Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Canceled the farm tomorrow. Talked to the guy about doing it next week, and then in 6 weeks just before I go get the knees done; so 6 weeks apart instead of 4 weeks. He said that should work.... so I will get with DS and figure out a day the end of next week... then do them a couple days before I get the knees done, then ought to be in decent shape by the end of Nov... hopefully able to do it with help like normal... but we will see.... PT said I ought to be up and going good in a couple of weeks, just they will get sore for a bit until the muscles get used to working more... so if it doesn't hurt anymore than now. I will be good... and everyone says that in a week or so after the surgery, I will feel so much better.... just the actual "cuts" will hurt some, with healing.... but the joints will not hurt like they do....

So gotta get the samples packed and get out and go check the driveway, do the horse, go to the nurse cow pasture and feed them... drop off samples, go to the other pasture with the "old cows" and feed them....
It is sunny and cool out... real FALL like....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
There is a video on youtube.... Public Health Committee public hearing on immunisation... 2-19-20. It talks about the problems with nano particles and the results from how they carry things into the brain... and the aluminum and such that is used in vaccines..... I just typed in the public health committee and it came up. trying to find more to get a fuller picture of it. Worth everyone who vaccinates their kids with the multitude of things they want you to do all at the same time especially....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Decent day. Weather was absolutely BEE U TEE FULL.......Sun, clear, dry, no humidity, The perfect day I used to love to get on my horse and take off because we would really both enjoy it. Hit just 82 .....and it is already getting "chilly"..... after the nights not getting below 70 with the high humidity.... this feels like FALL....
Well, got alot of little stuff done.
Samples packed and sent out, checked driveway and did the horse, took feed to the nurse cow pasture and got some of the calves in. Not all, but several of them. I sat around up there, just to be a "presence" and GF comes up the hill. Seems she asked DS if there was anything he needed her to do, so he said to go to several different places to check and feed cows. She went to the field of the old cows and took a couple more gate panels on the back of the truck and left them there and fed some grain... she told me about where she fed it and I said that I had been feeding it right down at the gate where the other panels already were so we can get them in the pen... she said, okay, he never told me where to feed them so I just went up the hill a bit to a flat spot and put it out in some piles. So that was fine, said she would feed them right at the gate if she went there again to feed. Said they came to her when she called... but she only saw 6 and there should be 7 total... I will go by tomorrow and feed again down by the gate....she didn't know there were supposed to be 7.... Good thing I didn't go there too....
He told her to come to the nurse cow field (snyders) and to feed in the pen... it made me a little mad because that is "my field" and I am working with the calves to get them to come in.... and checking the water but that is not going to be a problem now with the rain.... Not mad at her.... but it is like he seems to think I don't do anything except when he tells me to..... she had a loaf of bread that she was giving to the cows, which I don't do.... but it won't hurt them.... so we just talked about a bunch of things, her daughters' in quarantine, from school, since one of the kids tested positive that sits at the same table...... just little stuff.... It was okay. I did say that I was going in there nearly every day to work with the calves and that I did not feed outside the pen to the bigger cows since they all come running if you call, they don't need any extra enticement to run me over.... she said she wouldn't feed in the trough that was outside the pen if he sent her in there again.... I explained that I was probably going to have to get the calves shut over on the smaller side and then open the gate and get cows and the bigger calves in since there are a few that won't fit through the creep gate. They need to be weaned anyway. and a couple will get sold... Still need to get the 2 bigger bull calves in so they can get banded... hope to do it maybe by this Monday...

I mentioned that I had gotten the flex hose for the stove in case he didn't get my message..... so hopefully he will get it put on sooner rather than later....Really want it done so I can cook.

Made some supper in the little counter top convection oven tonight.

Got 2 shelves scrubbed down and into the spice cabinet... 2 more in the house to clean but I will have to get more clips.... I wanted to make sure these would work as they are a little bigger/wider..... but the tab part that goes in the metal tracks are the same size... I had to squeeze them a little flatter with the pliers, just a little because I couldn't get them to squeeze by hand to get them in.... was hoping that by going through a couple other boxes the other ones I have, would "appear". No such luck... but as soon as I get this cabinet done you know I will find them....Emptied a box of silverware, utensils etc, into the sink to get washed; dish drainers emptied and all the stuff put away or in a box until I decide where it goes... so ready for the next sink fulls to wash. Have been getting a little more inspired to do stuff... Maybe because it is not so hot as to make you just want to collapse from the heat and humidity.
Whoops, got sun tea on the porch I need to go bring in...

