Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Friday evening. It has been just cloudy with a few scattered sprinkles/showers but nothing much. Thought we were supposed to get some significant showers/rain... but didn't happen. Got .2 inch in the rain gauge yesterday when I went out, from the rain I heard Wed night.... Now they are saying it will hang around until into Sunday....

I did some things in the house yesterday and stayed here. Got the samples packed, and dropped off late in the afternoon to go out UPS. I did unpack a box and washed a bunch of pots and pans. Everything is piled up in the dish drainers for me to get put away. Worked a little in the kitchen but did not get the bread pudding made yet. Could not find the box with the spices/extracts from the other house... so no vanilla... And it seems the temp in the fridge is colder in the back part and the milk was half frozen in the gallon jar. Am turning it up just a little so it doesn't freeze again. I got the bread crusts and stuff all torn into pieces sitting in the dish, and finally last eve got the milk thawed out. It has to be heated (scalded) and the butter melted in it... so decided that it would wait. I also got a chicken out of the freezer to thaw.
I wasn't feeling too energetic after testing Wed.... and have got to get myself geared up for the next 2 weeks...

This morning I got up late again, not sleeping well.... I NEVER had trouble sleeping in my life. Part of this is the knees, but part is that I am not tired out at night because of so much less physical activity during the day. It is frustrating....I was so used to doing alot of physical work and it would tire my body enough that I could sleep with no problem. I sure hope after the knees that I can start doing some real work again so I can sleep at night.

I got the sample bottles in the truck, got all the hoses I needed for this farm, and left around noon. Decided against leaving early and doing any errands. Got to the farm, got set up and we started milking at 1:50.... got done at 6:50... 5 long hours in the parlor. Everything went along fine, just a long afternoon. Got the computer stuff done, the meters ran through the wash cycles and I was finally out of there about 8. Stopped at the grocery, Food Lion, store and got some vanilla extract and some lemon extract, picked up a couple cans of crisco that were on sale since it keeps... and a bag of store brand sugar that was $.70 off..... boy is sugar going up.... that is the only bag they had left on the shelf... Also picked up a pkg of poultry seasoning so I can do the stuffing for the chicken.... and a couple of the cook and serve pudding that I like since it was on sale too. I have a bunch, but it will keep and I like cooked pudding, not instant. Then came home and got here about 9:15.... made some leftovers, ate the leftover green beans.... so nice, and FAST, to just heat them on the stove .

Carried the trays of milk samples in and they will get packed over the weekend... hooked up the computer again and printed off the racking list and all for the samples and uploaded the test stuff to the processing center...
I am going in to take a shower and go to bed.
Rodney called and said they had green beans if I wanted some and I said I would love some and could I come and get them in the morning since I was still at the farm. So I will call them in the morning after 9 and go get them. I will do them up and put them in the freezer...

Had some correspondence from the lawyer and we have to sign a paper agreeing to have him as the executor, a formality, mostly to put on paper... on record.... of his fees etc... and that my brother will be getting us copies of the will.... the lawyer still has to go before the court for it to be legal for him to be the executor.... some stupid legal stuff that just adds to the costs.... There is so much BS and it is all for money making....

So should have a copy of the will soon I hope.... seems that not only us 4 kids but all the grandchildren are listed so they have to sign off on the executor papers too.....

Did find out that if any of us do want some of the property, like the vehicles, it has to be paid for and cannot come out of whatever we might be inheriting... so I am going to have to see if I can get a loan for the explorer.... I don't keep $10-12,000 sitting around... a couple thousand I can swing... but not that much. I will have to talk to the bank on Monday... My credit union is offering a special deal on rates right now for auto loans... so will see what they say. I am not going to kill myself to get it.... but it would be nice if I could swing it. Don't know if anyone else is interested, but it seems doubtful.

So that is about it right now. I'm going to go in and maybe will be tired enough after a shower, can go to sleep; and stay asleep....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Hope you got a good night sleep. Before Trip and Carson slammed into the back of my leg and relocated knee parts for me, I'd wake up in the night with throbbing knee pain. Not near as bad as yours, but I got a taste of it. By the way, I'm going to become a new patient, finish filling out the pages of stuff, make an appointment and go get a check up. Get knees x-rayed and get the process started. Even though I'll be moving, it's time.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Ok Bay -- glad you are still addressing your knee surgery! At least your son can come help for that...he seems close enough to drive for work for a couple weeks. Maybe.

Jan, sooo glad your time is almost here!! Been a long wait and you deserve relief. Plus a life! :love you'll be chasing cattle in 2022, without pain. What a surprise they'll have. :)


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Cold damp misty rainy day here. 60 to 66 so temp has stayed steady if cool. It has been an achy knees and joints day that is for sure. 2 + weeks to go.
Glad to hear that you are also going to pursue your knee issue @Baymule . Especially if you like the doctor there... get it done and then you can start out fresh with the energy and ability to move at your son's place.

