looking for working harnesses for saddle horses


Just born
Apr 12, 2013
Reaction score
Hi guys, I'm starting a small sustainable farm on which I intend t o do farm and equine based therapy with kids that have been abused and from the foster care system. I've got a couple of quarter horses who I use for therapy, and I am looking for a good source for used harnesses for them that I could get inexpensively or ideally free (I'm a single mother trying to make this work on my own so money is tight). I have one horse I've trained to drive and has dragged logs and I'm teaching the other, I can't afford a tractor so I'm resorting to horse power. I also plan to incorporate driving into the therapy curriculum. If any of you have anything or can point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it. Thanks -Bri


Herd Master
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
NE Ohio
Congrats on your farm and your plans!

Check with 4-H clubs and driving clubs in your area, they should know if there are any tack sales around. There's a great one in my area, they rent buildings at a fairgrounds every spring and sell table space very reasonably to anyone who wants to set up and sell (mostly) horse stuff - it's like a giant horsey garage sale! There's usually several harnesses, both new and used.

If you have your nonprofit status, you can try calling around to tack shops and ask about a donated or discounted harness. If you find (or are given) used harness, check them out carefully - dry rot, over-oiling, loose stitches or hardware, cracked leather or any other problems are very dangerous.

You should talk to your insurance person too - driving is more dangerous than riding, and I've heard some insurance companies won't insure it. Any certifications you can get (the Carriage Association of America driver proficiency program, NARHA certification, etc...) might be helpful with coverage or rates. And I'm guessing you've already set up (or checked with a lawyer about it) your therapy program as a separate entity, so if (heaven forbid) something happens, your personal property shouldn't be at risk?

Good luck!