Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Tuesday. Sunny and warmer than yesterday already so that helps. Supposed to get cloudy and showers/rain all day tomorrow then chilly for Thursday and Friday.
Got up here with a few small boxes. Had to make some phone calls, and the service seems to be worse lately at the rental house. So I came up to get that done.
Ate some cereal, talked to a farm and got them set up for Friday.

Heading back down to get the rest of the stuff out of the one freezer. At least it is nice out.

I think you are right @Baymule combination of hurting and tired of the moving. But I am feeling more positive about it. Going to get with the tree guy and get that done with too. Decided that I am going to get him to make adjustments to the price rather than have them come back for the stump grinding out in the front or anything. I think that I can get DS to get it out with the tractor with the bucket when he has it up here at the place across from here. Or get it done when I get the holes for the fruit trees done. Would really like the stumps ground in the back where the boxwoods were, down to ground level.... but not sure that I can deal with them back here for this. Will see what he has to say when we manage to connect on the phone.

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
If you are just wanting the stump cut to ground level, someone might be able to do it with a chainsaw instead of a stump grinder. Then you might get some fire wood out of it too. I think cutting that low might possibly dull the chainsaw though, as there's the possibility that dirt or rocks have gotten onto the stump.

I agree you should hire some movers and get them to finish off the rest of the stuff, so you can relax a bit and focus on one house, plus stop paying for the second place.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Stumps from the boxwoods will not make firewood... they cut them off about 1 ft above the ground.... high enough to be a PITA.... the 2 walnuts are about 6-8 inches above the ground. The stump in the front is about 1/4 rotted, about 8-12 inches above the ground, and a bunch of roots going out from it that just needed grinding up. No way to use a chainsaw without getting into the dirt on any of them. Hence the whole wanting them ground.
I wouldn't have cared so much IF.... I hadn't gone over that stuff with the guy about 3 hours before they did it all when I was gone ..... I mean I showed him the stump in the front, walked out where the boxwoods were and said that I understood that they could not grind the roots but just wanted them down to ground level.... and specifically we looked at the apple tree and I said I just wanted it cut up into stove lengths and just the little bit of brush in the chipper.... And they did NONE of what we talked about.... they didn't touch the stump in the front, they didn't grind off the ones in the back, and they ground up ALL of the broken off part of the apple tree.... TOTALLY OPPOSITE of what we discussed just a couple hours earlier.... that is why I am still pretty P.O. ed about it. DID NOT leave one stick of firewood....

Went to town to the cow sale and bid on one bred heifer, but did not get her. I didn't have the trailer and was not coming home to get it for just one animal so quit bidding; most were too high priced and they were decent cows but nothing extra special. The ones with calves were 16 -1800 a couple 2,000. The rest were in the 12-1500 range.
I did meet up with my farmer and get my meter that we left in the parlor after milking/testing the other night.

Leaving at 6 a.m. with DS to go to the dr appt. Then we will go to Rural King, kinda a "ritual" and then get something to eat. Go by the one stockyard near there on the way home and see if they have much. Supposed to be raining, so he cannot do alot here. He said he did get some litter spread this afternoon. Still has more to spread and wants to get the barn cleaned out now that most of the cattle are gone.

