Loving the herd life
What is your favorite chicken breed? Why do you like it? Do you want more? This is the place to talk about that kind of stuff. Enjoy
These are the same reason's I like Dark Cornish and Spangled Cornish bantam's for their color. They are not super friendly another reason I like them. They lay better than what's claimed and I figure having a few extra hens to make up for egg production also helps make up for predator reduction. And If one hides and broods a batch of chicks while the coop gets raided I already have my replacements.The hens will go broody just enough to reproduce their own kind but not so broody that you can't break them of it. They are excellent mothers, excellent foragers and enjoy excellent health.
Silver laced sebrights. The pictures are my newest pullet- Minnie!What is your favorite chicken breed? Why do you like it? Do you want more? This is the place to talk about that kind of stuff. Enjoy
I forgot to finish answering all the questions. I love how small they are and they have such a big attitude. They are like Minnie dogs. Ha ha puns... I want to breed these in the future.Silver laced sebrights. The pictures are my newest pullet- Minnie!
Lovely birds! You should apply for the picture of the week (POW)I forgot to finish answering all the questions. I love how small they are and they have such a big attitude. They are like Minnie dogs. Ha ha puns... I want to breed these in the future.