Got some JB WELD brand "epoxy type" glue to fix the lamp. My mom made me a pair of chickens in ceramics and painted them to look like the SC Light Brown Leghorns I used to raise.... They are glued to oval wood bases and she put the lamp part behind it and it is brass like, and sticks up and holds the light fixture... The "hen" came off the wood base and I wanted to glue it back on and didn't know what would be the best to use... guy at Lowe's said that this worked for ceramic and wood.... so hopefully it will hold. Said it fully cures in 24 hours so I just set it on the floor out of the way.... One of the things that she made for me that i really treasure now that she is gone... Always liked them but now it really makes me think about her more. The rooster is still packed... I moved them myself so nothing happened to them because of the ceramics and because even if I had broken a piece, she was not able to fix them like she used to... so I was extra careful. The rooster's tail really is more fragile as the individual tail sickle feathers are separate so more easily broken.

Got to go check on the car repair costs tomorrow... He got a price on the forrester... it will take 6-8 weeks to get a new engine for it.,...3 year warranty.. someone he deals with all the time so trusts them.... and then they will have to get it in... but didn't have an answer on the outback that just blew the head gasket... for the new timing belt... left me message while I was up at the cows before... so I will go down there in the morning... Then I have to go get the samples since I am not testing at the farm nearby, to the owner sampler one... do his computer work and get them packed and sent out.... will stop at Lowe's and get another bag of clips since I will be going right by there....

Also out of printer paper, and Walmart is right next to Lowe's.... might do a little grocery shopping if I am in there.... got a couple things on a list....make the trip count....trying to keep stocked up with stuff....
Gotta remember to stop at the bank and pay the electric bill tomorrow too....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Well...... MURPHY'S LAW AGAIN..... If it can go wrong it will....

YESTERDAY......Started out having a good day. POA brother texted that father would be coming home, they were waiting on paperwork and all that.

Decided to go to get the samples and do the errands.... Went up and did all that at the farm, went to the other farm and dropped off reports...they are 45+ miles away one way.... came down and went by Kroger's because they had frozen lemonade on sale that I use in my ice tea and no one has had any. Priced some other stuff too.

Then went to Lowe's and got another bag of 12 clips (3 shelves) and some Minwax to do some touch up on the shelves that got some scratches.... went next door to Walmart and did a bunch of "extra's" shopping as well as got the printer paper . Came out and left for home. Had noticed some water under the truck but didn't think anything about it. Got pretty close down here to home, and noticed that the temp gauge was creeping up above the normal " r-m" spot that it runs at. Thought maybe it was a little low from when we had refilled it after flushing it... so I ran the heater inside and it went down a bit, then the heater started to run cool and temp was starting to climb. So from past experience I know that if it is low on water the heater will run cool.... I was only about 2+ miles so got it here to the house and it had gone up to the "l" on the normal..... Got all the stuff in the house, in the freezer and all. It was after 7 and I was aggravated and it is getting darker by then... so decided to check it out under the hood in the morning. I made some packaged "sweet and sour chicken" that I had gotten, frozen, on sale to try.... and watched a movie on the computer and went to bed.
Got up this morning and went out and opened radiator cap, and poured in water and it is running right out.... called DS to stop when he came up to the barn to check it out. He did, and says it is running out around the water pump.... so he is going to see about getting a water pump and might see if he can get it apart later today and maybe get it on it tomorrow.. in the meantime, the one place we rent, the owner called and said the one water trough is not running over but there is water all around the area, so it might be that the water line is leaking underground... so DS is headed there to turn off the well ; there is another gravity fed water trough there from the spring; and then see if it keeps staying wet then it is the water line... he is going to call me and come back and get me and take me up to get a farm truck with the bale bed, so I have something to drive.....Wasn't planning to go anywhere today except the cows/ calves to get in the pen at snyder's nurse cow pasture and to do the horse....but just one more thing.

