Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
A few updates. I mentioned in @B&B Happy goats thread that Michael had a followup Dr appt. Said the break is healing VERY WELL. That is a welcome relief. He had been doing EXACTLY what he was told because I know he was scared to death that if it didn't heal he would have to have replacement surgery and did not want to go through any more pain etc. Very thankful for this good news.
He has been on "walker" for the stability, but can use crutches now. He is allowed to use the foot for some stability and to not put more than about 10 lbs pressure on it, but it sounds like he has that pretty well figured out.
Yes, he can get in and out of a vehicle, I took him to do some errands last week. It is a little awkward, but can sit and all without any real major problems. The muscles are "achey" from not much use, and the dr wants him to bend at the knee and all to keep them flexible. So, he is getting more mobile, and his balance is getting better because he is not hurting so much either. The sister took him for his appt because she had to go for an appt in the next office complex over. I will have to back down on her a bit as I did find out she is married to the new babies father, and I guess he has a pretty good job as she doesn't have to that is a plus there. Haven't heard much about the GF lately, so don't know how things are going.

Did find the bush hog, we had brainstormed again and it was where he thought it was, only down in the other field. I went up and saw it, then called the friend & told him. Then went and got fuel for the skid loader at the barn, then got more to take to the tractor. Went up and opened the gate to the small 6 acre field, and called the cows up and put out a couple salt blocks there so they would go through into that field to graze. That helped as Rocky came and we could get him through the other gate, get the bush hog hooked up and not have to fight the cows at that gate. I did not get anything done with the sheep. Maybe today, after the followup Dr. appt, because then I will go and do the chickens real good so I don't have to go up in the rain tomorrow. I am not going to do the laundry today since it is supposed to start clouding up late this aft and they wouldn't get dry. Think that I may go do them tomorrow, while it is wet out, then we are supposed to get sunny but very breezy (windy) for Thanksgiving and into Friday. They ought to dry good that way.

Got the testing done yesterday, and don't have to go to anyone else until Sat. Got several for next week already, but they are spaced Tues, Thurs Sat. Tues is my big herd (500+ cows) that my son usually helps at, but the girl who was going to "replace me" when I had the surgery, is going to replace him for the next 2-3 tests. Thurs is the 250+ cows. Sat is a breeze with only 110 cows. Had the farm that does their own cows call and wants to do them that week. It is right near the 500 cow herd, so I will call him back and see if I can drop the meters this Sat when I go to the herd that I put off, then I can pick them up on Tues after I do the big herd and save a trip and some gas. Finally, something is falling into place.

Don't know what all Thanksgiving plans are. I haven't cooked in years because my son was never here when he was young and I always had invites. Then he seemed to always go eat with others so I just got out of the habit. There is a big benefit dinner on Wed eve that we have gone to for years. I asked him what he was thinking, he said he wasn't sure. So I am planning to go to the usual dinner that I go to, and if he wants to go then fine.

Got to go out and do my chickens here, then head to the dr. It is sunny and looks to be really nice today. Was 30 and already up to 42..... supposed to be in the upper 50's-low 60's...... NICE.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Well, I was also told today that the dr told him that if he had an automatic vehicle, he could try driving if he used the brake with his left foot and only used the right for the gas. So, he decided that he wanted the automatic bale truck that I have been using to feed some hay. So after I got done with my follow up dr appt, I came home, and changed into "barn clothes" and drove the red & white automatic bale bed truck up there. My little 4wd ranger was up there at the barn. I was trading trucks some so that they were all being used, and driving the r&w truck home so I could bring a roll of hay when I needed one, up the hill from the rows of hay here at the one hayfield, instead of making a separate trip.
He said he will do the hay feeding...... okay, getting in and out for gates will be interesting, because he has not fixed any of the gates to get them back on hinges when they have had problems.... which I used to constantly complain about, then I gave up..... but if there is one thing I hate is a gate that won't swing on hinges. There is no excuse for it. Now I can accept it at places where we rent, because if it is our gate, once it is put on the pins, it is considered a permanent improvement and we can't take it with us. And gates cost like $100 or more new, so don't want to be putting a couple hundred into rented places. But where there are already gates, and he just wouldn't take the time to fix whatever needed fixing, I get p.o.ed..... So, whatever.

