I have a three week old Kiko/Boer doeling who got her back foot caught Monday night. She got a soft string wrapped very tightly around her leg from about just above the hock. When I found her, her whole leg hock down was stiff and cold. It did not help that the temperatures were below freezing by us. We brought her in by a warmer and dipped her leg in warm water. Now she just has swelling from her dewclaw to her hoof. She is still eating, puts a little pressure on it, and walks around with just a little limp. I do not think she can feel in her hoof. The skin down there is almost a darkish red. The vet said there is not much I can do for her except keep placing it in warm water and then drying it off completely. He gave us a prescription for meloxicam to help with swelling and pain. Has anyone else had experience with this? Does anyone have any other suggestions for me to implement? I am just scared that of the possibility of her skin all falling off there. Is there any cases where that has not happened?