I have a 2 week old babydoll ram lamb. I got 1 week ago. He is a twin. Mom would not tske them. He got colostrum at birth and has been bottlefed since day 2. I got him 1 week ago and they said he had started breathing funny after a bottle. We assumed he aspirated formula because he is an aggressive eater. I took him to the vet, they gave him penicillin and a dose of Resflor to last 4 days. Then, I went back for another dose 4 days later of Resflor because there was no change. He is active, eating, pooping & peeing and growing well. But he still breathes hard all the time, but it gets much worse after a bottle. We have him on a slow flow bottle so he is not still aspirating it. He has been indoors since birth. Twin is doing fine. Any ideas? Could this just be the way he is or is going to be? Do I need to do more?