Then Thursday afternoon he will go with me to the 500+ cow herd to test. Friday I have to test one that only tests every couple of months... the one where my cows are milking. That's 200+ and they help set up the meters and take them down. I will feel it though....
Just noticed the sign at the farm not too far from here that their bull sale is this Sat I think. Don't need any but we usually go for the "socializing" - visiting. I imagine there will be a fair number of farmers there.... we are all tired of this BS.......Alot will depend on the weather as if it is nice, many will be getting spring work done.... fertilizing, fences etc....
Heading down the hill to take a shower and get some more boxes to the back door.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Making some progress..... left this morning at 6 and went with DS to go to the dr appt. Rained most of the way down and was showering off and on the rest of the day. He did get injections (prolotherapy) and was sore but functioning. Then went to Rural KIng, picked up some automatic transmission fluid and some chicken feed for his birds.... few other odds and ends... Looked but no canning lids or jars. I only need some lids... probably going to get more Tattlers.... would like to have some to keep back ...... I need to get some jar rubbers for the glass bail top lid jars and use them again, too.
Shelves were not well stocked. Things are going out faster than they are coming in. Same thing at Walmart... alot more empty places than there used to be. People need to get used to this and really prepare for this as the "norm", it is going to get worse.
Went to a take out small "fast food" local place and got burgers and onion rings where we have eaten before. Then went to the stockyard there and sat.... Prices there are up, and nothing we could use. Left there and came home... DS was going to try to do some feeding even with the mud.
Dropped off the coveralls for gf's sister, in his truck, to take when they go to the gf's mothers' house for dinner this evening.

Stopped raining for awhile, but another round this evening, with it getting WINDY and cold.... some snow in the forecast around dawn..... Crazy.....

Tomorrow is PT for me in the morning. Then the 500+ cow herd in the afternoon.

Talked to the tree/boxwood guy. We have been playing phone tag.... discussed the stuff since I will be at work Friday, when he said he could come by. Told him about the apple wood and the walnut all being chipped instead of leaving it for me to burn in a wood furnace.... and the stumps not being done. He said that they are waiting on parts for the stump grinder.... like everyone else, parts are hard to come by for many things.... He will look at the stumps and stuff, said that they could grind the boxwood stuff off to ground level... and the one in the front.... Then he said when he got the stump grinder back up and going, we could see about doing the boxwood stumps and the one in the front. So he cut the price $300. from the agreement, which was more than I expected, and he will give me a price after the grinder is up and running and then would fit it in. So, I am pleased that I didn't "go off" when I first saw what wasn't done..... and waited til I cooled off. He also said that they often get alot of maple, ash and other wood that they don't sell and need places to get rid of it... so would make sure I got some wood when they were in the area.... soooooo... I will leave him a check Friday morning before I leave for work.... and go from there.

DS gave me a check for the calves that were mine, that got sold in the last bunch. Plus the charl heifer that went with the group we delivered last week. I also told him I would "take " the 2 cows I bought a month ago at the cow sale... The one has a couple nubs for teeth and the other a very short set. Both have calves on them. He said that was up to me, I said that since he bought the 12 heifers, that I figure that he was wanting to maybe not have quite so much money tied up and I didn't mind paying for them. So we deducted them from the check since he had already written a check for them. So we are square as far as money goes now for the cattle. I will deposit it tomorrow when I go to PT.... and will pay off a few things and then keep the rest back. Tomorrow is the first of the month so normal bills will be coming in ..... but they are budgeted.... good feeling....

So, I am going to head down the hill.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Just caught up on the past month of your thread. Good to get all the cattle sorted and sold for good prices. Sorry about the heifer and calf losses though. Especially the loss of the $1300 heifer that DS was hoping to use to upgrade his herd. Also the aborted calf.

Can the big cow that lost her calf be bred for late calving like you were suggesting to DS? That would give her a month to recover before being bred back. Since the orphan calf is a bull, keeping him on 801 might not be so bad if she gets extra groceries while feeding him. Since it is just the one calf, and he is a bull, he can go young to the auction late summer/early fall.

Hearing how long it has taken you to move to the new place, shows me that we are wise to plan on at least a year or so to get fencing into place for moving our sheep to TX.

Hope the weather gets better and the mud dries up.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Seeing lids in stores here, limited but they're coming out. So far only wide mouth lids but both size for lid/ring combos. Jars too. Most are Ball. I think it will improve soon. Prices close to normal. Tell me if you want me to get some for you.

I see TP stacked in backrooms of the stores I work, way plenty. Overstocked. Lysol still tight and moves fast...

Some of the supply is held up by transport issues from the overall weather ... Just clearing.

