Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I've got the latest Apple I-phone. Or at least it was the latest a year ago. It is in a case and has the screen protector. It fits in my blue jean front pocket. I haven't killed it, not even damaged it. I face the screen to my leg and put nothing else in that pocket.

I had a Sanyo phone for awhile before switching to the I-phone. For a non-techie, the I-phone was the easiest to learn and use. This is my second or third one.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Well, it is after 10 so time to think about quitting for the night. Did another sink of dishes and bowls... almost everything caught up. Just ate some mashed potatoes, since we had a late lunch this afternoon, and going to have a big cup of hot cocoa once I get out of the shower. Got the one chair in the LR moved and up on the "risers" in anticipation of coming home so have something easier to get up out of if I need it. Couch is staying "low" (regular height) .... Got the little double fan out of the window to go upstairs for the winter in the storage room; pile of farming magazines to give to DS and some of the Epoch Times newspapers to take to a friend. Boxes of sample bottles in the house to put in the trays for tomorrow afternoons' test. I will take the meters and hoses and all down and leave at the farm mid day so they can set them up before I have to go back to test at 3. Decided to put some stuff in the corner cabinet in the LR since I don't have a good place to move it to, and just use it for storage of a bunch of stuff, for the winter. Can shut the doors to it so it isn't "junky" looking. That will give me room to get the coffee table over there to put the TV on it, and slide the dvd tower over to fit it. Ought to have most everything done by tomorrow eve I think. I have to go back to test this farm again on Monday morning, so won't work real late tomorrow. Then the bedroom, and then more in the kitchen. Going to put things I want together, in a couple of boxes, for the kitchen cabinets until I get the couple of slider things in. Decided that is the best way to get them organized and to decide which cabinets I want them in.

Didn't get the clothes finished to get hung on Friday, but ran them through the wash after soaking. Then added a few things so they will all get washed again, tomorrow morning and hung.

It is down to 50 and supposed to get even cooler(colder) tonight. 60's tomorrow then back to the mid-upper 70's through mid week. And sun again for a week.

On another note, has anyone heard about the $600 deal with the IRS... how if you do anything through your bank in that amount that it will give the IRS the right to scrutinize your accounts to make sure it is legit and to "make sure you pay your fair share of taxes"... you know that the limit used to be 10,000 or it had to be reported.... we don't hardly ever do anything that is under 1,000 with the farm..... I mean really... a 2 ton load of feed is well over $600 now... fertilizer is in the 1,000's a load... sell a 500 lb calf and it is over $600..... it is a way to allow access to your private bank accounts and more intrusive government into your private personal business... Even the banks are raising holy he// over it... It looks like it will get shoved through too.... when is it ever going to stop.
Go to a flat tax and anyone that spends more money will pay more... especially those that buy high dollar ticket items... stop taxing our income and tax all the spending so all the ones on the gov't teat have to pay some taxes... This is going to just make more and more go to "alternative ways " to do business. My son runs all the cattle through the farm accounts, and then gives me the money for mine... I pay the commissions and the Beef checkoff and all comes off before he gives me the balance. I "work" for their board (feed etc) and don't get a "paycheck", and I pay for alot of the vet work and then let him take it off as expenses... which it is, but I pay for it to help to contribute towards the farm... how am I going to explain the checks he gives me that I don't "claim for income"....because they have already been claimed on his... but a 1500 or 3,000 check is going to show up.... this is getting so far out of hand... don't know where it is going to stop.

Time to quit in here for the night.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Yeah. Not thinking there's a $600 limit on that.. paychecks are usually more. There is still the 1099 that needs to be issued if you are paid over 600 for working. Not buying/ selling stuff. Most companies do the 1099s for their contractors, pretty standard.

But banks, they still have the notify over 5 going on. So you have to make smaller deposits. 😁 with a smart phone you can photo deposit checks from home.:oops: heck. With Zelle app you can move $ to another in phone! Jan, you and I are way behind with tech stuff. Well, I might be ahead of you but, not far. :lol: I can use Zelle from my tablet. It's like paying bills on line, just person to person. There's even a way to get actual pay advances -- on your own paycheck -- out there now! Trust me, I'm both amazed and astounded at some of this stuff. We both remember and USED party line phones, black and white TV.....:th:old used being key word here. Old as dirt comes to mind. 😁:highfive::bunny:highfive::yesss::woot


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
My grandmother went from kerosene lamps, outhouse, and no running water (and Pappa worked for the railroad, a GOOD job and they weren't poor) to man walking on the moon, cell phones and computers and all the modern technology.

BJ didn't see running water and electricity until he was 10 years old.

My parents bought a brand new house in Longview when I was 2 years old for $10,000 It was 3 bedroom with 1 bathroom and hardwood floors. I just looked it up on Zillow. Zillow's price estimation is $164,300 and it is listed as a large utility room add on with 2 bathrooms. LOL The pictures are interesting, the hardwood floors are shiny, the kitchen is modern and new. 1465 square feet, as a toddler, it was huge to me and going from the den down that LONG hallway in the dark to the bathroom was scary. All the more so because my Daddy might be lurking to jump out and scare us with a flashlight under his chin and his false teeth stuck out. LOL

Well that was interesting. Anybody else ever look up an old house they lived in as a child on Zillow?


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Grandparents and great grandparents houses gone. Haven't been back to where I grew up because family is all gone from there... kinda hate for the childhood memories to get smushed under fancy big McMansions and such that all grew up around there as I about got to the age of getting married and moving to even more "country type property". I think my mother' s childhood home is still there... Haven't been back to that part of CT for many years. Never spent much time there, except in summer for the pool, swimming. Father's family had wide open acreage and a horse, and old barns and cow memories.... all gone for expansion of roads and commercial property....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
CHILLY START to the day. Temps got down to 43 last night. BRRRRR....:eek:🙁o_Oo_O. Fall has fallen !!!! Today will be in the 60's and then warming again for several days. But it is that time of year.

Going to make something warm to eat... like maybe some HOT cereal.... had a cup of hot cocoa this morning....Getting a few more things moved in the LR so I can get the coffee table where I want it to put the TV on it. Laundry in the wash so I can hang it in a little bit. Did some paperwork for job to send out in mail....going through junk mail and stuff to clean up a bit.
Hate having to go to work this afternoon... keep thinking it might be a sign ... of course, this farm is one I just don't like to do anymore with having to do 2 consecutive tests and samples and all that. and I get so da#*@d dirty/splatterd in there too. Gonna get the heat on in the LR as it is barely 60 and that is too chilly for me to comfortably work with the knees aching.

OH... I found the clips for the "spice cabinet" shelves.... so can work on some more shelves in there too.... YAHOO !!!:celebrate:celebrate:celebrate:weee:weee:weee:weee:yesss::yesss::yesss:.