Farmerjan's journal - Weather

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Pretty good weather here today, low 80s, partly cloudy and south windy.
I washed my truck for the first time since before the flood. Would have done the inside but got interrupted to go pull a horse out of a bog near a neighbor's pond for the 2nd time in 8 days and this time she didn't survive the ordeal so i ended having to dig the hole to bury her. I just hope she don't float up..

Ohhhh that's awful, sorry you had to do that!


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
I planted the "Big Boss" variety that is a livestock variety and it can handle a little cooler temps without damaging also has a high rate of recovery quicker than most other varieties.....I know we were small scale, but it sure produced and the goats, ducks, and chickens really like it....we mixed crimson clover and rye grain one year and changed from the rye grain to Austrian winter peas the next.....when the temps get up close to the 90s it deplets is one of the best reseeding rate also.....course, that means ya gotta wait for it to go to seed.....the crimson clover and winter peas will reseed....the rye grain has to be cut down....the stalks do not fallover after grain is produced....think miniture corn stalks...that is the reason I changed to winter peas....cause I was just tossing them out by places I couldn't get with rider.....that is what it did in Mississippi dirt, but was developed for the So. eastern states.....may be worth checking it out....I really liked it.....:)


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Baymule hope @greybeard sees your question as I have no idea of the variety of perennial ryegrass that will grow that tall. Interesting though, might have to talk to my son and see if he thinks it would be a good seed to overseed into some pastures.
Well, we had a real interesting day as far as weather goes. It started out at 37 * and was still cloudy and damp. Clouds started to break up and a breeze came up and then there was SUN :bow. :yesss::yesss::yesss::yesss::yesss::yesss::yesss:Then the temp started to climb and we hit 70* :ep:celebrate:celebrate. It is after 10 p.m. (dam this time change). and is still 60* . I am not unhappy to have it warmer.... but what a difference. We are supposed to stay in the 60's most all week, with nights down in the 40's....
I have no idea how the lettering changed on the computer. Did I hit a button? :idunno:idunno.

Oh well, guess I will have to live with it unless someone knows what I did to go to this type lettering.
Have a list of things I am going to try to do tomorrow in the nicer weather and have to get meters and such ready for Tuesday afternoon. Testing my biggest (currently) farm for the first time in 3 months. Times have been tough. Oh and on top of that, one of our testers is taking a job at the post office close to her house and is giving up most of her herds.:eek: I am going to wind up with one back of the two I gave her, plus 2 more that in the same area, one real big and one small. I do not really want them, I want to slow down.:old.. but since so many are not testing as much, I may as well do some more until I cannot do them, and keep my income up a bit. The other one I gave her she is going to keep for now. They milk so fast and are a real pain to set up at that I honestly do not want them back. My son has said he will go with me to do one big one because they have 500+ cows :thbut there is no meter set up there :bow. We'll see how it goes. The other one is small, 2 brothers, they milk 75 and they are my age so who knows how much longer they will be milking. They are nice, I've met them at our annual meeting. Our "manager" has told her to see if she can find other testers to do the herds so they don't have to hire someone. Like it is our job to do it.:barnie:he:he She is a real piece of S..T for a boss. That is one of the reasons this tester is going to take this other job. She is tired of the stupidity and LACK of "leadership". :somad:somad But she is like me, we care about our farmers, and have tried to give them good service all these years, and don't want them to get tested by someone who doesn't care. She has been testing for 29 or 30 years.... right out of high school, she is 10 years younger than me. The boss doesn't want to face it , but she is going to have to hire someone, there is no way we can absorb over 20 herds....:rant:rant:rant:duc:duc How dumb can she be???:th:th:th


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
What variety would that be and where can I find seed? The only perennial rye grass I have found is short, lawn type. I usually plant the annual Gulfcoast rye.

Almost all perennial ryegrasses will if you feed them N and plenty of water.
There's only one 'variety' of perennial ryegrass and that is Lolium perenne.

Sold under lots of different trade names but it's all the same.

IF you plant it tho, and intend to let it grow tall, make sure you fully understand how to manage it in relation to endophytes.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Sporadic light rain here over the last couple of days.
The weak El Nino that finally developed is in full effect and will bring spring rains across the South as the air from the West sucks gulf moisture up into Texas and moves it across the Old South. Currently:



Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Get ready for it all points East and North of it comes again... (you're welcome, no thanks required...always happy to share.)



Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Been a long week, and I have been off of here, for a couple days.
We finally got some sun and warming temps the last few days. Has dried up the ground nicely on top but still pretty wet in areas. Still, after snow then nearly .6 more rain last Sat and Sunday, we'll take this change. Today, Friday, is cloudy with some showers possible but looks to be staying a bit south of here. That's okay but I feel for those south as they have had their share and then some. It has been in the 60's and low 70's the last few days. After 20's and 30's at night warming to the 60's we have had roller coaster temps. Not normal. Last night got down to 61.... but then it is supposed to drop back to the 30's at night going forward.

My mom was in the hospital for a couple of days in NH. She has some dementia, and is back home but has to go for some therapy as all her "vitals" are good so Medicare won't pay for her to stay in a rehab. She is having trouble getting up, walking and such. I am going up in about 10 days, to my sisters, in Ct. then we are going to NH for a day or so. It will be a quick trip. There are alot of family dynamics, and not going to get into a "to-do" with my father or one brother over it. My sister feels that she is going downhill memory wise, and that this may be the last time I see her that she can still recognize me. My son has been suggesting I go up for about 6 months, so now it is happening.
I am more concerned about my son and the continuing headaches and now some "blank spots" happening occasionally during his day, in his memory from the work accident nearly 2 years ago. Plus the headaches have made driving some days a b@#@h and so I am doing some of the driving to the drs. appts. He is now contacting a workman's comp lawyer since the person at workman's comp has refused to allow some treatments/tests that the doctors have wanted for him.
His lawyer from the cell tower situation/lawsuit, has suggested someone for him and I have really pushed it. He needs to at least know what his options are, and any "statutes of limitations" that he may need to deal with. He saw a different craniologist last week, and they want an MRI which was refused by the workman's comp guy a year ago. This dr. has a SUPERB reputation, and is known to follow a problem until it can be resolved... so I am hoping he might be able to figure out and maybe fix the headaches etc. But we have been fighting the guy at workman's comp so I said, enough is enough, you NEED a lawyer to fight FOR you at this point.

And did I mention that the cell tower lawyer, has to go back to court for a hearing because the B@#@H and her lawyer refuse to sign the paper that the judge told our lawyer to draw up after the court case when they lost? So of course, more money... which is okay if we could get this resolved... but they seem to think that they don't have to sign this resolution. Our lawyer says they are trying to get it reworded so that they can go back to court in the future, and our lawyer has written it so that it will be a closed case after this. Obviously, so we are not going to be open to a future suit of any kind from her.... the thing is, this is just more aggravation that doesn't help the stress levels that make his headaches worse.

Verizon came back, went over the new "proposal" and all, with my son, and it will be resubmitted to the county. Hoping that it will only have to go to the board of supervisors, and not the planning and zoning, since it is the same property etc... we'll see. They (Verizon) are pretty determined to get this done it seems, and since they have met the concerns of the one neighbor about the proximity to their property, and even the B#@#H about the "roadway" along her property line... the only complaint she has it that she just doesn't want it to "spoil" her view.... there is very little to fight against.

I am continuing to work because if he winds up off work on disability, as his original doctor suggested, then he has said he will go with me to some of the farms to test and help me. This will continue to give me extra income that we might be needing. And it might mean making some adjustments to our farming. He will have more time to do things on the farm, but then any income will have to be considered.... it could get complicated. My concerns are more with him, then my mom, as there are others to handle that and my father has made it clear he "does not want my help" there. I am done fighting him. One of the reasons to go up with my sister... it will be less of an upset visit. Plus I haven't seen my sister in a couple of years. We don't talk alot, but seem to pick up right where we left off when we do. And there is no problems between us. Same with my other brother. It is just the one brother that there continues to be difficulties, and it will never change unless he does and that is unlikely because he cannot let things from the past go, no matter what we have done to try to resolve it.

So if I am somewhat absent from here at times, it is just trying to deal with things here. Have got to get a few farms that want to test, done, this next 10 days so I can leave. I will only be gone 3 full days at the end of the month.

On a good note, we are looking at about a week of sun coming this next week. We can really use it. My son is done lambing, only has about 10 ewes as he has culled quite a few and lost a few this winter; and we are starting to calve cows, so any decent weather will be welcome.
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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Well, good luck Jan, you have a plate full for sure!! Hang in there!

Plus I haven't seen my sister in a couple of years. We don't talk alot, but seem to pick up right where we left off when we do. And there is no problems between us. Same with my other brother.
Sounds like my wife and her mom & sisters. They don't talk often and in the case of her and her sisters, it's sometimes months, but when they do contact each other, you'd think they had just talked the day before. (I talk to my sisters at least once or twice a week, usually every day by phone)