Chillin' with the herd
Do I treat all goats every quarter for worms? If you have a schedule for treating goats for worms and what treatment you use, please share it.
Thank you!Not a goatie, I have sheep. Different schedule. I can be corrected on this, but friends that have goats give a copper bolus twice a year.
Best thing is run fecal samples. If you don’t know how, then take them to a vet. Get nitrile gloves and a marker. If you can restrain the goat, put on glove and insert 2 fingers in anus and get a half dozen poop pellets. Turn glove inside out, write goat’s name on glove. Put glove in zip lock bag.
If you are grossed out by that, carry gloves in your pocket. When goat poops, pick up 6 of the cleanest pellets, no dirt or contaminations.
Put in refrigerator if you can’t immediately go to vet, but not more than a couple of days.
The vet can tell you if your goats are wormy and what to worm them with.
Thank you! Culling worm prone goats and keeping the healthiest ones.
That’s how we do it! Bear in mind, in times of stress, worm counts spike. This includes birthing and weaning. So just watch them closely, some will over come it and the worm count goes down, some will not and they get run down. They need worming.
Tapeworms are gross. They come out in segments in the poop. Safeguard or Panacur, same thing, is the treatment for tapeworms. I don’t know if it’s safe for pregnant females. Anybody?
Youngsters usually are the ones affected. Some say treat, some say don’t treat, but I treat for it. The youngsters usually outgrow it and build up resistance, so don’t rush them to auction unless they are older and get tapeworms every year. Give 3 or 4 pumps of Nutridrench after giving the wormer. Panacur tastes nasty, the Nutridrench serves two purposes, it is vitamins and molasses and gives them a boost and it tastes good. Takes that nasty Panacur taste out of their mouth.I can get a big bottle of Panacur from the vet cheaper than a little bottle at the feed store.