Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
As busy as you stay, knee surgery and several weeks of rehab might seem like a vacation. LOL Know you, day 2 or 3, you'll be climbing the walls wanting OUT of there and back on the tractor. Nope! Gotta stay there and get intensive therapy. When you get bored, you can always call me and vent. :lol:


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
The well needs a lot of treatment for Sulphur which costs more than the commercial water so there wasn't much of a decision.
REALLY good reason!!

Turned it off in between soaping up and rinsing and conditioner and then me washing
AKA "submarine shower".


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Hope everything goes well for you with the knee surgeries.

It is a shame about the will provisions. Too bad you and your siblings did not take the personal mementos you all wanted when you were there. The grandchildren probably wouldn't want them anyway and family mementos don't bring anything in a sale.

To bad about the car, but much better not to buy it at that price. If the economy gets worse, people may start selling off vehicles - especially if gas continues to rise in price.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thursday evening and I am in. It has been 2 very long days... Have been working on the tractor with the corn chopping, and with some glitches and problems it still is not done. I will not be able to help tomorrow because I am going to have to go to the farm that is 125 miles away.... they want to test, which I hadn't planned on doing. But, I will go do them... It is not that I mind going there, it is just the distance and the time it will take.
First off I have to go vote early since I will not be here on election day. It is Va governor race and if anyone has heard about the total insanity in Loudon County Va with the "transgender" male that raped a girl in the rest romm because he identifies as female... then was transferred to another school and assaulted another girl there.... and they tried to have the father of the one girl arrested because he was "disruptive" at the school board meeting when he questioned them... it has gone viral in this area.... AND the A**HOLE democrat that is running for Gov is supportive of the school board even though they covered it up.... yes it was reported to the police and they are investigating... it is a real f ed up mess.... See Va has gone blue and they say that this race is so tight and that if the republican candidate gets in and the state goes red, that it is a real good indication of where the country will go in 2024.... and don't forget, DC is part of the Va voting system.... so if we can overcome them, then maybe the tide will turn and this country can get saved.

There is alot I could post but I am honestly too tired and I still have to pack the 500+ samples from the big herd this morning, and the 60+ from the other owner sampler herd I went and picked up. I came from the farms, directly to the corn field and hadn't been home from 3 a.m. until about 7:30 p.m. So, I am going in to take a shower, try to get the samples packed... sleep a little later than 3 a.m. tomorrow... but get up and get all these things done that I thought I was going to have the day to do....then leave before 11 to go to work since it is 2 hrs away.... I am tired and the knees are telling me they are right here.....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Going to be another short post.... I got home a bit ago from testing. Stopped and fed the horse because I ran out of time this morning.
Got up and got the 500+ samples packed and the 60+ ones from the owner sampler farm. got the sample bottles in the truck for the afternoon farm. Went to Lexington and got my early voting done. Came back by the bank and made the deposit so the mtg will get paid when it is time to come out. I go online and schedule it. Due on the 1st but no penalty/late chg., until the 15th... so I make the payment according to my paycheck deposit most times... usually between the 1st and the 10th... This month I put the money in that account which is solely for mtg and personal property taxes and house type stuff... anyway, it is there ready for the payment to be made.
Went from there and dropped off the 4 strapped packages of boxes of sample bottles... and headed up to the farm. It was about 10:50 so plenty of time.... OOOPS.... Traffic. There was horrendous traffic on the interstate, came to a complete standstill one time..for about 10-15 minutes then it started moving... never saw any sign of a wreck or anything so have no idea what that was all about. Called the farm and they said that there had been a very bad wreck up there, and that traffic had been backed up 10 miles on the interstate and that the alternative "local" route rt. 11, was bumper to bumper so bad that they were going to town and gave up and came back. I thought OMG... I was over 25 miles from them... but my "traffic" problem was not the same as theirs was. I got further up nearer to them and traffic was heavy but moving... so that problem had been cleared up.
We tested and they are down to 60+ cows, not the 90 from last month... 2 hours up there and 1 hr 15 min to milk... 20 min for computer work and 2 1/2 hours PLUS home.... hit another traffic mess and had gotten off about 25 miles before the VDOT sign said that the left lane was closed, to come down rt. 11, which runs north south all the way parallel to the interstate, and there were wall to wall tractor trailers on it... but looking across to the interstate in places you could see it, it was crawling... took about 40 minutes longer to come home.... Got here about 5:50, when I fed the horse. So I came on to the house and then DS called and we talked about alot of stuff.... and then I came on in the house.
Just made one of the 2 ham steaks in the package... going to eat a little cottage cheese with it, then get a shower and hit the hay. Already put the bottles in the truck for the morning.... get that done then that is it for 3-4 weeks....