Got a nasty text from POA brother that none of us must care about father since none of us called him when he got home.... I had thought I would when I got home from town yesterday but then the truck crap happened. I am so done with this brother's attitude. I did call my father this morning, and in the conversation just told him about my day with the truck yesterday and all.... never mentioned the text from the a..hole brother that is there... never talked to brother and don't want to. So, I will call again in a day or 2 and do my best to not talk to him again. Tired of his attitude. It is hurting any relationship I can have with my father because he "colors" everything that anyone does or doesn't do....

Going to tell them to go ahead with the car repairs, it is going to cost more than I want but the car will have a new "top half" of the engine.... timing belt, heads, head gasket, plugs, wires, etc.... better than buying something else used and not knowing what I am getting. Even considered for a minute....:hide:hide:idunno looking at new....but the thought of payments for even a few years makes me cringe.....and then the guys there said they have had to go do road calls and get 2 different 2020 vehicles in the last week.... and the cost of doing the diagnostics... and then getting parts which are all this electronic computer crap.... is so through the roof.... and they are waiting on some back ordered part to fix a 2019 vehicle for nearly a month.... NOPE..... gonna fix what I know is pretty reliable.....

So my "holiday weekend" is not starting out very good....

It is mostly sunny and comfortable mid 70's so far.....

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
When it rains it pours....well, as to bad luck, that is. Yeah, all the electronics on newer models scares me, too. My two old vehicles are getting reworks. As needed. I'd pick up a "newer" old vehicle from some one I trusted...about the extent of my newness.

I'm pretty much stocked with my thru winter set up, so far as house, food, supplies. I'll work at checking all outside winter lines, spigots, roofs, barns, etc before end of Oct. Need to pick up more antifreeze soon....look over any auto concerns, clean and grease any equipment attachments, etc...drain gas and winterize such. Need to get propane tank filled. I'll help DD with wood collecting, stacking. Etc. She has a splitter and chain saw. Hard to believe it's that time, already.

My mom said same as your friends about the knee more badly sore joints!! Just some discomfort from actual incision and sore muscles being used again. That may be a little less for you since your PT has been using them so much a prep and to aid ankle. A new life awaits!! 🙂


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Okay, back from doug's farm. DS texted and said that he was back so I could come down. Took the ranger the couple miles down there with no problem. He took the radiator out, some other stuff, got the water pump off. Called about getting a water pump, gasket set, and going to put some new hose on it. Also going to check on a fan as there are several cracks in the plastic.... everything is plastic.... :barnie I told him to get the fan too. So him and GF are supposed to go to a truck and tractor pull .... but she is not sure if she wants to go.... I told him I would go if she didn't want to go..... but looks now like she is going..... I am not inviting myself, if the invite does not get extended since I said I could go....
I did mention that I had the flex hose for the stove to get hooked up..... not going to beg him when he is going to do the truck, but I really want it done. I am going to read the directions.... I might try to do it myself. Says it needs a couple of lockgrip pliers... In fact, I might even look up on you tube to see it actually being done.

Brought the red/white bale bed truck home. He finally put the 2 step up running boards on, that I got when he broke his hip, nearly 2 years ago, but they need to be dropped down to the lower hole on the bracket because you can't even get your foot in there... more like a toehold. Don't know why he put them on the way he did.... Don't guess that will happen anytime soon either. I just do not understand his lack of priorities anymore... that is something I would have done right away because it wouldn't take hardly any time.... It is still enough of a step that I have a big block of wood to step up on just hurts the knees to try to put the weight on them, as I step up on the knee.... cannot explain to anyone how badly they hurt to just do a little step up....
Yeah, @Mini Horses , I keep hearing that I will not believe how much I will start doing because they just don't hurt to walk or put my weight down on the knees. I really don't want surgery, but I am really looking forward to having them done.

