Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
You are right. I will have to adjust my lambing and sales in Texas to when the demand is better and prices higher. Here late fall and winter prices are not so good, so I am breeding to have all my auction lambs available from December through May. Fall ewe lambs will be retained and fall ram lambs will go to the butcher. I will have to change around as necessary to suit the market when we relocate. I will have some 3 month old lambs in October (4 ewes lambing in June) and then some more in December (5 ewes lambing in August). Then all the rest will follow in monthly rushes. A lot will be first fresheners so probably singles.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
We weaned all lambs except for twin ewe lambs that were only a month old, last weekend. I'm getting my ewes back in condition to breed, shooting for the January-February auction market. That's when prices are the highest here. I've always bred for February lambs so they could hit the early spring grass at weaning, then raised them to slaughter size. Since I no longer bother with slaughter, selling meat, I'm going to breed for the best auction prices.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
I learned about one of the ridiculous California regulations last night during our weekly family Zoom call. My sister is having some work done on her house. Next up? The pre-tape drywall inspection. DRYWALL INSPECTION? WTF???? Apparently they have to make sure enough nails/screws were used :th I wonder if they later have to inspect it to make sure enough tape and mud were used as well :rolleyes:

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
I learned about one of the ridiculous California regulations last night during our weekly family Zoom call. My sister is having some work done on her house. Next up? The pre-tape drywall inspection. DRYWALL INSPECTION? WTF???? Apparently they have to make sure enough nails/screws were used :th I wonder if they later have to inspect it to make sure enough tape and mud were used as well :rolleyes:
That sounds ridiculous, but there's probably a backstory to it that might give it more context. Probably also would depend on if the work is being done with permits or diy.

Hubby is repairing our house now and not messing with permits or inspections.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Since we are familiar with California codes, all our building is done that way - although we don't often get inspections. Technically here is Los Angeles any work costing over $500.00 requires a permit!!! That rule has been around since forever and takes no heed to the fact that $500 is nothing in building anymore. Most repairs also require permits here too. Ridiculous until you remember that a lot of so-called "contractors" here don't bother to have a license, insurance, or build according to code! We find that doing it ourselves is safer faster, and a better job!
Oh yeah! and no permits or inspections if we can avoid it. SSHHH!


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Well, the agent asked about the electrical in the Yelm house. Apparently, the "house inspector was concerned about the electrical wiring". The buyers "were concerned about no heaters in the bedrooms". I told him that we had run plug in electric heaters in there for years and that you could add another room onto the split system.

I pulled all the paperwork, bills, and permits on the electric panel from all the years we had upgraded for the HVAC, the pump, and the RV outlet on the porch. (I keep all paperwork on all repairs, etc.) I told him that if the buyer's inspector had noticed the knob and tube wiring in the attic, he had not properly inspected it or tested it since it had been completely disconnected over 30 years ago when my aunt had all new electrical installed in the house.

The electrical panel had been upgraded, inspected and permitted when the new electric hot water heater was put in around 2012. (?) She also had the house roofed around that time.

Since then, the electrical had also been inspected when we put in the HVAC in 2015. That electrician first thought the K & T was the existing wiring in use, and we would have to rewire the house. :eek: I would have done it but MJ told him that she had the house rewired when she bought it. . After telling him to check again because the K & T had been disconnected but not physically removed from the attic, he again checked and said that it was definitely dead. The new panel was upgraded then for the HVAC, permitted, inspected, and signed off.

Next inspection was in 2016 when DH had the RV plug added to the exterior of the house and another breaker installed.

Last inspection was just last February 2021 when we had the new pump :rantinstalled with new wiring. Again an upgrade on the panel and a subpanel in the pump shed, another inspection and sign off on that permit.
What I don't understand is that these were all supplied to the agent for the inspector - who obviously paid no attention to them!!! :he

Not going to worry. Haven't slept well for the past week or so. I fall asleep watching tv, stagger into the bedroom and into bed and instantly I'm wide awake worrying about finding a ranch. Last night I took a tranquilizer and got the first good night's sleep.

