FF Nigerian dwarf


Chillin' with the herd
Jul 11, 2018
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Send a blood sample to Biopryn
Can they give you a round about due date if it comes back positive? I have considered that but if she is I’ll still need to get an ultrasound to know when she’s due. If it’s just a positive/negative i think I’d rather just bring her in for the US. How long does the bloodwork take to come back?

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
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North Carolina
The bloodwork is a few days and about $4
Keep in mind... there are different types of ultrasound and you may not get a date. Lots of error with US.

Remind me... when did you get her and what dates could she have possibly been in with the buck or bred?


Chillin' with the herd
Jul 11, 2018
Reaction score
The bloodwork is a few days and about $4
Keep in mind... there are different types of ultrasound and you may not get a date. Lots of error with US.

Remind me... when did you get her and what dates could she have possibly been in with the buck or bred?
We got her from the farm next door. We went to get hay and they had these two guys in with their cattle. Someone had dropped them off at their farm with little to no information. There was a buck with her as well as her brother(if not her son) since she/he was born. Her son/brother was just banded not too long ago. I’m not entirely sure of her age so I can’t even go based off of that and assume based off of a first heat cycle. Honestly the only reason I care so much for a round about date is we will be going to TN and my brother will be watching all of our animals for us. I have family that is going to also stop over to make sure he’s not drowning in my “chores” but her kidding isn’t something I’m willing to put on anyone. And not only that, this is the very first time I’ll ever have my own goat kidding and I’d like to be the one here...

Thanks so much
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Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
So, if you think the one "may" be a son, she's over 8 months old. You can sometimes get an age guestimate from teeth as they develop pretty much on a time schedule. If buck with her it's pretty much a given she's bred, as you know.

Small goats can kid -- size of buck breeding can affect fetus size. If she's dry & brittle coated, hasn't had nutrition balanced. Too much in calories could give a kid too large but nutrient dense food is critical for her & kids. A good vit/min supplement would be a smart move IMO...as well as excellent hay. Goats need a lot of forage for a healthy gut. And that is not just fresh grass. Hay gives them the long stem.

So, let us know what the ultrasound reveals. IF you can get a good one, fetal development can help establish status and length of pregnancy. Equipment used makes a difference.


Chillin' with the herd
Jul 11, 2018
Reaction score
So, if you think the one "may" be a son, she's over 8 months old. You can sometimes get an age guestimate from teeth as they develop pretty much on a time schedule. If buck with her it's pretty much a given she's bred, as you know.

Small goats can kid -- size of buck breeding can affect fetus size. If she's dry & brittle coated, hasn't had nutrition balanced. Too much in calories could give a kid too large but nutrient dense food is critical for her & kids. A good vit/min supplement would be a smart move IMO...as well as excellent hay. Goats need a lot of forage for a healthy gut. And that is not just fresh grass. Hay gives them the long stem.

So, let us know what the ultrasound reveals. IF you can get a good one, fetal development can help establish status and length of pregnancy. Equipment used makes a difference.
I’m not exactly sure the size of the buck. He was definitely bigger (they told me) but I can’t be sure of HOW much bigger. Her goat is awful, I have been trying to give her a few good “treats”, some grain and excellent hay along with their forage. Do you think her coat could be a sign that she needs some copper Bolus? Or just a good vitamin/mineral and start from there? What would you personally give your kidding doe/doeling with such an awful coat and get her as healthy as possible (food and supplement)? Thank you so much. I will absolutely let everyone know how we make out when we go

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
Let me re-phrase, as much the breed of the buck compared to this doe. Say a young ND doe and a large Boer, you would not plan for a FF, especially a young one. They are just far different body type & size.

I would get a good vit/min and start there. Some of the loose cattle ones are good, SBC listed one she likes in another post, Southern states product I believe (at least sold there). Since they are 50 miles from me, I found one very close in ingredient @ TSC. It's a loose product. My girls like it & I feel it is better than the one I was using as it does have cobalt, that other did not. There is a good amount of copper in it. 50# and I THINK it was about $30-35. Been a couple months...not positive of price but close. It is not weatherized as one she uses but, my feeder is inside, so ok.

You can't just dump but so much change on her at once but, the vit/min free choice she will use well. Have plenty of water out!

Her age will play a role in her status and this situation, as well as her general health. Obviously. These things happen and sometimes all we can do is the "best" we can do, which I can tell you are trying to do. After all, you didn't have her when this began.

SBC hasn't seemed to be on as much of late...that time of year. She will have some excellent input when she's available to reply. More technical than I :)


Chillin' with the herd
Jul 11, 2018
Reaction score
Let me re-phrase, as much the breed of the buck compared to this doe. Say a young ND doe and a large Boer, you would not plan for a FF, especially a young one. They are just far different body type & size.

I would get a good vit/min and start there. Some of the loose cattle ones are good, SBC listed one she likes in another post, Southern states product I believe (at least sold there). Since they are 50 miles from me, I found one very close in ingredient @ TSC. It's a loose product. My girls like it & I feel it is better than the one I was using as it does have cobalt, that other did not. There is a good amount of copper in it. 50# and I THINK it was about $30-35. Been a couple months...not positive of price but close. It is not weatherized as one she uses but, my feeder is inside, so ok.

You can't just dump but so much change on her at once but, the vit/min free choice she will use well. Have plenty of water out!

Her age will play a role in her status and this situation, as well as her general health. Obviously. These things happen and sometimes all we can do is the "best" we can do, which I can tell you are trying to do. After all, you didn't have her when this began.

SBC hasn't seemed to be on as much of late...that time of year. She will have some excellent input when she's available to reply. More technical than I :)
Thanks a LOT! I am trying everything I can to not overload her with a bunch of new stuff but also trying to rapidly get her in better condition - especially if she’s pregnant. I leave out a loose mineral and it has had far more action now that her and her brother have come to join our herd. I believe it is mostly used by her. I’ll see if I can find a good vitamin for her as well and I’m going to look more into copper bolus for her. Thanks again!

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Something I failed to think to mention last post -- about vit/min -- often just the smallest amount of a trace mineral can make a difference. Our cells function best when balanced with those elements. Often food absorption is not as good if one is missing as they often compliment one another. IMO don't try have 2 kinds out -- one good one so no overdose and hold off on the bolus if you use the mix with the high copper, at least until her body has time to absorb and adjust. She will be able to better utilize her forage and you will begin to see a better coat & overall body condition. It will take more than a day or two, as I'm sure you are aware. I know you are anxious to help her but, slow will work better now. It's HARD to wait, we know. Take pics and will can compare to see -- often better than just seeing day to day and wondering. Pics a couple weeks apart tell you. :)