Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
In and chickens locked. I wound up getting the walk behind weed eater out and after giving me a fit to get started... managed to do about 1/3 of the garden weeds. The ones there are big and thick stems and it takes time.
So, then I decided to dig some of the ones I had "uncovered" the rows. I wound up digging all the red Pontiacs... but I am going to check at the co-op as they were the only ones I bought local... I haven't weighed any yet but there are a BUNCH of LUNKERS... I mean huge for pontiacs.... and there are a bunch of smaller golf ball and a little bigger sized ones... but I have never seen pontiacs this big. I am wondering if they got a different variety and didn't know it... I will have to bring them in tomorrow out of the sun... but they are really really big... and a good yield off 4 lbs planted....
Also started on the next row of Austrian Crescent fingerlings and my feet started to get really sore from having to stand and bend over since I cannot get down on my knees... not that I could get up from the knees very well..( :th :th:mad::mad::hit:hit:duc:duc). But I would like to have that option.... Don't forget I spent 5 hours in the barn Sat eve and 2 1/2 hours this morning, and then nearly 2 hours with the weed eater... I did some stuff on the way out to the garden too along the path.... so feet started to protest...

Anyway... I will see about getting the weed eater going again tomorrow... when it got into some really thick stuff, it stalled and I just didn't have the arm strength to start it again....I had done that 2 or 3 times and restarted it. I will take something tomorrow before I go out to try to do it and give it a chance to dull the shoulder... then can pull it easier... :fl.

Did not get the clothes hung, so first thing tomorrow, and will hang both loads as the barn clothes are in the washer soaking now.

I am going to make something to eat... probably more of the chicken, and get a shower and quit early.... might watch a movie but would most likely fall asleep, so might not even attempt it.

This week is supposed to be in the 50's nights, and up to 80's... today hit 80.... but then this weekend it is supposed to be 10-20 degrees cooler than normal.... upper 30's at night...maybe 60 during the day.... don't hear of frost but it is going to get chilly....It won't last, we get this "dip" and then get some nicer weather for a bit.... normally.
I'm sitting here yawning now...


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
@farmerjan I understand those aches and pains. Ii had i e of thise nice walk behind weed eaters but something on it broke and he wouldn’t fix it, so I bought a light one I can hold but it won’t cut the larger weeds which are plentiful now After years of neglect so I bought an attachment for it. It’s not great but it gets them down eventually.
Gotta pace ourselves! I don’t have enough “good” days, so I tend to overdo. Hopefully next year it will go better.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Sun's coming up over the trees across the road. Ought to dry off the dew in a bit. 55 last night.....
Just ate the last of the custard for breakfast and took a couple of tylenol/ibuprofen to deal with the achey shoulder so I can go out and get the pontiacs picked up and into a cardboard box as protection from the sun. And hopefully get the rest of the Austrian crescents dug so they can cure and the dirt dry and they can get picked up also.
Then get back going with the weed eater and get more stuff cut off/chopped up in the garden.
Need to call chiropractor too, been lax the last 2 weeks with the cold bug I had, and then being busy last week and I feel the lack of adjustment in this shoulder...
Also waiting on some answer from a couple of farms...not going to beg them to test.
And forgot about my vehicle insurance being due so have to call and see if they will do it over the phone... got the bill in front of me... OUCH... pay once a year for the discount... but it's a big bite....

Don't think I mentioned it.... When I went to get the Explorer the other day, planning to drive it to WV to the roadeo competition... I went down the road a mile and the radio wouldn't come on... got an error message that somethig would not communicate with the display screen.... WHAT ?????.... turned around went back to the mechanics'... he put the little plug in thing that tells things about the computer and all...and then tried to do a reset.... See they had replaced the battery since it wouldn't hold a charge... it only had 54,000 miles but it was 10-11 years old... original battery.... told me they were going to have to replace it as they had to put the charger on it every time they worked on the ac compressor and such... okay, I get it....
They cannot get it to "communicate" with the screen.... the whole thing in the middle of the dash where the radio is displayed, the temp and all the stuff that tells you about everything you want to do... is totally dark and shows nothing now.
Now they are going to have to take it to the ford place to get it "reprogrammed".... all because they took the battery out and replaced it...mechanic talked to the guy at the ford place about it because he read the manual and tried all the things he read about how to reset this and that... and NOTHING has worked....
Found out that if you even replace a light bulb in it, you have to punch in a code first to do it... WTF..... REALLY.....??????
This is the last straw for me... it is going as soon as I can get it "fixed" ...... done with all this electrical BS......
So, when I went back to the mechanics with the radio not working, and he couldn't get it to reset I just got back in the outback and drove it over there last week...
NEVER dreamed in a million years that I would be looking at this BS nonsense....
So, get it fixed, get it sold, and then get back the insurance money that I have to pay up front for the coverage on it... I am soooo DONE with it and the electronic BS..... give me my old vehicles without all this stupid stuff.....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Even my cheapo little Hyundai has a back up camera screen on the dash. I almost never use it. I turn and LOOK. Vehicles have turned into driving for dummies. So many “safety” features, to protect us from ourselves. At least my car is a base model and doesn’t have all the whoop-de-do crap on it.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Can't imagine -- punch in a code to remove a battery? 😱 and a light bulb? Nope, not me. Then, with these electric cars, there isn't a charge station just everywhere! I can see "environmental" impact with fumes, fuel, etc but I'm gonna be a "polluter" for a long time. Hi tech on phone is doable, not my car.

A horse is sounding pretty good! 😁


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Horses may make a comeback - here is the gas sign we saw osn our way to my son's plae in Nipomo yesterday.

Those are prices for gas not even diesel! Our governor Gruesome wants to raise gas taxes (and prices) higher! And there is talk of him or Michael Obama being on the ticket in '24. He wants t spend us into oblivion and she hates the U.S. God help us if we don't get a republican in to open up oil drilling and pumping again! And build up the armed forces to protect us.