Teresa & Mike CHS - Our journal

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
I got winter rye grass seed put out in a couple of paddocks and I plan on getting some pelleted lime put out next week. CO-OP has a really good price when you buy a whole pallet but they had to order it so I can get it. The lady doing the ordering kept trying to convince me to get the hydrated since they had that on hand but I watched a major part of a couple of tons of hydrated lime disappear into the tree line with our constant winds this time of year.

The bottle lamb spent his second night with the ram lambs, Pete the wether and the dogs. He follows Maisy everywhere she goes even if one of us is out there and she loves having him along. She is back to accepting treats from me now that I'm not stealing "her" lamb anymore.

I feel for all those that had to go through the hurricane so I almost feel guilty about how pretty it is here today. The high was 74 and the sheep are loving it.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Y’all moved from Charleston, how are the friends y’all have there doing? Everyone ok?

They got a lot of water and a lot of trees down but nobody that we keep in touch with had any major damage. Teresa's oldest son lives just outside of Charleston and it was the same with them. Charleston has major water issues with just normal rain so they are used to dealing with it (or putting up with it rather).

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
We spent a lot of time watching Pepper and her twins today. The second lamb was born several hours after the first and we couldn't get a good feel about how she was taking care of it. She has never been good about standing to be nursed and I was always amazed that she raised such healthy sheep. We were watching this afternoon and Pepper was about 100 feet away from the youngest lamb but she was watching her. We watched, and watched, and watched some more and it looked like she had abandoned the lamb. I asked Teresa to get a bottle ready and we would go out and pull her. Teresa went in and about that time, Pepper went back up to the lamb and presented herself to the lamb to nurse and then went up the hill with both of the lambs. One of the things I love best about our place is that we have a good view of almost all of our pastures from the front door.

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