I then ran the weed eater until the battery died. Going to go out and get another battery that is charged, and put one on charge. Then I will try to do some more later on.
Stomach is growling. Just realized that I didn't eat any lunch... I ate a bowl of cereal earlier. Don't want a sandwich so may go see what else I have there.
Really nice day out; sun, comfortable, just nice.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Sunday. It has been a partly-mostly cloudy day but comfortable. Some showers and stuff coming in from the west but staying mostly north... just clouds here. Mid to upper 70's all day.
Got the stuff all in the dish drainers put in a box until I can get to all the different drawers and cabinets to decide where to put away. Washed some more and it is drying. Talked to DS and he was working on the truck, got the water pump and all. I was supposed to go to a friend's for a friends and family annual picnic thing, but did not want to drive the big truck all the way there because it is down into a town I am not familiar with... they moved it from where they used to have it... and it is at least another half hour or more further away. I just didn't feel up to wrestling with this truck in an area that I don't know.... and I hadn't been able to cook anything to take either... and I was just not in the mood after the last couple days...
So I puttered in the house some. The knees are really aching today too; the weather maybe? I wanted to go, but couldn't get myself geared up to do so. This afternoon, right after I got the latest sink full of dishes done, I heard a "hello" and it was a guy who used to help out some, and he has been wanting some side work, so has done a little for DS. He brought my little truck back that DS finished. And said that DS told him to see if he could replace the post in the split rail fence that was broken off. I had the post here, but it had just never gotten done. Not a priority, but whatever. So he is working for a landscaper/lawn service, and I mentioned that there were several things that I wanted to do but with my knees I just can't do them. He said that sometimes DS doesn't answer him back (typical of DS not always answering his phone), and so I told him that if DS didn't answer him or if he had some time and wanted, there were things here that I wanted to get done. Mentioned the forsythia and that other bush that has the little white snowball flowers on that need to get cut WAY back so they can be moved along the lower side of the property along the dirt road for privacy, and the stuff under the maple tree that needs to be cut down, cleaned up and the wood chip mulch put down... and stuff like that. I can find some things for him to do, and he is someone I would trust to not do "too much" and is not someone that I would have to worry about stealing anything.... Get the whole split rail fence weed eated down to the dirt and then put the mulch all along it.... do around a few of the trees, little stuff.... So, might have some "help" and get a few things done.
He got the post in without too much trouble... the other one was rotted off in the ground. I need to replace a couple of the rails but at least the fence now is intact along the road.
The guys he works for are friends and last year DS used one of their trucks for hauling the corn silage when we chopped... and they sell wood burning furnaces.. not the brand I looked at, but not the one that several people have told me to stay away from. Maybe I will talk to them about their brand.... Ryan said they have a guy there that does the install too.... maybe the better way for me to go too..... and with a tree service, maybe they will have extra wood or chips to need a place to drop off when working in this area... the fruit trees will need chips around all the bases too.... since Ryan is working there, it might be a better way for me to go since I cannot get the one that I was wanting due to the parts issue. Plus, I might be able to get Ryan to do some of the cutting up of wood that we take down around the farms.....for here....Something to consider and think about.

So my truck is fixed... and I am going to go up and do the horse and take feed up to the cows at snyder's nurse cow field... see how many I can get in. Also, call my farmer and see about getting milk tomorrow and then I will go feed the "old cows" since it is on the way to the farm if I go one road... I can make it a drive by the pasture trip just by going a different road and adding like a mile or so "out of the way" so to speak.

Time to go do the horse and cows...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
When it rains it pours....well, as to bad luck, that is. Yeah, all the electronics on newer models scares me, too. My two old vehicles are getting reworks. As needed. I'd pick up a "newer" old vehicle from some one I trusted...about the extent of my newness.

I'm pretty much stocked with my thru winter set up, so far as house, food, supplies. I'll work at checking all outside winter lines, spigots, roofs, barns, etc before end of Oct. Need to pick up more antifreeze soon....look over any auto concerns, clean and grease any equipment attachments, etc...drain gas and winterize such. Need to get propane tank filled. I'll help DD with wood collecting, stacking. Etc. She has a splitter and chain saw. Hard to believe it's that time, already.