The sister brought him up to the "barn" and he decided that the bulls needed to be moved and the cows that are getting hay need to be in the front "hayfield" there..... The owner (widow) has put her house on the market, it is a big house, rather fancy, and across the road from the front hay field; and is going to build a smaller house in the front hayfield. So we are trying to get it grazed down for a couple of weeks before they decide to tear the fence down. I sure hope this is going to reflect in a reduction in rent, but I doubt it. The only thing is, I guess that sister did alot to help get some gates and such up to patch some places that the bulls tore up...... but again, it has been nearly 6 months since it has needed fixing.... and just gets put off,,,,,. but when they got up the cows to move them, they did not got around the back field (cows had all 3 small fields that were connected with gates opened between them) and left one small calf that the momma cow kept wanting to come back for, plus 3 other cow/calf pairs and a big heifer back there. I was really aggravated.... I did catch up the little calf, put it in the front seat of my little 4wd and take it around to the front field and went in and as soon as it made some noise, momma came right up to it. Then after some real "around and around" got the other 7 to go through into the field closest to the gates to the front field, and shut the gates behind them. Hopefully they will find their way down to the open gate, into the creek area, and then tomorrow will be able to open the front field gate and get them through. But all this could have been avoided if they had waited and told me that was what they were going to do, and I could have made sure all were headed in that direction.

I did get up to do all the chickens, and managed to get the 3 ewes in the back ( I thought there were only 2 but nope, 3) separated from the 2 rams, and moved into a section where they will hopefully find their way through in with the ones out front. Gate shut and the rams penned in the back. It was getting late by this time so didn't bother with the ones out loose. Maybe tomorrow.

My blood pressure was 148/90 when I went to the followup appt. All the numbers on the blood work were real good.... sugar was normal, O 2 was 100, pulse good, iron good, vit D low normal but not bad, so all except the blood pressure. And honestly, I am not worrying about that because my chiropractor said it was 127/82 or there abouts when I was there.
Then of course they start going through all the things that "as people get older" ......:barnie:old:old:rolleyes::rant:th.... did I have a pneumonia vaccination....NO; flu vaccination.....NO; colonoscopy......NO; on and on. I did agree to an updated tetanus, since I think it has been over 10 years. That is one thing that I am okay with....partially because it is a "killed" vaccination. I am not going to get a flu vacc, or a pnuemonia vacc, or a shingle vacc.... I will go have a bone density test and a mammogram while I am there at the same place. Been 5 yrs since the last mammogram. But there is no real sense to keep getting them unless there is a change in the feel, etc....I have had fibroids for ever, and am not going to get all worried about it. They don't "change into cancer" so just leave them alone.
She did ask if I would consider taking something for the elevated blood pressure and I said NO. I know that my weight is not helping that. I have read alot about blood pressure medicine when a friend went on it and they had all sorts of other problems. I think that getting some weight off will help, that will come about if I can start to walk normal. I had lost 1 lb in the 2 weeks since I was there..... with everything else "looking very good" I will wait on the blood pressure situation. It isn't like it is crazy, just a little high. With all that has gone on lately, I am not really surprised.

Got an appt with a neurologist on Dec 30th. She said that she didn't even know if they will do the EEG now that everything else looks good...... Okay..... why go? But I will do this as a followup to the "episode" with the eyes locking, and the "possible seizure" BS diagnosis..... Get it out of the way then just go on about LIFE.

Going to have another "followup" appt after the results of the neurologist are in. Anyone know a "quickie way" to lower your blood pressure before a dr visit????? Then I can be done with all this if the BP is down that day....

Dr appts are a PITA......
I've seen more dr offices in the last month than I have in the last 10 years..... thinking this is a racket.....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
OHHHHH, I did get some good news. The ankle replacement is tenatively on the schedule for FEB 6th!!!!!! Have to go down for a pre-op appt about 2 weeks ahead....they will let me know, I picked the 24th or 31st of Jan...... Dr had some conflicts in scheduling from the middle of Jan to the end of Jan when I thought it was going to be like the 28-29th. ; then another conflict.... So it is a little later than I had hoped, but only by a week....still looking at end of March (6-8 weeks no weight bearing) for the fusion to be complete, so still hoping to be back to walking and going by the end of April.....

It is maybe better this way, Michael ought to be up and going good by then. And I will go into whatever "rehab" I can for at least 2 weeks but I think I can qualify for up to 20 days. By then I ought to be at least in somewhat control of pain, and getting around decent enough to come home and be able to function.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Just checked the recording thermometer.... It was down to 30, and got up to 70 !!!!:ep:yesss: today. Started out sunny, but by early afternoon had clouded over. Was out in just a long sleeve t-shirt today and was warm..... Supposed to get down to the 40's tonight, then some spotty rain/showers as this front goes through but then WINDY..... gusts up to 50 mph..:th:th:tongue. I might not be able to hang clothes on the line, they might wind up in the next county:lol:. Still planning to do them tomorrow though, want to get some stuff into some plastic totes since I have some things to put away..... and going to get a DVD storage type cabinet. Have been pricing them, on line and everywhere, and found that Target here local has as good a price as anyone, and no waiting. It will make some room and organize some of the mess in the LR. Maybe able to find something even cheaper with the "black friday" craziness.....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yes, @Mike CHS , our weather does normally fall about 1 day after what you get although sometimes the rain will go north of us. We are getting some of the wind now, but it too seems to be trending a little north. Still , gusts of 50 mph are in the possible forecast.

