeys, one of chickens, one of geese, and my two sheep should still be manageable with a new baby this summer, right? RIGHT??? We won’t mention any potential grow outs. They don’t count, right?

Right ;)


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Thanks to being an introvert, my life has been mostly unaffected by the corona virus as I’m already a homebody and have a tendency to avoid going out and interacting with people in general anyway.

I remember reading a couple of weeks ago (on Flipboard, I think) where someone said, "Let's see. I am supposed to limit my contact with the outside world. No going to parties, avoiding crowds, maintain personal space of 6 feet, no hugging or shaking hands, stay home. In other words, an introvert's heaven!" I chuckled because I am an introvert as well and could identify with that person. Now I have someone here on the forum who knows how I feel. :)

since I’m about 22 weeks into my first pregnancy :D
