Boone-My Anatolian Unicorn


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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3 Dr appts in town yesterday. Mine was first thing in morning so we left between 4:30 and 5 am to get there. They did guided injections into both sacroiliac joints. Dr says “gonna be a pinch then a bee sting” BULLSHIRT!! That bee had to be the size of a pterodactyl! Hurt all day and of course I couldn’t lay down all day like they said to, because he wanted to run 6572 errands for the ranch before the 4 hr drive home. (We got home shortly after 10 pm so a mere 16 hr on the road 🤬)
At breakfast he decided to go to the place I said having Boone would be a nightmare. And it was. The acoustics are horrible, having a high, industrial ceiling, and Boone didn’t want to lay close by the table, and when he did lay down, he choose to flop on his back and chew on his leash. The manager complained that he wasn’t wearing a vest…to which I informed him that the ADA law states Service Dogs not only are not required to wear vests, but are not required by law to wear anything identifying them as SD’s. He did have on a red Scarf that identified him, as it was 100 degrees on our last trip. He complained there was no certification on us and again, I informed him nicely there is no such thing. I did not intend to let Boone continue to act up even though he was quiet and in spite if his mansprawl, was not in the way as our table was far removed from every other one. I had Randy take him out 3 different times to let him pee and try to get him to settle. Driving 4 hours then expecting him to lay quietly is a bit much. I wanted to at least get him properly positioned before relegating him to the truck with the AC running. Idaho law gives Service Dogs in training public access rights equal to finished dogs. The guy was trying to tell me he’d received “several complaints” which I knew was untrue as the few people who noticed Boone were laughing at him. Nevertheless, I kept my cool, got him in place, then removed him to the truck while we had breakfast. It was not a great beginning.

During hospital appointment for Randy, we went to second floor which was all glass walls. Boone has a fear of heights. I got him settled away from the view but he literally had his toenails dug into the carpet, so I took him outside where he would be more comfortable.

While there, an old lady on a scooter stopped and begged me to take him to the retirement home she served on board of, as “it would be so good for our residents to have him visit”
(I am pretty sure he would have to be a certified Therapy Dog, which he’s not, although he would be great at it).

It takes all kinds.

Due to pain, I rode in back seat of crew cab with Boone and noticed for the first time he didn’t cry on dirt road. He needed to feel safe and not seperated.
We have to go back Monday. I would like to let him stay home and take Fen instead. It’s been a long time since Fen went and Boone needs a break so hopefully this time I can give him one.



Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
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Southern CA
I wouldn't go back to that restaurant. Write a letter to the owner or chain and explain you will not be back and you will also tell other SD owners not to patronize the place. Me thinks the "complaints" (if any) were more along the lines of pleasant comments about Boone - cute, silly, well behaved, etc. and the manager decided any words anyone said were complaints because that was what he wanted. LOL -- the patrons liked Boone better than the manager.
PS - and the manager knows squat about service dogs.
PPS - as for taking Fen next week - won't be any easier with him, and if he's not going to be your SD, then you need to take Boone because he needs to get as much as possible (and where you're at you don't get out that much). But follow your gut instinct.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Boone is coming into his own. He goes out on his own to patrol the back yard and pastures. He had BIG BOOMING barks tonight! I bet coyotes were in the back pasture, I’ve been hearing them coming closer. They’d have a heckuva time getting into Mister’s pasture and Boone can’t get out so he’s plenty safe to do his job without back-up. Such a great dog ❤️


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Boone cried the first 1 1/2 hr of the 4 hr drive to town yesterday. I felt like crying with him. It’s just too dang long of a drive to go anywhere. I finally had to go sit in the backseat with him, which made him happy. Of course once we were in town he was happy as a Golden in a mud puddle. There are 2 tables at the egg place that Boone likes. The waitress said if we call ahead they will reserve a table for Boone. How’s that for royalty?


At Randy’s first Dr appointment Boone chose to entertain the waiting room by adopting his favorite, classiest pose, which is this one, except with his vest on. *smh*


I wasn’t as amused, especially when I went to pull him closer to me and he thought it was a great idea to grab his leash and play tug. We waited in the truck after that
Next, we hit the farmstore where he carefully chose a new antler to chew on, and carried it with him through the store and to the cashier where he grudgingly released it in exchange for a giant dog cookie she had behind the register. He flopped to the floor to methodically eat it and vacuumed every crumb. People in line behind us watched him, apparently fascinated ( has no one ever seen a dog eat cookies before? Seriously?)
He got his antler back but tried to rent it back to the lady in exchange for another cookie. I got the stink eye when I put the kabosh on that.

He totally enjoyed going through all the stores, but as he’s a growing boy who doesn’t run around much, he bottomed out in Costco. We were walking along just fine when he suddenly sat down hard, nearly yanking me off my feet. (Remember, he is my MOBILITY dog!) when I asked him go forward, he quickly went belly up on me. I had to explain to people staring at us that he gets very poor mileage as I had to feed him a limited number of snackies to go a few feet.

We had dinner at Carl’s Jr which worked well for him as it was quiet, the tile floors were cool for him and he ordered a puppy patty.


He was a very, very gud boi and of course insisted I ride in the backseat with him, so we piled all the groceries on the front.
Then he proceeded to ride with his head and chest up front on the console with his butt in my face, leaving me in the back by myself. 😳

He really needs to sit out a trip!


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Boone moves with me from spot to spot (as a great Service Dog should ☺️) and as he lay watching me package the rabids I processed last week, I dropped something. I asked him to hand it to me. It was too far from him for him to do his mighty stretch to reach it without getting up, so he moseyed over, promptly laid down on his belly, picked up the item in his mouth, and still laying on his belly, set it in my hand.
It occurred to me that this is always his M.O. He never just reaches down and picks something up to hand me directly, he only hands me things while laying down. Of course, at 30”, his back reaches my hip. I’m short enough that he can easily reach my hand while lying down. I’m just not sure what his thinking is or why this is his method? 🤔

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