The journey into the abyss of no return


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
@farmerjan can give you advice on breeding hogs. She raised hogs. All I ever did was buy feeder pigs and raise them to slaughter. I used to buy them for around $60, but looking at Craigslist, they are $150-$200 now. Once I get a place set up for a few pigs, I’ll start raising feeder pigs again.

Congratulations on your new boar. This breed cross ought to produce some real good pork.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Just WOW.... crazy .... jealous and resentful because you could buy these places... the comments about not getting the uncles place... then about her being a real Montanan and an indians.... all because you have invaded what she considers hers even though you obviously bought it fair and square... I feel for you... this is going to get ugly I am afraid...
Hope you have a good lawyer... and follow it to the letter of the law.... but it would be so nice if she would have a terrible accident and you came along and the only one that could possibly save her life one cold snowy blizzard winter...
Good reason for me to never want to go to Montana....

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
So in the video you were on a common, deeded access road -- for all adjacent property owners to use? If that is the case, any gate by her would be illegal & your recorded deed is all needed to have police legally advise her & open. A tough go but, legal.

Key word -- deeded. Also, there would be a recorded plat at courthouse. OR is she claiming property lines are not correct, thus that road is mis laid? Are you the only ones beyond her on that road?


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
She makes it worthwhile to sell and go find another piece of property. If you can legally keep her at bay, then do all you can do. But this can escalate to a level that could be real bad for everyone. The thing is, if she does something to your wife, yeah, you might get her arrested, put in prison, but the damage to your wife could be permanent. Notice I said staying within the parameters of the law….. You have the love of your life. Is a fight with a totally insane woman worth putting your wife in danger?

I know you are a man who doesn’t back down, this is a hard situation. You and your wife need to have a serious conversation about this. It’s only going to get worse. It’s not just you. If it were, this would be a fight to the bitter end. This is you and your wife, you have to put her first. If this insane thing did something terrible to the woman you love and cherish, I have a pretty good feeling about what you would do, but you can’t undo what is already done.

You have been through a lot and done a lot in your lifetime. You are a formidable enemy and a strong desirable ally. This isn’t about you. This is about the safety of your wife. If crazy woman ever figures out that she can get to you through your wife, it could be tragic. Do you really want to risk a lose-lose situation? No piece of land, not all the work you have done, is worth your wife taking the brunt of whatever this mutant creature is cooking up for you.

A wise man knows when to extricate himself and family and live to fight another day. Or find a happier place where y’all are not under constant threat and your wife can be safe.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Good for you and your knowledge of the law... I would not be that well read or versed in things like that. My only thoughts were to just make sure all the i's were dotted and t's were crossed... to do it to the letter of the law.... and since you made a reference earlier about the ones that "ran you out of TX"... didn't want you to overlook or miss something here....
It is jealousy and resentment on her part because you are "in her space" that is not really her space but that is how ignorant "white trash" people act..... no matter that she claims to be a real Montanan or an indian... he// I have indian in me too... BIG WHOOP..... something I am proud of but don't try to brow beat people with it either.
The sad thing is, people like that will go around the edges of the law to do things... that is why there are criminals, because they don't play fair, or within the boundaries that decent people that live in a society of respect for others... whether you have neighbors 100 ft from your door or 50 miles from your door. Civilization is founded on some respect for certain boundaries... and people like that have no respect for anything but what they perceive as "their rights". As long as you are on the deeded right of way of the private road, you know you are within your rights... she could try to sabotage it... and putting in the culvert has no bearing that I can see... except if the weight of the backhoe were to cause damage to it.. I do not know all the specs for private roadways and I am sure you do...
I think you are smart enough to know exactly what is what... don't get blindsided by some off the wall thing... no one can think of everything or plan for every possible scenario... but I think you have enough smarts to be able to anticipate most.
I admire your restraint... and her getting right up there in front of the machine and actually putting her hands on it is beyond the no contact allowances... just let her keep pushing the limits... and you not reacting...
Do like that kid from the school trip did, a couple years ago, that was harassed by that group with the indian and all... that just stood and smiled and didn't say anything bad or anything... and won a big settlement, from the media group... he just stood there and smiled and did NOTHING to provoke or even respond and he won in the end... Passive resistance is more aggravating to people like that because they want you to "go off, and cuss, or get mad, or react to them".... bullies do not like it when someone just ignores them like that... You did good...