Ringo has Moved to TEXAS 2-28-19 to 2-6-23 Goodbye Dear Friend


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Old horses may be a labor of love, but the ones that stay with you forever have earned it. Been good and faithful family servants, friends, babysitters, etc. They deserve the care of staying till they die calmly and quietly with the ones they love that love them. How could I send off a horse that has carried my children safely for years, carried me safely, never kicked or bitten, carried kids double, done playdays, long trail rides, horse camping, done whatever we asked regardless of what they thought about it? Who would send an old friend to the sale yard just because they were old? We loved to see them enjoying their retirement. Cool windy days would send them in a frantic canter around the field remembering their youth. I still miss them all.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
I pulled a few weeds in the garden, Ringo walked up and down his fence until I brought him his share. He loves the lambs quarters and poor joe, anything with a deep taproot. I don't know what those plants are dragging up from the depths, but Ringo eats them with great gusto. The ewes were on the pipeline pasture, or they would have been yelling for their share too.

The lambs saw Ringo getting goodies so they started yelling at me. I offered them a bunch of lambs quarters, they tasted, snuffled, chewed a little, but plainly they were not impressed. So I offered that bunch to Ringo. He carefully sniffed...… I secretly think that Teresa had a little talk with him.....Now look Ringo, you are important to our flock, you are the BIG DADDY around here and you have to stay healthy. Lambs have GERMS. Lamb slobber has GERMS. DO NOT eat after the lambs or you will get their GERMS. Yes, lamb slobber will give you NOSE BOOGERS. Lamb slobber will give you warts and make you go blind. Lamb slobber has been known to make ram testicles fall off, you don't want THAT do you? Ringo carefully considered the lamb slobbered weeds, remembering what his former Mommy had told him about lamb germs. He snorted, utterly rejecting the germ laden offering. Heck NO! He didn't want his testicles to fall off, go blind, or the other horrors of being exposed to lamb slobbers. I offered him another bunch and he happily ate them. Good boy. Always listen to your Mommy.

This one had Teresa cracking up. She was sitting here eating some supper so I read it to her. She got to laughing so hard she had to put her plate down. :)


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Today, Ringo got put with the girls. Actually he put himself with them. The ewes were grazing the yard, I looked up and there he was. BJ didn't hook the gate good enough and Ringo just squeezed himself through it. Ok fella, you earned it.

Ringo ran around sniffing back ends, curling his lip and tried to mount a few. They weren't having it, pretty soon they all settled down and went back to grazing.

Since it seems that Ringo has moved out of pasture #1, I let the lambs in it. They ran, jumped, grazed and had a good time. After a while, it started to rain, so I put everyone up and came in.