
  1. A

    In search of LGD in Florida

    After a year with no problems, I believe I have another bobcat in my area. I set a trap last night and didn't get it. (I have successfully trapped in the past) Will try until I get it, but I think the better long term plan is finding a couple Livestock guardian dogs. I have goat kids on the...
  2. M

    Opinions Please

    My family lives on 12 acres with another family. They have ~12 goats and a Pyrenese. We have ~6 sheep and were going to get an Anatolian to be with them at all times. We were told not to get the Anatolian and that they would get another Pyrenese to run free and gaurd the whole property. We do...
  3. Wehner Homestead

    Wehner Homestead LGD

    Since y’all seem to like Queenie ;) and I’m a little attached to her, I thought I’d start a thread to share our LGD stories and pics on. We do plan on adding at least one more LGD sometime this year. Queenie LOVES her human kids. She now makes a daily trip in the house to clean up any messes...
  4. Southern by choice

    Callie Returns to Her Field 1 Year Later!

    Callie has been in heat and now that she is finally and I mean FINALLY out I decided to return her to her boys! All her boys! :) Kiko Bucks and "D" and "Tiggs"! She is in great weight too! 135lbs! Tiggs had gotten so fat we put him on a diet so he is down to 140 +... D is well, just massive...