I went to feed the horse and stopped and visited at Rodney's and got some green beans... Will do them up in a little while. Enough for several meals. I came home and got the bread pudding put together and into the oven. By the time I was done, I sank into a chair. The chicken was still frozen in the fridge, so I took it out so that I can get it thawed, and I will stuff and roast it tomorrow.

So, have not found the "spices" box yet, so the bread pudding didn't get the nutmeg but it got done. DO NOT like the electronic temp thing for the oven.. but I will have to get used to it. I prefer a knob to turn.... the pudding could have used another 10 minutes I think, it is a little "soupy" rather than custardy... but it tastes pretty good. Maybe the temp is not quite at the same temp as the setting says on the stove. I will have to get an oven thermometer and put in there to get a better feel for it. But, it got cooked pretty much so I am not going to complain. The stove top is pure heaven for me to once again be able to put something in a pot to cook.

I got the drawers for the sewing table from my mom's vacuumed out and put back in. Got 2 of the boxes moved into the LR between the table and the couch for now. Going to see about getting a couple of them unpacked into the drawers and then I can just pull the drawers if I move it... which it might wind up in the DR eventually.

Spent some time on the internet and found a site called "Wayfair".... and they have OODLES of kitchen stuff; storage solutions and all sorts of things... guess they are like a "clearing house" for different companies. Found a couple of blind corner cabinet things... some like my sister has and some other pull out and slider ones.... some of the silly looking swing out trays that are all squiggly so they will go around the corners and all.... saw them at the Home Depot.... found a couple of just straight pull out ones that actually are adjustable for the width.... so ordered a set to try here in these cabinets. Also found the little holders that you put on the inside of the cabinet doors that you stand the boxes of saran wrap and wax paper up in so they don't lay on the shelf.... had them in a house and then somehow they did not get taken out and moved cuz I can't find them... They aren't all that expensive so now I can take back the one I got @ Walmart; as it sits on the shelf and the boxes slide in... having them on the door is sooo much more convenient.

Time to go in and do the dishes and then see how much I can take standing. Yesterday at the farm really did a number on them. The next 2 weeks are going to be really rough. with so many herds scheduled with few breaks inbetween. Guess it will make me even appreciate the replacements more if the joints don't hurt anymore.... If I hurt that much going in, then it has to be better after....:idunno:idunno:hide:hide😉 right????


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
The previous post just posted it's self.... :barnie:barnieo_O.

I want to get some of the LR straightened out so that I can get to the fireplace heater for when I get back.... and maybe just put the one coffee table in front of the corner hutch that I am pretty well decided to sell, so that I can get the TV on it so that I can watch it some this winter... get the VCR and DVD players hooked back up so that I can take advantage of some of the "in the house" in the colder weather time, after I get back. Of course there will be more of the feeding to do with DS having to travel for work.

Don't know if I posted it but he has decided to take the position that will give him a pretty big raise and higher position. He has been torn because of having to travel an hour each way for work... but the difference in pay, will pay the difference in what he was paying in rent on the farm and the mortgage payment without us having to increase cow numbers. It will mean less time for him here to do feeding and such... so I am going to have to pick up some slack once the knees are working better I guess. If GF doesn't go back to work soon, then I guess she can help do feeding too. If we can keep the hay fed and all then all DS will have to do is the silage....but I am going to learn how to run the skid loader once I get to being more mobile..... I know he was really torn about taking it... but it will also increase his retirement pension by about $3-400 a month.
AND, his (current) boss is going to retire next Aug or Sept... he said he is not going to work through another winter after this one... so DS will be in line to apply and come back here as the head supervisor of the residency..... and he will do that just as soon as it comes open. Granted there is a chance that he might not get it... but he is pretty sure he will, and he will push for it. So this job change is hopefully for only a year. It is about a 20% salary increase... and he gets to drive a company vehicle so no wear and tear on his own vehicle... just on his own body and time.... One other thing I pointed out to him... he is going to a Pain management clinic now, for the headaches... I told him if he gets this, and his headaches get worse... he can then take the doctors advise, go out on disability and will be able to get more with his increased salary.... I really would like to see him do that and get out of the stress... maybe this new position will not be as bad since a couple of his friends in other departments at work have told him he ought to take it... and they all know about the "roller wreck" and his headaches and all...