Hope your milking goes well this week. That's a big herd! The credit from your tree guy issue seems fair. Sounds like he has crew issues, knows it, trying to be fair. Young workers don't always work as they should. Sounds like a part of the problem there.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Ridgetop , yes, the cow that we pulled the dead calf from will just go back to get bred. She is a good dispositioned cow... I mean how many would stand and eat a pile of grain while you have a calf jack against her butt pulling a calf out of her with no halter, no tied to a tree or in a chute????? Not going to penalize her for not taking the orphan calf. With the prices that I have seen the last couple of cow sales, it will be a wash to keep her and re breed even though it means waiting another year for a calf.... than to take the chance on an unknown cow.... As you well know, losing animals is part of having them.... the saying is "if you have livestock, you are going to have dead stock"....
Moving for you probably won't be soo tough with having someone to do it with, as well as having better functioning knees and legs than I have.... and your DS that seems to be more helpful than mine sometimes.... But it is somewhat time consuming and frustrating and intensive....
Sometimes I think that it would have been better to be moving a longer distance and HAVE to get things done on a time table.... but then I would have paid a major moving company to do it because being by myself is the pitts.

@Mini Horses , ran a couple errands after PT and was there so went in Walmart and no jars, no lids, no band/lid sets.... they are still pretty non-exixtent. None in our local farm bureau co-op store either. I am in pretty good shape overall.... but just keep my eyes open for picking up extras. I do not want to be caught short......if I get to that point I will let you know. I am thinking that it will get better too....

Yeah, I think the tree guy knows that things are not perfect with the "younger help". So at least that is okay for now. I really would like the stumps in back - boxwoods and 2 trees - ground down and the one in the front. So, let it go for now and maybe it will work. If he comes up with some firewood that they don't like to sell, which I am assuming they mostly like to sell oak and all that type of hardwood....and I don't understand his not liking to sell ash as it burns good, splits very easy.... but I will gladly take it for the wood burning furnace. So, let things work themselves out.

It was chilly this morning, 38 when I left for PT. Had another .2 inch rain last night so just short of .9 rain total. The temps are saying down to the TEENS possible tonight and tomorrow night.... 40's today, and tomorrow 30's-40's.... then warming into the 60's and maybe 70's by Sunday / Monday. Light breezes and sun/clouds for the week with temps more "normal" 60's +....

Got the boxes in the car for testing this afternoon. going to make some PBJ sandwiches for later when we are testing. Have some snacks in the car and will take something to drink. Got to get the trays of bottles ready for the farm on Friday too. I have to pack all these samples Friday morning, and get all the meters that I have here, loaded, then stop and get the rest at the farm that used them to check some cows milk weights. I will be gone most of the day.... leaving here by 9:30 a.m. Y'all have a good day.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Sometimes it can be hard to get good help. We had a furniture store and sometimes nobody even showed up. Sometimes all we could get for delivery guys didn't even have a drivers license and DH had to drive the truck. Sometimes I drove the truck. I always told the guys that I could do anything they could do except pick up a queen sized sleeper sofa. That always made them laugh because they knew it was true.

So I'm glad you cut the tree guy a little slack. Good employees can be hard to find and hard to keep.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
"if you have livestock, you are going to have dead stock"....

So true and so hard for a lot of people to deal with. I hate it when it happens. Blame myself for a day or two then move on. That is all you can do.

Hopefully the weather will improve for you and you can finally finish moving. Sounds like the GF is finally understanding that you deserve some time from DS as well. Hopefully, this will help with being able to have a better relationship with her and her family. It sounds like she can be a worker herself when needed with the cows.

Have you decided if you are going to retire from the testing? For a while you were considering it.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Friday eve.... got back about 9:30.... spent some talking to the family at the farm since it has been several months since I have seen them. This is where my 6 cows are milking..... they did decent for being first calf heifers.... 26 to 35 lbs each..... not bad for smaller animals since theirs are all holsteins. That'll give them 50-60 + lbs per day. Looking forward to seeing what their butterfat comes back at. They look good though, they have put on some weight and rounded out. I am pleased. Got to go get the calves, they are weaned... I thought they would have sold them as I told them that if they had a buyer to sell them. So I will give them something for raising them.... 4 bulls and 2 heifers. I will band the bulls and sell as feeders this fall probably, and probably keep the 2 heifers...

