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  1. L

    Baymule’s Journal

    No power steering doesn't scare me... LOL Just the volunteers to teach me dried up, claiming "plausible deniability" on WHO instructed me to operate the machinery. I already told my husband and his dad... (who happens to be teaching our 15 almost 16 yr old how to operate said backhoe...) once I...
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    Baymule’s Journal

    *fan girling over here*
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    Baymule’s Journal

    *please tell me you run the backhoe... please tell me you run the backhoe...* Being able to run the backhoe on our property is a life goal for me 🤪 tell one measely relative to get their life right or they become fertilizer and suddenly "heavy equipment operator" is taken off your "to do list" 🙄
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    Baymule’s Journal

    And where, sir, is the fun in that? 🤣
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    New to these parts...

    So... Odds are he's sunburnt - oops. (I claimed to family he looks like a kid who got a HORRIBLE 80'S bowl cut 😬) unfortunately the mats were almost to the skin in some places, and I was diving deep in a less than desirable set up. Our Ram was definitely stressed after the fact - yet he bounded...
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    New to these parts...

    @Baymule being I know Texas heat is much more humid than California heat - I have a question. Our Ram never blew his first or second year coats and is walking around with excessive wool and we are headed into 3 straight days of heat advisories here. I'm concerned we should get that wool off him...
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    New to these parts...

    @SageHill No, they came from a farm in the next town over from us, another small (but growing) set up. I went out to open up there pen to a bigger area this morning and they were bouncing ready to GO! But as soon as they ran past me, turned around and came back waiting for me to bounce with them 🤣.
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    New to these parts...

    The sheep we recently got to start out with - 4 Katahdin ewes, 1 ram and then I picked up a Dorper Ewe and wether that are about 4 months old (and currently seperated from the rest of the flock so there are no accidental early pregnancies). The Dorper "babies" are loving being closer to the...
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    New to these parts...

    I should have added my husband and I moved home after 20 years of being gone with the military - our son was born in SE Texas! ;) We spent 8 years in Corpus Christi.
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    New to these parts...

    Sage, I was born in Long Beach - so I know both ends of the state quite well - despite having lived elsewhere during my husband's navy career ;)
  11. L

    New to sheep/goats - a strange request

    What was the final outcome? My recommendation was going to be if you could get him to hand them over, and they become yours go that route. But otherwise I agree make him take them all.
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    New to sheep/goats - a strange request

    I just introduced myself LOL. Between being a mom of 2 teens - a teacher & a college student myself and having been thrown into ranch life last year I forgot to do that!
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    New to these parts...

    Oh were to begin on introducing myself and the ranch. I married into a cattle family that has been doing this since the 1800s. We have had ever iteration of additional animals over the years I have been told through legend... including the story about a goat that jumped on a freshly...
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    Herd/Flock Management Options?

    I will look into it thanks!
  15. L

    Herd/Flock Management Options?

    Good Morning fine people! I wasn't sure where to post this question, so please keep the 🔥 to a minimum ;). My husband's family is a longtime cattle family where the "kids" are now taking over herd operations. Obviously there are things we think we can improve - however we aren't trying to...
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    New to sheep/goats - a strange request

    We are very, VERY new to sheep, as we don't have any yet but are learning/researching. However, I wanted to comment on your statement about being pragmatic about how your meat animals are raised. Our family has been raising cattle for generations (and before anyone 🙄 at me - my father-in-law is...