My mom said same as your friends about the knee more badly sore joints!! Just some discomfort from actual incision and sore muscles being used again. That may be a little less for you since your PT has been using them so much a prep and to aid ankle. A new life awaits!! 🙂
Totally agree about getting a "newer old vehicle" from someone I trusted... My forester was from a friend and I put nearly 100,000 on it before the engine problem... that is why I have decided to also get the new 3 yr warranty engine put in it... it ought to be ready by the time I get back from the knee replacements......yeah, alot of money put out this year but then I will have several vehicles that should be reliable, get decent mileage, and I might sell the outback down the road. I could get out of it what I have in it, once it is back on the road.... we'll see. For now, I have my little truck back.... and in a week or so we will drain the radiator again, flush it one more time, and then put in antifreeze and stuff for the winter. Car will get antifreeze and all new when they do the engine timing belt and heads and all so it will be set for the winter too.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
OKAY HAPPY LABOR DAY. For most it is a day off work, and a 3 day weekend when we were kids to go to my grandparents place in VT for a "vacation".... Here it used to mean a trip to Hillsville Va to the HUGE flea market they have... the whole town basically is a flea market and there is TONS of stuff to see. Can't walk it with the knees this year. And also the friends and family get together with the friends that I didn't go to this year. Usually we would be in hay if the weather was good too....

Drove truck up to do the horse so not really a test of it yet. But so far, no water leaking.

Set up the 500 cow herd for tomorrow afternoon finally. DS gets off work at 2:30 so he can go help. Should've been a morning test but he can't do any mornings this week, and the farm doesn't like to do weekends because of rotating people off work. Next month it will be a morning, about a week before the knee surgery and then not until after Thanksgiving... I should be able to do what I do now if all goes okay... that will be more than a month after.... we will see when that time comes.

Did some more dishes/baking bowls and such. Got a box off the porch unpacked and stuff sorted through.

Going to PT early at 7:30 in the morning, will go get milk at the farm on the way home, do a couple of errands. Got to stop and get some feed (on the way to PT) to feed the old cows at the pasture on the way back from getting the milk...Then I will come home and do a few things here and get everything ready to go to test the big farm. Try to stay off my knees some so that I can get through the evening.

Had a light shower last night but it barely showed a trace in the rain gauge. Sun and nice today. Mid 80's, no humidity. Possible rain/showers for Thursday... then DS is talking about maybe cutting the one field to see if we can get some sq bales made. It is the one he cut first and it had a little growth, then it got so hot and dry, now it has a little more regrowth since we got some of the rain, so he says he wants to try and see how much we can get.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Quick post here as I am back and have to get all the stuff in the truck for this afternoon's test.

Nice, sun and mid-70's. Calling for a few showers/storms on Wed eve but blowing out by Thursday and several days of nice weather.
Went to PT, got a bucket of feed on the way to take to the old cows. Went by the bank on the way back but it was only 8 a.m...... Stopped at the farm and got milk and talked to the farmer... put the feed out at the cows but they must've been way up back as I didn't see them. They come down in the afternoons and that is usually when I go there. Went by the PO on the way home as I had a notice for a package... today of all days there was note that they were going to be opening at noon.... have no idea what that is about. So I will go there before I go to the farm to meet DS to go test. Went to the garage, and talked to the owner/mechanic and the guy in his office. Told them to go ahead with getting what we need for both vehicles. It will be at least 6 weeks for the engine for the Forester to come, and they have to get the heads off the outback to go get resurfaced... probably a month before that is done. But I can sell it for what I will have in it so it is worth doing it.
The truck water pump must've done it.... knock on wood, it is doing fine with the temp and no water leaks underneath it. I have 3 gal of antifreeze here so whenever he says to flush it out one more time, then I will have plenty of stuff to put in it. I only buy the concentrated stuff... why pay for a 1/2 gal of water in the "premix" ones.... I drove it about 40-50 miles total today... so if it was going to overheat again it should have showed it.
Stopped back, at the one bank after going and doing the cows, so elec bill is now paid, and put money in the other bank account that I pay the mtg out of.... Spend a chunk of money between the 1st and 10th of every month with the supplement ins payment, and all the other normal household bills.... OH WELL.... Part of the deal....

So, I am going to get stuff ready and loaded in the car and get some barn clothes on. put some drinks in the cooler so we can take that too if he wants.

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