Ache from doing the big herd yesterday and then this one, but that is how it falls sometimes.

@Ridgetop ... I haven't decided about retiring yet. Still thinking about it, but if the replacements are a success.... which I am hoping/planning on.... it might not hurt to keep doing some. I have 1 farm that I believe is going to quit testing... another that I just found out has applied to put in a "solar panel farm" on some of their BEST crop ground.... and heard about a week before that, that they might be selling out the end of the year. Have another that is going through the process of trying to sell some land along side the interstate for a warehouse facility.... he is 72 and milks everyday and it is just a matter of time for them to sell out.... So it may become even more part time than it is now and testing might just be okay to keep doing.
Some will be determined how I do with the replacement surgery. I am not going to give a notice before the surgery... going to do about the same thing as I did with the ankle replacement.... get everyone tested right before I go in.... and let them know that they are going to have to "skip a month" as I do the initial recovery, rehab.... then get some help to do those that have to be tested... and see from there.... I keep thinking that it might be time.... but then if it comes to where I am only testing 4-6 a month... that is no big deal....Just going to play it by ear.
The economy and the whole mess in the current government, and things like the proposed "PAUSE" bill that Colorado is trying to get passed , will determine where this country is going.... and some of the farms just might decide that they have had enough.... The job may just "peter out to nothing and disappear" ....... The company will not replace me, there are not enough herds for a full time tester.... If it comes to me retiring, I will suggest they go to the competing company where I know they will get some service since my gen mgr. is just a figurehead..... I test about 8-10 a month on average now... if 2 or 3 go out/quit testing, I will be down to an avg of 5 a month.... I could handle that and the little extra income would be good. Kinda like @Mini Horses ..... there are days you don't want to do it, but then the paycheck comes in handy too.....
Alot will depend on the state of the economy and the country, and how I make out with the replacements. I might just get all through it and then go back and do for a month or 2 and say, I am done too......

Packed and shipped the 500+ samples, left the ck for the tree/boxwood guy. Stopped and paid my electric bill at the bank..... it COSTS to do it online..... $3.95 convenience fee if cc, and 1.00 if paid out of the cking account.... so screw that, I drive right by the bank and can write a check and pay it for free there.... Went and got the meters from the other farm that had borrowed them, and then went on to the farm to test. Feet and knees hurt... I am going to go take a good hot shower and go to bed....
Bull sale is tomorrow, down the road... might go for the "socializing" and the lunch.....we don't need any at this point for sure.

It was about 25 this morning... FROSTY..... sunny, windy and chilly all day. Tonight they are saying possible upper teens..... BRRRRR.... but sun and maybe 60 tomorrow and back up into the low 70's several days next week. I will be able to work at the house getting some stuff boxed, moved, and some cleaning up I hope.
DS said that he will get some help to move the heavier stuff.... I said maybe in a 10 days or so.... thinking like after the 10th, 15th..... then it will give me a chance to get a bunch of other stuff sorted and moved...out of the closed in back porch; you know the junk collection type stuff.... and all the tropical fish tanks that are in the storage that I have. Want to have a few here again.... I miss my fish. They are very relaxing and I enjoyed them.

But the mattress, box spring, couch, corner cabinet, desk, and the cupboards that I will put a few in the house here in the kitchen and utility room... and the freezers.....So I need to get on stuff in the next few days.... Got one farm to do next week so far... many that I did this month are every 6-8 weeks so not many to do in April I don't think....

I'll worry about it tomorrow..... these samples will go out on Monday so don't even have to rush to get them packed tomorrow. I may work at the house a bit in the morning before I come up....
I ache, time for a HOT shower...
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