For some reason the agent also asked if we had turned the damages over to our insurance company. I told him that yes and been reimbursed for the pump and electrical less our deductible. Personal property was disallowed. No idea why that was something to tell the buyers, but maybe they were hoping they could make a claim on our insurance themselves!

Anyway the agent seemed very pleased with all the information and paperwork I sent him so hopefully it will close. Only 28 days to go. :fl I did tell our agent that since the K & T wring was considered an antique now, I would remove the ceramic tubes myself from the attic when we return to Yelm. There are some in the bunkhouse too. Maybe I can sell them to antique dealers, or on consignment. Every little bit helps. I would have to look at the way they attach since they might be useful in running hot wires on the ranch! LOL ;)

Finishing up our tax info and my annual financial filing on the NNNs. What a hassle since I have to pull paperwork and replace the figures from last year with the ones from this year and then add and subtract everything. Then I have to send a copy of our tax return to RBFCU to back up everything. Oh well, doing business requires lots of paperwork Wait till we run the ranch! I cant wait to find out what else I have to fill out for the government!

Spring is here now. Overcast as our May weather usually is. I wanted to turn out the lambs from the creep but DS1 wants to keep them for another few weeks and turn out the ewes instead. OK, he is managing the day to day work now to I give him his say.

I also have to choose which additional ewes I want to move down with the ram that is breeding. The 5 ewes seem to all be bred, but I will leave them in there for another week. I will add a couple of others though to get a head start on fall lambing. This is the best time to breed since I don't want lambs coming while I'm in Texas other than 3rd timers. FFs need me here just in case. Tht way we can


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
On April 7 the buyers sent a document stating that they accepted the inspection without requirements, but wanted to inspect the pumphouse. After they inspected all the new stuff with permits they had questions. I answered the questions and our agent
sent the answers to their agent. Now the buyers have a "wish list".

They are asking us ". . . to have licensed and bonded electricians add capacity to electrical panel in the house to accommodate additional heat supply in bedrooms; add 220V outlet in hallway closet; run power line from meter to bunkhouse and repair electrical panel; run power line from meter to loafing shed and connect previous wiring to new connections."

!!!!!!! WHAT? !!!!!!!

First, the existing split system HVAC will accommodate the installation of another duct through the wall into the bedroom from the existing system. When we installed the heating system we made sure that the system and electrical panel would carry it.

Second, installing a 220 V outlet in the hall closet so they can install a washing machine and dryer is not my problem since there is not a laundry room there now.

Third, demanding that we spend upwards of $40,000 to upgrade the electrical panel to handle 2 other buildings, installing a new panel in the bunkhouse and requiring us to rewire all the electrical in the bunkhouse and the barn is really out of line!

I sent our denial to the agent. I pointed out that they had accepted the inspection of everything except the pump house. There was nothing in the pump house to require any upgrades on the panel. There is already wiring for a 220 V outlet on the porch (although I know they think they will just put the washer and dryer in the hall closet but don't want to pay to have the electrical run.

Next I pointed out that the bunkhouse and "loafing shed" (the newer three sided barn) were sold "as is" and that the fact that 15 years ago my aunt had electricity there made no difference to "As Is". I think that we would almost have to double the panel size in order to completely rewire both structures, as well as installing a completely new panel in the bunkhouse. Since the city codes are now in effect for that property, the cost - based on what they charged to run wires 40' through the house attic to the pumphouse and install a sub panel for the pump ($7,000), we estimate it would cost around $40,000! The electrician also said that the service had to be put underground.

DH wanted to cancel the sale right then, but I told him we would just refuse to do this work which is not necessary to occupy the house. The addition of the additional heating duct on the split system would be about $2,000-3,000. If they insist on the work being done, I will cancel the sale although I told the agent that if we did the work we would raise the price of the house by $50,000 to pay us for our time.

