Ram seems to be getting aggressive.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I just read Ringo’s story again. Sitting here with tears rolling down my face. I still love and miss him.

Halfacrehomesteader your sheep will wrap around your heart and take you places you never expected. Enjoy the journey! ❤️


Ridin' The Range
Feb 29, 2024
Reaction score
I just read Ringo’s story again. Sitting here with tears rolling down my face. I still love and miss him.

Halfacrehomesteader your sheep will wrap around your heart and take you places you never expected. Enjoy the journey! ❤️
Awe. Thanks for sharing! I have tried to not make any deep connections with the ram because I have always known since getting him that he is only going to be visiting. We live on a half an acre so having a ram walking around (they literally hang out on our front porch 😂) has always been a concern for me. My girls though I have really gotten attached too. They are more like pets. We have them to raise our own meat but the ewes we have now will be the ones we always keep. I am a bit nervous about raising lambs to process. It's a whole new world for me but I keep trying to look at it like they have been well taken care of and fed properly which is more than I can say for the animal meat I get from the store.


Ridin' The Range
Feb 29, 2024
Reaction score
I just read Ringo’s story again. Sitting here with tears rolling down my face. I still love and miss him.

Halfacrehomesteader your sheep will wrap around your heart and take you places you never expected. Enjoy the journey! ❤️
I always appreciate it when the ones with experience can help the new ones out 😊. I hope one day I will have enough experience to be able to share too. I wouldn't be able to do all of the things I have started doing if someone hadn't shared their experiences. I have learned so much through YouTube and these kinds of threads. Thanks so much.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I fully understand your feeling of raising your own animals and knowing where the meat comes from. I do take a little offense to the comment that you made... about the animals " being properly fed which is more than you can say for the animal meat you get from the store"...

Farmers do try to feed and care for animals properly on most farms... because it is their livelihood and to not take care of them properly will return less bottom line to their farm.
I get a little upset, because even in the feed lots and concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO) , the health and well being of the animals is topmost in the farmer's mind or the animal will not do well, and will "cost" the farmer in reduced returns. NO, I don't like feedlots, and prefer my animals raised out in natural pastures and such. BUT... that will not provide the amount of meat that this country consumes... and then we will be importing more and more meat from countries that we have no control of their methods of raising their livestock.

I am sure you did not mean it the way it came out.... but as a farmer that raises more cattle than most on this forum, it is a little thorn in my side for people to make a statement like that and really not mean it that way.
Yes there are farmers that will cut corners, do things that are not kosher....sooner or later they get weeded out..... but the bottom line is such a fine line that it is in the farmers best interests to do all they can to "take care" of the animals they are raising so that the animals do well and return the farmer a better profit. Farmers do this because they care about their animals. This is one of the least "profitable" jobs for the amount of time and work that the person puts in.
Prices are real good right now and we are making a profit... but that happens about 2 years out of every 10. How many other businesses could survive on margins like that. Sick animals COST the farmer... unprofitable animals COST... losing lambs, or calves or chicks COST... and it is not something that you can just go "make another".... nature controls how fast things can reproduce and in the meantime that is totally lost income.... Most years we try to pay the bills and breakeven after that...

There are lots of corporate owned farms and many companies have other money invested elsewhere... to offset the years that there is not much of a profit... The mega groups have a stranglehold and can dictate more to be able to make profits... but so many farmers work on a very very slim margin...
Keep a financial record of every penny you put into your sheep.... and then when you do finally harvest some lambs... figure what it actually cost you for that meat. You will be surprised at how expensive that meat actually cost. I realize you are doing it just not about the cost... but..... if it constantly costs you way more to do something, you will reassess what you are doing.
Having the sheep will also be an enjoyment that will be like having a hobby... say you like having a boat... that cost is part of your enjoyment with no return to you except pleasure.. having the sheep will give you enjoyment that will also add to your freezer so a bonus. But you will find the cost of raising them to be more expensive than what just buying the meat is. Multiply that by 100/500 head, and you will see how the farmer has to be very efficient and raise their animals in as healthy a state as they can....so they will give him back the most for his time and money invested.... and still make a living doing it.

Please don't take this personally... I get on a soapbox sometimes. I just want you to understand that sometimes the way we say things are not the way they are meant...The problem is that people that have no knowledge of farming, will take something like that statement and interpret it as the farmers are not taking care of and properly caring for the animals they raise... and immediately the general public thinks cruelty and inhumane treatment.
Most New Zealand lamb is raised on pastures, grazing the animals... and is considered some of the best lamb you can eat; and alot of the lamb in this country is imported since we do not produce enough.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
I am a bit nervous about raising lambs to process. It's a whole new world for me but I keep trying to look at it like they have been well taken care of
Here you go - most of us hang on to ewe lambs to grow the flock. At some point they too go to auction/sales.
Ram lambs - they usually go. You're small with just a few and I'm sure they have names :) . Some of mine have names. When I started they all had names. Now I'm getting to more they have an ear tag number. But I've digressed. Go ahead and name - but those that are destined for sale or freezer name them things like Camper (going to freezer camp), Ice (headed to the ice box), etc.
Don't be sad when they go, think that you'll be saving $$$ on feed! After a few loads of alfalfa at $800 and more a load it will be welcome, and you'll have the best lamb ever in the freezer. Keep in mind the cost of feeding, and bedding if you're putting them up for the night. We can't keep them all - as I used to tell my son (now in his 40s) when he was little asking for a toy - "too much money".
Oh and processing - if you're not doing it yourself, start looking and asking around for someone who does that. They book WAY in advance around here. I'm set to have 3 lambs processed on April 8. So I'm feeding them, taking care of them etc until then. One for our freezer, one for a local freezer, and one for someone in CO.


