Newborn Kid Did Not Receive Colostrium


Exploring the pasture
May 19, 2014
Reaction score
Have newborn 5 days old. Mom rejected. Curved Foot. Gave Kid Goat Powder Colostrium from Tractor Supply. Was walking and talking then about 3 days later not. Went downhill. Dehydrated. Took to Vet. Gave fluids, 50% Dextrose 50%, Vit B Injectable, Nuflor, Bo-Se. Vet said Kid has issue maintaining Glucose level when no IV. Tube with milk, then water every hour. Kid goes downhill sometime later.

Yesterday, I tubed with water and milk but switched to goat electrolytes with 55% dextrose. Gabriel still not so great. He would stretch and lean head back. One person told me try Bovi Sera. I did later and gave Fort Vit B Compl3x Injectable. A little later he walked. But then went down. Just labored breathing and sometimes cry out.

This morning tubed with milk and goat electrolytes. Then gave Fort Vit B Complex and Pennicillin Injection. Selen and Vit E Gel, Probios Plus mixed in with electrolytes. He became more aware in eyes and they blinked and he grinded teeth. Not sucking. Breathing not as labored. He is floppy. He seems to be a fighter. May still pass. But I found something about SubQ Lactated Ringers you do at home. Has no Dextrose. Saw Dextrose sold separetly but some in Goat Electrolytes at 55%. I could not find CD Antotoxin, nor have any BoSe nor Nuflor nor anything for gut pain.

I saw where some used subq lactated ringers for dogs and cats with kidney issues etc. Like 3 times a day.

Any recommendations? Anyone have similar issue with newborn Kid? Anyone use Lactated ringers? Anyone familiar with Glucose issue?
In Maryland.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I'm not a goatie, we have sheep. But newborns usually follow the same pattern. It is hard, but mom may have sensed that something wasn't right about this little one, thus her rejection. Sometimes, no matter what we do, they just don't make it. I know that heartache, so don't think that I am sounding harsh, it's just experience talking.

If you have a doe reject her newborn, tie her up and milk out her colostrum. You may have a fight on your hands, but her colostrum will be better than any that you go buy. If you can get enough, freeze it in a zip lock baggie for the next time. This does you no good now, but might help for next time.

I know nothing about SubQ Lactated Ringers, so can't help you there. It sounds like you have pulled out all the stops for this little one and are doing all you can think of. I am truly sorry for you and this little one and I hope he makes it.


Exploring the pasture
May 19, 2014
Reaction score
I'm not a goatie, we have sheep. But newborns usually follow the same pattern. It is hard, but mom may have sensed that something wasn't right about this little one, thus her rejection. Sometimes, no matter what we do, they just don't make it. I know that heartache, so don't think that I am sounding harsh, it's just experience talking.

If you have a doe reject her newborn, tie her up and milk out her colostrum. You may have a fight on your hands, but her colostrum will be better than any that you go buy. If you can get enough, freeze it in a zip lock baggie for the next time. This does you no good now, but might help for next time.

I know nothing about SubQ Lactated Ringers, so can't help you there. It sounds like you have pulled out all the stops for this little one and are doing all you can think of. I am truly sorry for you and this little one and I hope he makes it.
Hello Baymule
My goats had never been milked. I tried to milk her days later but nothing. Another goat owner provuded me with fresh and frozen goat milk. I will definitely tie up the mother the next time.

Each time I go back to Gabriel I think he will have passed...but he hasnt. He has made little improvements this morning than last nite. He now moves his nose more and his tongue.

Gabriel seems to be trying to hang in there. I dont know. This may sound weird but he wont let go. I dont know.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Not weird, we all want the best for our animals and this little guy is fighting to stay in the game. Gotta help him, if he is trying that hard. I get it. I’ve sat up at night with dying lambs, holding and cuddling them so that they wouldn’t die alone in a cold barn. Then cry, wrap them in a towel until morning. Dig their grave, cry some more and my husband say a prayer over them.

You are doing all you can. Sometimes it’s just not enough, sometimes miracles happen. You just have to let it play out.


Exploring the pasture
May 19, 2014
Reaction score
Not weird, we all want the best for our animals and this little guy is fighting to stay in the game. Gotta help him, if he is trying that hard. I get it. I’ve sat up at night with dying lambs, holding and cuddling them so that they wouldn’t die alone in a cold barn. Then cry, wrap them in a towel until morning. Dig their grave, cry some more and my husband say a prayer over them.

You are doing all you can. Sometimes it’s just not enough, sometimes miracles happen. You just have to let it play out.
I was told originally to put honey on gums or under tongue for boost. It worked then didnt. I just decided to warm some honey and place in his electrolites.
I gave Fortified B Complex but read that in his situation best to have Vit b12 injection and Vit B1. Saw online an Oral B12 maybe at Tractor Supply but dont know how much to give him.
Also I have Vit B1 and B12 for humans. Mshed in past for sick adult goat. The B12 mg are high and thinking if i mash them and portion tgem out to give him but dont know what dosage. Not sure if Vit B12 comes in lesser mg. About to go to store. Just decided no milk jus electrolytes to work on boosting his energy to get him interested in food and holding his head up.

Anyone out there what are your thoughts?


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
Reaction score
How is his temperature? Also I have never had much luck with the replacer milk i just use store bought cow milk. Some of them don't like the taste of the replacer and also can cause scouring and dehydration i would be careful of that as well.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Hi Baymule,
I am unfamiliar with social networking and it seems you provided me twitter accounts. Do you so happen to have websites? Thanks again.
I don’t have a Twitter account. That is how we call other members here to a post. Those three people know WAY more than I do!