VT - Registered Shetlands


Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Rineyville, KY
I have the following Shetlands for sale:

SFF Kitty 111 - yearling musket ewe. Friendly, halter-trained, nice fleece. I would keep her, but I need to keep my Shetland numbers low. $375

LanDavi Myrtle 108 - yearling moorit gulmoget. Friendly, halter-trained, nice fleece. She is nice, but not as nice as Kitty. $375

These two would make a nice starter flock for a youth or someone just looking for a few sheep. They are ready to breed this fall and, if they stay nearby, could come back to be exposed to my new ram. $700 for both ewes. Discount available for a 4-H youth

SFF Eugene 104 - 2 year old gray katmoget/gulmoget. He is well-behaved, not aggressive or destructive. His horn are good, a little tight maybe, but they have adequately cleared his face. His fleece is soft and single coated. $400

BrynMeadow Peregrin 278/85 - yearling moorit gulmoget. He is also not aggressive or destructive. His horns are good and his fleece is looking pretty good, but not my favorite. $325

VinegarRidge Mr. Beans 115 - black gulmoget lamb (born 3/28/14). His fleece is quite soft and his horns are looking great. $350

I can make up breeding pairs. Technically the ewes can go with any of the rams, but they will be slightly related. The best pairs are Kitty/Eugene and Mrytle/Peregrin.

PM me for more information!