Actually, if we don't sell it we will go up to the house and move in for a while. Probably add a laundry into the hall closet which is adjacent to the bathroom and in close proximity to the hot water heater. The other hall closet will also be torn out and half of it opened into the small bedroom to provide a closet there. That will leave about a deep 4' wide hall closet for linens, etc. Then we will enclose the hot water heater into the hall closet and make it a small laundry room. We will add the second duct into the back bedroom and add some IKEA closets in that room. These are all things I wanted to do before for my aunt but ran out of time.

Then we will rebuild the bunk house into a second little house that can be rented. Split system heating system, small 3/4 bathroom, kitchenette, and bedroom. with the way rentals are going in Yelm we will be able to rent that for $1200+ and the other house for $1800+. If we get really aggressive we can repair the old enclosed barn and rent it out for storage. There are a lot of military in Yelm.

If we were to decide to stay in WA :sick:barnie DH could fix up the open barn for rabbits and get a good rabbitry going there. Rabbits are quiet and no one would know since we would fence it for our Anatolians who would keep everyone out.

Does this sound like I am trying to make lemonade from lemons or just very peeved at these buyers!!! I guess they think we are so anxious to sell that they can hold us up like bandits. Probably liberals! Wanting everything for nothing and not wanting to do any work for it. Next they will probably want us to fence the entire 4 acres! Add on a few rooms! Put in a pool!

Our agent is going t call me this afternoon to discuss these totally unreasonable demands - oh, sorry! Wish List. I have a Wish List too!

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
That is crazy! I bet they think you already put an offer in somewhere and were trying to squeeze you into doing the work so you didn't lose the sale. If they have already signed off on the inspections you definitely don't have to agree to their "wish list". You might want to ask your agent, but I believe if they have accepted the inspections and are past a certain point, if they back out now you get their deposit. Stick firm. Either they want it or they don't.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
I spoke to our agent and he says that their agent is going crazy with them. Apparently they got a good report on the inspection and the inspector said that the electrical panel would handle the whole house, the bunkhouse and the barn (loafing shed).

So what is the problem? They wanted the inspector to guarantee that they could do everything with the panel and although he said it looked fine, they were worried. Our agent said it appears that these people have no knowledge of electricity. The inspector told them if they were that worried about the electric panel they could hire an electrician to look at the panel. That panicked them and first they wanted to cancel the contract but their agent and our agent suggested instead to ask for some things to keep the escrow open while getting an electrician out to look at the panel. Their agent is getting the company we had for the HVAC installation come out. She has a good relationship with them and says they are very good so she will trust them. Since they are the ones that upgraded the panel in the first place, they ought to be able to approve it.

DH as ready to cancel himself, but has decided to see what happens. Personally I don't think they are very smart about a lot of stuff. None of the plumbing or electric are older than 6 years. The septic has just been repaired and at 1200 gallons is certified for a 3 bedroom house That means that we could drain another bathroom into it making the bunkhouse reno into a second little house a go. DH was worried we would have to dig another but we could just connect the bunkhouse bathroom to it.

DH remembered that there is a circuit in the main panel that is connected to wiring that exits the attic at the old damaged weather head where the storm brought a limb down on the wires. That line brought electricity to the bunkhouse and barn. That line is dead ended where it was disconnected from the weather head but could be reconnected easily.

Like I said if we have to keep the property, we will fix up the bunkhouse into a 1 BR house for rental. It won't take a lot for us to do it since we will only have to hire an electrician to hook up the wires from the supply to the bunkhouse. DH and I will run the wires in the bunkhouse ourselves since we will pull off all the wallboard. We will need to install insulation and new windows anyway. We can put up the drywall ourselves and DH can tape it and mud it. We will have DS1 come up for a few weeks while we work on the kitchen and bathroom installation.

Hoping to close on this sale but still annoyed! Glad I refused to read their "please let us have your cute house" letter because I am pretty annoyed with them right now. Our agent thinks that the electrician's inspection and ok of the panel will convince them to go ahead with the sale.

Even madder about the City incorporating the property! If we could have had our sheep there it would have been a great little place for us.

Other than the constant rain.

And being so close to my sister.

And the horrible liberal politics.