They got the rest of the corn done today... DS said he will close up the bag and then has to return the truck and the bagger and all tomorrow... got around 400 tons or so... he sold 3 truckloads to a guy and was going to take a 4th load but the guys finished the corn during the day and they did not fill the truck again... but put it in the bag... so he only delivered 3 loads... $500 load as it was about 10 tons m/l per load. He told the guy and said he could get more this winter for the same price... $50/ton. Also have 2 other people that want about 20-30 tons each, this winter... the one brings his silage cart and DS fills it and then the guy comes and gets it.... did it last year and worked out good. The other guy is an iffy, a little concerned about it with him paying... but he has never stiffed DS on the hay that he has gotten... so I think DS will do it in a weekly or by the load deal....

The silage came out real nice... a real good amount of green but not too "wet" or too much juice in the stalks... this later planting and harvesting has worked out real good for us the last couple of years... It could be worth more money as the winter goes along too... if people run short of feed... although there has been quite alot of late hay being made all around I have seen. I think he did the right thing making it all silage and not holding any for shelling corn.... it ought to ensile real good and make some real good feed. Plus it will really stretch the hay...

It did rain a shower last night. About 10:30-11 p.m. it was a pretty good shower, as I was trying to go to sleep. Of course, I did not get the laundry off the line... I got some off Wed before I went up to help with the chopping, but not all of it... should have.... but it got sunny and breezy today, a few clouds. and tomorrow is supposed to be nice too, so it ought to be dry and it will get brought in.
I want to try to get the lawn mowed before I go, and I have some tomato plants in a a big container that I want to get out in the greenhouse where the chickens usually are, and see if I can baby them through... they are just to the blooming stage... so hope to have some in the winter... If I close it up it gets pretty warm in the sun... it is an "experiment" sorta... can't hurt to try it. Not supposed to get real cold at night for the next 10 days that I can see and the latest prediction is a mild winter again according to my farmer today... he was talking about the yellow jackets they are having a horrible time with in the 2 houses on the farm... have had exterminators come in because they got into the walls in both houses .... scary.... and of course I have to get the stuff out of the building at the stone house once it gets cold enough to kill the yellow jackets that are in there, off... It is still not rented, so I am not panicking... I am sure he is not going to say anything any time soon.... I figure to have it emptied before the new year anyway.... Just my fish tanks and a few things that will need to be probably taken to the dump anyway... one chair that I was going to have re-upholstered that was given to me... I will look it over and decide if I want to bother... another platform rocker that I want to keep and get the cushions made for... not alot...

Well, time to get a shower and bed so I can get up tomorrow to go test. No set up, fairly easy herd...

Other than the knees, I am not as tired out as I thought I would be... maybe I need to work more and get some stamina built back up.....

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
This should be a good winter for you. Livestock feed already up, your farms tested and those LONG awaited new knees in just 2 more days!!! You can relax and accept some well deserved "you time". It's YOUR time to be fixed. Sure. It's gonna be a couple weeks of "ahh shi...t" but, then smooth sailing. I just know it! Gotta be exciting to know the wait is almost over....:hugs:old:weee


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Testing DONE !!!! I better not like being off too much as with the constant increase in prices, I may need to stay with some work to survive the increases every where....

Did some dishes, and ate a bowl of cream of wheat cereal. Started at 43 and it is still a chilly 54 out there. Partly sun and clouds but is supposed to be sunnier. Will do my best to get the clothes off the line later this afternoon. Lots on my list to do so am going to get at it but needed a few sit down minutes after standing and doing some dishes. got to put the hallway door back on the hinges so I can close it and then keep the heat out of the hallway and not going up the stairs to the 2nd floor area... it will stay in the first floor by closing off all 3 doors to the hallway... Not going to put any heat on while I am gone as it is not supposed to get very cold and so nothing will be in danger of freezing or anything. No frost yet, but suspect there will be some before I get back so I really want to get the big tub with the tomato plants moved and some more soil in it. Okay... time to get going....

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Testing DONE !!!! I better not like being off too much as with the constant increase in prices, I may need to stay with some work to survive the increases every where....
Yes, ma'am! I will slack some but won't quit my job. The increase part is going to hang for a while. Better prepared than sorry. Looking at my earnings for year, I'm almost double 2021. Will be when next ck rolls wonder I'm dragging with double work.

Plus side is being to feel it. ;) I'm very independent and like it that way.

Next month I'll be getting everything lined up for my garden, 2022. Garden 2019 was small but good. 2021 a bust. 2022 will happen. No matter what.:old:old I'll need to can ... Stocks will be low by then. 😁. I will plant & it will grow! Or else:hide

This is Saturday...only one more day to be home...then it happens! New knees!! :yesss: