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  1. jsteph3919

    Help with newborn goats

    I always give a little nursemat paste to eat of the kids right at birth and a bucket of warm water with electrolyte for the mother.
  2. jsteph3919

    Opinions Please

    I have 10 acres with 7 goats, 2 cows, 6 chicken and 3 geese with one labradoodle to watch them all. 3 of my goats just had babies. I have never had any issues. There is wooded land all around me.
  3. jsteph3919

    Opinions Please

  4. jsteph3919

    Deworming Goats

    I had a pregnant goat that had a cough for several months and couldnt figure out what the cause was. The vet told me not to worry about it. Strangely, after she gave birth the coughing Stop.??
  5. jsteph3919

    goat not producing milk

    I have a 4 yr old who is getting ready for birth, she is very big, but shows No sign of having any milk. One breeder says sometimes they dont show till birth. She has given birth before.
  6. jsteph3919

    No sign of milk

    My 3 yr old doe is getting ready for birth but I do not see any sign of full udder. One breeder told me that some dont show sign of full udders till right before birth. Any advice?
  7. jsteph3919

    minerals (copper)

    Everything I have been told is that Goats need copper. You can get mineral blocks or bags specific for Goats.
  8. jsteph3919


    I am also wondering if anyone has given Miralax for constipation to the goats?
  9. jsteph3919


    She isnt on IV yet, vet is out of town so she is still with me. I am concern about lack of bowl movement and she has been eating and drinking a lot. I decided on my own to give her warm water with electrolyte call "bounce back" she is drinking a lot of that. Along with the daily 5 cc of...
  10. jsteph3919


    Yes, I have been giving her 5 cc of fortified vitamin B daily. Thanks
  11. jsteph3919


    yep, the other vet wants to put her on IV
  12. jsteph3919


    This is good information. I might drive over to the other town and get another opinion about all of this. I think your right about the Vitamins. Thanks for your input
  13. jsteph3919


    My vet said to give her 6 cc of Gentamicin and 5 cc of fortified vitamin B complex for 3 days, twice a day.
  14. jsteph3919


    I had one of my female goats doing circling pacing. Called vet out and he said she had Listeria and gave her 6cc of Gentamicin. I need to repeat dose 2 more times. He check her hay for mold, but said it was good. He noted that they usually get it from moldy feed. This was a new one on me.
  15. jsteph3919

    Vet came out and treated her with Gentamicin.

    Vet came out and treated her with Gentamicin.
  16. jsteph3919

    Circling disease, (Lisperiosis)

    Circling disease, (Lisperiosis)