Bruce's Journal


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
OK, I'm thinking maybe Sunday. Winds NNW at 6 or 7, perfect direction and I THINK not too strong.

I collected up all the branches and pine cones around the old oak and the pine on the SE side of the house and added them to the pile. Covered it with a big tarp so the pile won't be full of snow from the next couple of days.

I have a plan worked out given all the advice here.
Mix rubbing alcohol with diesel fuel and gasoline, add some aviation fuel for good measure. Soak the pile and make a trail starting on the windward "side" running out to the SE and light with a match while standing next to that "fuse".

Is that about right? :lol:

OK, for real, about how much of the 4:1 - 6:1 diesel:gas mixture would a person need for a pile of this size? Should I be putting it on the entire pile or only on the downwind side where I will lighting it and the rest will burn naturally? There is no green wood in the pile but are some pine branches that I cut out of the tree by the pool, mostly dead when I cut them. Some of the stuff on the bottom has been there for 6 years, could be compost by now!

This is a picture of my fence plan, prior to installation. You've seen it before but probably didn't pay attention to the burn pit. It is that round grayish thing center right north of the garden and to the right of the fence.
Screen Shot 2016-11-06 at 7.35.08 PM.png


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Sounds like you've got it down perfect! like a science! I'd go with that plan almost exactly :lol: Will be diligently waiting for "film at eleven" ;)

The more liquid enhancer you deliver, the faster and more comprehensive the burn will be. Being the generous (and apparently accident prone) person that I am, I'd use a 5 gallon container for ease of measurement and fill with 4 gallons of diesel followed by 1 gallon of gas at the local filling station. I know I could get those measures correct by reading them right off the pump as I filled. Then liberally apply obtained mixture over the center area and light.

Actually, 1/2 gallon should be adequate I'd guess. :idunno I don't measure for things like this. I use what I have in an amount that "seems right"... I also don't "pour" it on... I "throw" it to get a better/lighter/more even dispersion over the entire area. With straight gas, that causes highly flammable fumes which (creep along the ground) causes the "WHOOSH" or "WOOOF" if you prefer. That shouldn't happen with the mixture.

Wishing you success. I'm sure you'll be glad when it's done and gone.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
We have several burn piles in different locations and as a rule, we don't let it above waist hi before we burn....summer is knee high.....and we only vuse waded paper to light it.....most of the branches and limbs that fall are dead when they fall, so not much is needed to get them burning...we always have way more dry than green, so it is easy to mix them as we burn....we had one pile that we kept burning for 4 days before conditions put it out. My Dad thought if it wasn't head hi it was fine and it had to be Big.....he thought what I do was a waste of time.....:)

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
We don’t typically use accelerants. Pieces of paper feed sacks work well as starter. Depending on the size of the pile, we may start it in a few spots around the circumference.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
bout how much of the 4:1 - 6:1 diesel:gas mixture would a person need for a pile of this size?
Not much.
You don't want the mixture to burn the fire..just to get it started.
About 1 or 2 coffee mug's worth should be plenty.
Those unwanted, unsolicited, no-one-ever-reads-anyway piles of mailbox ads and 'circulars' with a little straight diesel on them will work too.

(I cannot believe, 1 million years after homo erectus [back in the Pleistocene geological epoch] learned how to make and control fire, that modern man is questioning how to do it)


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
(I cannot believe, 1 million years after homo erectus [back in the Pleistocene geological epoch] learned how to make and control fire, that modern man is questioning how to do it)
We forget how to do things that we haven't been taught to do ;), want to be careful I don't create a hazard. Lots of people douse with gasoline so one could think "hey that must be a good way". Only I've read enough to know that is not real safe. Not that it CAN'T be done, but dangerous if done wrong.

I watched the neighbors to the SW figuring out how to control a fire they started last summer. Too far from the house for a hose. Lots of bucket running and shovels and running around. I think they might have needed new underwear when they were done. Of course I will have snow all around my burn pile not weeds. They never mow their field. I think maybe they didn't think before they started theirs.