Recovery from ketosis


Just born
Oct 13, 2020
Reaction score
Hello! Short version is that my goat had triplets on Monday, day 144. Two kids had to be pulled and had trouble regulating temp. Mama was acting off by Tuesday- not eating like I felt she should, not a ton of energy, her breath smelled weird. My vet (awesome man, but incredibly busy) came out Wednesday (yesterday) and diagnosed ketosis. Been doing propylene glycol, b complex, etc… she’s eating more, but still breathing fast. No temp. But my question is- what does recovery look like for ketosis? Short and long term? How do I know we’re out of the woods? Can I milk her like I was going to once she’s recovered? Any personal experience is welcome. I just don’t know what to be looking for, good or bad and I’m worried about my poor mama! All I can find is diagnosis and treatment- nothing on after that. Anyway, thanks in advance!

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
In simple terms, this is a metabolic disorder. She needs a higher amount of appropriate feed intake to support the energy her body needs to produce milk and keep her own body in good weight. Calories!! Yes, once she gets back to full feed and continues to eat the nutrition needed she'll be fine. You will be able to milk but she will require a continual feed regimen. The feed at milking is to support the body needs, not just get them on the stand, so adequate amounts are critical.

What is her normal ration? I buy a 20% protein goat dairy ration containing vit/min, add alfalfa pellets and sunflower seeds, plus orchard/alf hay. Plus pasture in season, less hay then. I have fed alf pellet, oats and barley if goat ration not available.

Hope she's doing better.
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