rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
I wish I could have her pound posts, but these are inside people, plus the kid is six-and high maintenance, bossy, without empathy to others, and more than a little spoiled. I hope she grows it later.

Today things got a little better. Yesterday I told DH I was going to take the kids and go live in the barn or a hotel until they left. Today DH had his (direct relation in offending party) clean the house with us. Another family member came over to help. There are still feces stains and they are still here, but some of the mess has been undone. It took a long time. I'm sure I'm a bad guy when the two family members are alone, but offending relation has been offloading their kids on me from dawn until afternoon, and then again during the "tiring" parts of the day, and I've been cleaning up after all of them non stop in all my "spare time", and I'm done so I don't care what they think.

My oldest son has finally snapped and has begun laying into the bully brat hard and relentlessly (and truthfully), chewing her out for everything she does until my husband or I call him off because we don't want to hear that coming out of his mouth (even though we're all thinking it, and he's right). I'm not telling him he is wrong. I just don't want him thinking that being too mean is okay. They are not getting along anymore for some reason, lol. I guess she can't get along with kids who have a spine. He has not punched her yet, which I am proud of.

My youngest son is taking things the hardest, but today after the bully brat had been particularly mean and exclusive to him I took him aside and let him "drive" my mini van up and backing down the driveway (coasting, basically just moving the car from one parking spot to the next) on my lap with him at the wheel and me at the pedals to prove that he could still do big things and he wasn't a baby that would never grow up no matter what any nasty someone told him. I wanted to do it with him on the lawn mower first, but the one we're using that came with the house is not a simple machine and I don't know how to start it, so the van had to due. He was in a happy daze for the rest of the day. May not have been the best, most responsible parenting thing to do, but I think it was the highlight of his week. I also laid out the rules for kids driving anything and taught him about drivers licenses, and told him about the lawn mower and how Daddy should take him on it. I think that's his next goal. I'll make sure to keep that car locked and the keys out of sight and reach just in case. DH is supposed to start teaching his kids how to mow the lawn so they can do it for him soon, right? (though probably not at 4)

My parents inlaws are most likely going to be moving to Nashua next spring, 15 minutes away. In regards to us hosting any guests at any future reunions-No! we won't be. The parents in law can keep their kids with them. They will be close enough and will probably have the space. And if not, there are hotels. I don't need my home wrecked. Kind of a shame. My parents in laws are easy house guests and I like having them around. Too bad all their kids aren't that way too (DH is easy to live with, not the kind of person that women would consider in need of "changing").

Anyway, I've probably said too much and will be editing this tomorrow, but that's the honest long and short of it.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I hope she grows it later.
[out of it]
I wouldn't hold my breath, not unless the parental units take an active part. Kid probably needs serious counseling. So do the parents if they allow such behavior.

but offending relation has been offloading their kids on me from dawn until afternoon, and then again during the "tiring" parts of the day, and I've been cleaning up after all of them non stop in all my "spare time", and I'm done so I don't care what they think.
Who the H3LL does that????? Frankly from your story I think even I, the most conflict avoiding person around, would have moved to the barn with the kids and told DH you'll come back when the "family" is gone, the sooner the better, and the house professionally cleaned ... at their expense if there is any way to pry the money out of them.

DH is supposed to start teaching his kids how to mow the lawn so they can do it for him soon, right? (though probably not at 4)
Yeah, 4 is too young. But eventually.

Anyway, I've probably said too much and will be editing this tomorrow, but that's the honest long and short of it.
Well lucky me, I got to read the original. I hope DH's other siblings and their families are normal and reasonable people :hugs


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
I think the parents of this family didn't adjust well to becoming parents and haven't totally shifted their way of thinking away from it being just about them towards taking care of their whole "gang" (yet?). They seem to love to make other people take care of their children (always for free, usually with little notice, for long periods of time). They used to live near us. I'd forgotten how bad they were, and the kid have gotten worse. I wanted to be hospitable to my family, silly me. I'll be smarter next time. Tomorrow early morning they will be off (I'm trying to to tell any specific stories, can you tell?). Then I clean!

On a side note, I got the stuff together to do my own goat fecals, so next time I get real spare time I'll go play with that. I've got a couple of pale-ish goats. I have to figure out what wormers work here, because something's needed. I also need to find a reference chart potential worm types that can show up in goat fecals because the fiasco farm pictures page isn't loading for me. I did a fecal last night on one of the pale goats and it looks like he's got a decent number of coccidia (those are easy), infestations of small balls with squiggles inside, larger balls with squiggles inside, ovals with squiggles inside of two different sizes, small dark footballs with polar caps, and a few larger worm eggs. The goat is on coccidia prevention after coming down with coccidia so i expected to see some, and I just wormed him with something I had around. I'll do another fecal again in a week. I'd love to get an id those worms for curiosity's sake and to make sure I'm treating right. I wish I had a good chart or book.

Typing during the gathering, so not sure how coherent this has been. I need a chance to edit the last few days. Maybe tomorrow.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I bet if you posted pictures of those fecals @Goat Whisperer and/or @Southern by choice could ID the parasites. They've been doing their own fecals for a long time.

Regarding the family, I guess everyone has been letting themselves be taken advantage of by the people who produced those children, trying to be nice because that is how people get along. Time to draw the line, tell them to grow up and be responsible for their spawn. Enough is too much at this point.