It was a cloudy day and quite warm considering. Sun came out after about 2-3 pm, and was quite comfortable. Then the wind started about 6-7 pm.

Went to the chiropractor again this afternoon, and got a good adjustment. Really worked on my neck and it made me see stars for a minute, but then all was better. I told him about the ankle replacement date and we decided that 3 more times, about 3 weeks apart, so that I have an adjustment right before I go in for the replacement. I ran it by him about the blood pressure and the PCP suggesting BP meds and my very emphatic no. He told me that with all the other numbers being as good as she said they were, he did not think it was excessive.
Plus, he told me something that they learned a long time ago in Chiropractic school, and that was recently discussed when he went for a seminar..... about people getting older and their blood pressure readings. Used to be that 120/80 was considered good, normal, etc. Then it was lowered to 110/70 as being ideal. He said that it is a racket by the pharmaceutical companies to get more people on "drugs", because both BP meds and cholesterol meds are the 2 most prescribed and more of a "cash cow" for the pharmacy companies, because they are so often prescribed.

The rule of thumb used to be, and one he still prescribes to overall, is a persons' age plus 100 /(over) 90 as the top end that you need to start worrying about it. So if that is even close to the case, 166/90 would be my "top end"..... and it was 148/90 at the PCP. Yet today, he did mine again, and it was 138/79..... maybe I just don't like going to the (PCP) doctors very much???? And like he said, and I fully agree, I am overweight and that doesn't help. I need to drop about 30 or more lbs.... to get down to where I usually feel most comfortable.
So, I am not going to obsess over it. I am still going to try to continue eating better, had a bowl of oatmeal this morning as I knew there was the Thanksgiving dinner this eve., and maybe see if I can find the time to look into this "silver sneakers" that is included in my medicare/supplement stuff.... maybe find a few things to do, that are not dependent on my standing on my feet/knees/ankle...... Yeah, in my spare time.

Went to the community Thanksgiving dinner this evening. My son actually texted me about 4 to see if I was planning to go. I had pretty much decided that I was going and was not going to ask him again. He called Caleb, and his whole family was going to go so we all met at 5:45 and ate. It was nice. But I see and feel the "cooling off" of my son's actions... didn't even get a specific hug or anything from him. The GF didn't come, said she had to get her daughter from the ex and then stop at the grocery store..... when Caleb's mom asked if we had plans for Thanksgiving we both said no, and I said that Michael so often was never here for it that I quit cooking years ago, and he just said that if he hadn't fallen he would have been up at my parents this year; but the hip prevented it this year. He never said anything else. I don't know if they are doing anything for it and I didn't ask. If they do something I don't think I am invited. I will not "invite myself".

So, I will go up and do the chickens in the morning, see if I can get the 3 ewes over into the other field, and then go to the barn. He got the other 3 cows but only 2 calves through the gates today. Instead of leaving them alone to find their own way since there is no grass in the field they were moved into, they would have gone on their own in a day or 2..... so I will go see if I can get the single calf over. Just makes me pretty mad. I also asked if he fed the hay where my nurse cows are, and he said no.....well, I would have taken a roll up the hill if I had the truck today...... so I will ask Rocky to feed them tomorrow if he doesn't get it done. GRRRRRR.
If I make any comments, then I am "always complaining".... I am thinking more and more that this all is going to not end well..... He mentioned going home when we were leaving the community center, and I said something about did the heat pump get fixed again; they have "fixed it" twice now, and he said yeah, and I said well, at least you will be warm, and he said what do you mean, and I said well you said you were going home, and he said I'm going to BV.... GF house. So now that is "home"???

Happy Thanksgiving to my extended family here on BYH 🦃 🦃 🦃 🦃 🦃 :clap:clap:jumpy:jumpy:celebrate:frow:frow:frow:bunny


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I read your BP information to my husband. He was on a statin drug and it screwed up his memory. Bad. He was taking BP medicine and it lowered his BP to the approved number but he felt sluggish all the time. He no longer takes either one, his memory came back and now he has a lot more energy. We applied his age to 100 and he has great BP numbers! Thanks for sharing that pearl of wisdom.

I hope you have a good day today. How rude of the GF not to invite you. Men can be easily led around by their hanging appendage.