Margali's Griffin Wood Ranch


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Best colors for tan coats are glue and green. On white sheep red also works. I use red, blue and green in rotation. This year I didn't have the cold crayons and by the time they arrived no one marked. The rams went in end of November. First marks were November 27 but that may just have been happiness on the part of rams. Several marked December 12-30. It will be a crap shoot when they all lamb. The vet can't come out until April 9 for Brucellosis testing and health checks since her partner left the practice to move home. It takes a week for the Brucellosis testing to come back. If anyone settled on November 27, they will start lambing April 21!
:thDH reminded me that we are supposed to be in Texas by April 8 for the major eclipse which is supposed to happen right over Yantis. He is due back tomorrow night and we will have to discuss when to move ewes and lambs.

@Maargali: If you want to come out for eclipse, let me know. Our grandkids, 16, 13, and 10 will be there. Parents are taking them out of school and flying back for eclipse since they have decided it is an educational experience. We will have the 5th wheel - 2 queen beds, DS1's king bed, and kids can all sleep on floor in various rooms in sleeping bags. It will be crazy - but you have kids, dogs, sheep, so you know about crazy! LOL


Herd Master
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX area
@Ridgetop Thanks for the invite! We are also in the total solar eclipse path and will be watching from home. We'll actually see totality before you. Cleburne is the tiny label just under Fort Worth.

SAFETY REMINDER: Get solar viewing glasses from a vetted source NOW! NASA has a list on the site above that they've reviewed to ensure meet standards.
Solar Eclipse Path.PNG


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I try to avoid lambing in July and August. My own children were born in September. Being about a thousand pounds heavier, in the heat was no fun for me. Sheep are not allowed in the house for AC so the least I can do for them is plan for lambing in June at latest or in September. After Snowmeggdon in February 2021, and having 15 new lambs has made me a little leery. Lambs were all fine but it added a lot of work on me.

Despite all our plans, you can guarantee the sheep will have ideas of their own. Last year I lambed in June. Why? Because my “planned” breeding obviously did not take and ewes were shamelessly throwing themselves at the ram on other side of fence. So I opened the gate and shoved them in with him.