Ridin' The Range
Feb 29, 2024
Reaction score
I fully understand your feeling of raising your own animals and knowing where the meat comes from. I do take a little offense to the comment that you made... about the animals " being properly fed which is more than you can say for the animal meat you get from the store"...

Farmers do try to feed and care for animals properly on most farms... because it is their livelihood and to not take care of them properly will return less bottom line to their farm.
I get a little upset, because even in the feed lots and concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO) , the health and well being of the animals is topmost in the farmer's mind or the animal will not do well, and will "cost" the farmer in reduced returns. NO, I don't like feedlots, and prefer my animals raised out in natural pastures and such. BUT... that will not provide the amount of meat that this country consumes... and then we will be importing more and more meat from countries that we have no control of their methods of raising their livestock.

I am sure you did not mean it the way it came out.... but as a farmer that raises more cattle than most on this forum, it is a little thorn in my side for people to make a statement like that and really not mean it that way.
Yes there are farmers that will cut corners, do things that are not kosher....sooner or later they get weeded out..... but the bottom line is such a fine line that it is in the farmers best interests to do all they can to "take care" of the animals they are raising so that the animals do well and return the farmer a better profit. Farmers do this because they care about their animals. This is one of the least "profitable" jobs for the amount of time and work that the person puts in.
Prices are real good right now and we are making a profit... but that happens about 2 years out of every 10. How many other businesses could survive on margins like that. Sick animals COST the farmer... unprofitable animals COST... losing lambs, or calves or chicks COST... and it is not something that you can just go "make another".... nature controls how fast things can reproduce and in the meantime that is totally lost income.... Most years we try to pay the bills and breakeven after that...

There are lots of corporate owned farms and many companies have other money invested elsewhere... to offset the years that there is not much of a profit... The mega groups have a stranglehold and can dictate more to be able to make profits... but so many farmers work on a very very slim margin...
Keep a financial record of every penny you put into your sheep.... and then when you do finally harvest some lambs... figure what it actually cost you for that meat. You will be surprised at how expensive that meat actually cost. I realize you are doing it just not about the cost... but..... if it constantly costs you way more to do something, you will reassess what you are doing.
Having the sheep will also be an enjoyment that will be like having a hobby... say you like having a boat... that cost is part of your enjoyment with no return to you except pleasure.. having the sheep will give you enjoyment that will also add to your freezer so a bonus. But you will find the cost of raising them to be more expensive than what just buying the meat is. Multiply that by 100/500 head, and you will see how the farmer has to be very efficient and raise their animals in as healthy a state as they can....so they will give him back the most for his time and money invested.... and still make a living doing it.

Please don't take this personally... I get on a soapbox sometimes. I just want you to understand that sometimes the way we say things are not the way they are meant...The problem is that people that have no knowledge of farming, will take something like that statement and interpret it as the farmers are not taking care of and properly caring for the animals they raise... and immediately the general public thinks cruelty and inhumane treatment.
Most New Zealand lamb is raised on pastures, grazing the animals... and is considered some of the best lamb you can eat; and alot of the lamb in this country is imported since we do not produce enough.
Definitely didn't mean to offend anyone. I guess what I meant to say was at least I KNOW my animals have been fed and cared for properly. When you buy from the store you really don't know where the meat is coming from and how it was treated. People also have different ideas of what healthy feed and proper care is which is totally fine. Everyone has to do what they feel is best for their animals. I really appreciate the farmers who raise the food we eat even the ones who do it differently than me (not including the ones that actually do mistreat their animals because I'm sure it exists). I do enjoy my animals but I don't know if I consider it a hobby. I put a lot of money into them to be able to feed them and care for them the way I feel is best for me and my family. It can be a bit of a sacrifice but one I'm happy to do for my family.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
When I started out, I castrated the boys and named them Dinner. Learn how to relieve the boys of their testicles, you don’t want to grow off a bunch of rams. If you have some nice looking ewe lambs, you might want to sell them and put that money back for feed and hay.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
No responsible breeder will rent out a ram. That can either bring disease to your flock or take disease back to the owner of the ram. Or both.

Buy a young ram, raise him to 6/8 months. Breed him to your ewes and have him slaughtered.
Your ewes lamb, there is a ram or two, keep one. Rams must be in a sturdy pen, not running with the ewes. When he’s 6~8 months old, breed him to the ewes. Yes, back to his mom. The lambs will be terminal. Save one ram lamb. Rinse repeat. Save your own twice, on third year, buy one.


Ridin' The Range
Feb 29, 2024
Reaction score
No responsible breeder will rent out a ram. That can either bring disease to your flock or take disease back to the owner of the ram. Or both.

Buy a young ram, raise him to 6/8 months. Breed him to your ewes and have him slaughtered.
Your ewes lamb, there is a ram or two, keep one. Rams must be in a sturdy pen, not running with the ewes. When he’s 6~8 months old, breed him to the ewes. Yes, back to his mom. The lambs will be terminal. Save one ram lamb. Rinse repeat. Save your own twice, on third year, buy one.
That's kind of what I was thinking. I had heard that inbreeding isn't really a problem so long as the offspring is used for meat which is what we will be doing.

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