I was sorta hoping he would just say he// no, I'm not going to do the driving.... but I also understand and we talked about, the benefits of taking it..... with planning for it to only be a "short term deal" of a year or so. It would take him at least 4-5 years, IF at all, for him to maybe earn that big an increase staying here. He can retire in 7 years at 55 with his years of service... so he figures that he can manage this for a year. Once I get the knees working, I will probably be taking over more of the farm work again... and I am thinking that I will slide out of the testing in another year or 2... Maybe see if some of the farms won't go on owner sampler, and I can go and help them and they can pay me cash under the table then instead.... since they mostly all do their own daily computer stuff anyway now.... It's time, I am getting tired of it. But I will not leave them high and dry right now.... and I am waiting to see what the company is going to do anyway.... I think there will be a change within the next 6 months and we will merge with Lancaster and that our manager will get let go and then there might be a way to get them to hire another tester and some of us can cut back or quit... Plus I think I will have another 2-3 farms go out in the next year...

So, it is dark out, and rainy still. I am going in to the kitchen and do something even if it is wrong :gig 😉. Maybe sit in here and get some of this stuff in the drawers of the sewing table. Get a nice hot shower, and a cup of hot cocoa and maybe get a decent night's sleep????


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I think the new job is a great idea. Driving isn’t that big of a deal. He’ll get used to it. Mo’ money!!!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Cool, cloudy morning again. Temp in the house is 68 but it is cool, due to the dampness. Outside is 58 on the thermometer... the clouds are supposed to dissipate some today, and going back to sunny by tomorrow and warmer.. back into the 70's at least. No frost in sight yet either.

Going in to get the chicken back out of the fridge, where I stuck it last night after thawing some on the counter, and see if it is now thawed enough to make the stuffing and get it in the oven. Meals for a couple days. Have the green beans from the neighbor to do up.. will keep out a couple meals worth and then freeze a few packages. They said they would have more this week. Since I have several days of testing it will be good to come home and just throw something in to warm up. Going to make a pot of mashed potatoes with some that neighbor gave me the other day so will have them to eat too. BOY, I am sooooo GLAD to have the stove to use, finally.....

Didn't get as much done in the LR last evening so that is the plan today while it is still damp and cloudy out. Need to get it organized so that I can use the fireplace heater when I get home after the replacements. So that is the goal for today. Plus I have to get the samples packed to get sent off Monday, bottles in the trays to take, and get the rest of the meters in the truck and change the position of the brackets for the farm I am doing Monday. They use 24 meters... 12 milkers on a side, so it takes a little bit. At least the farm I do Tuesday afternoon uses the brackets in the same position... then I will have to change them all back to the top position for the rest of the herds I will do before I go in. I will probably get the sample bottles in the racks for Tuesday too as I have 5 trays.... that will, save some push since they are both good sized herds, 250 cows and then 150 cows.... and I have to leave fairly early for their afternoon milkings.

So time to get something constructive done.
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
AHHHH supper time. Chicken got stuffed and stuck in the oven. Went through the potatoes as there were a bunch with some bad skin and had some discolored flesh like they had been frozen so I peeled alot away and cut around and got a pot of them cooked. Snapped the beans and put a couple handfuls in to cook. The rest will get blanched and frozen.

Chicken is good... it looks like the oven cooks a little lower temp so I will definitely get an oven thermometer to check it out. I may have one but who knows where at this point. They are not that terribly expensive. I did leave it in there longer and because I cannot locate the roasting pan, I used foil in a big baking dish, and then undid the foil so it would brown. Stuffing tastes SOOO good... reminds me of when my mom would roast a chicken and the stuffing she made. So glad I could pretty much duplicate it. Now I am full, so only having a smidgen of potatoes and gr beans.

So that is several meals for me this week.

Been mostly cloudy all day although it got "brighter out" this afternoon but now it is real cloudy. It did get up to 71 on the outside thermometer.

Got the boxes with the sewing stuff from mom's into the LR and going to stack some and put the sewing machine and some other stuff in the cabinet. Sorting the thread and all is a good "stay in the house" project after I get home. I want to just get it all in one place for now, and then move the 2 dvd towers and get a few other things out of the LR so I can get the coffee table moved and the TV on it. Then I can get the fireplace checked out to make sure it will start and all for when I get back.

Got to get the samples packed and ready to go because I have to leave here around 11:30. They start milking at 2 and I want to get there around 1 to set up.... Traffic has been absolutely horrible on the interstate lately.... lots of road work, and accidents constantly. Tomorrow is Columbus Day... well whatever they call it in the "politically correct" circles, but it is a holiday so you never know what kind of traffic. It will take at least an extra half hour but I may go up the main road ... RT 11,.... and that goes through all the towns... we'll see when the morning comes.

So, my sit down break should be over... so I am going to see about getting these boxes and all stacked next to the sewing table and work on the LR for a bit.
Oh I ate too much.....