Chillin' with the herd
Hey y'all,
We just got our first two goat doelings about 2 weeks ago, and they're a little under where I want them to be weight-wise (the larger is at 58 lbs by the hg*hg*l/300 calculation. I plan to scale her sons). I'd like to try and get at least one of them to breeding weight this season, and everywhere sends to be recommending Calf-Manna. Is there an organic equivalent supplement? Or am I basically going to have to count on hay+grain+successful breeding on the first try?
We just got our first two goat doelings about 2 weeks ago, and they're a little under where I want them to be weight-wise (the larger is at 58 lbs by the hg*hg*l/300 calculation. I plan to scale her sons). I'd like to try and get at least one of them to breeding weight this season, and everywhere sends to be recommending Calf-Manna. Is there an organic equivalent supplement? Or am I basically going to have to count on hay+grain+successful breeding on the first try?