Feeding milk goats after kidding

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
But she would produce for forever.
A Saanen trait -- they live to be milked :D =D

Yes, I increased grain gradually. Those close to kidding had begun getting some, when I milked, I began increase. If sharing with a kid, the young ones don't/can't take it all. I ease the pressure on the goat by milking and reduce amount I take as the kids are nursing larger amounts. Have to watch at about a month, they take less due to eating pasture, then I increase what I take. The idea is that she is producing well as I wean the kids. They are my true milk goats, used for that. It's a balancing act but, I like my does to raise the kids. At this time, I do not have the time to pull at birth and bottle feed for 7 - 9 does.

I have good pastures, also...which they enjoy. My kids have always weaned easily & does keep producing for me.