Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Apr 23, 2011
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Fort Worth, TX area
*HUGS Offered* I know you want to get everything moved by yourselves but it's stressing you out big time! Are there funds to hire a moving company with semi to make a major load of objects like the car, corralling, jug panels, feeder and water tubs? You could leave the bare minimum that fit on your trailers to come with you and livestock.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
As long as we can get the sheep to Texas, we can make trips back to pick up more of our stuff when we visit the kids.
This needs to be your priority, IMO. Once animals are there, you 3 people there....the darned furniture, painting, decorating can get done as you live there. Get there!! DH will settle in there, you can and it will become home. You're trying to manage 2 homes.

Instead of "living CA" and moving to TX....you need to be "living TX" and collecting possessions you still have in CA.......change the mindset. DH&DS1 will then. Think that over tonight when you can't sleep.🥰


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
Went back to bed at 3 am and listened to DH coughing the rest of the night. I took him to Urgent Care this am (plenty of time before the Super Bowl and less traffic) because he was hacking up large amounts of dark greenish yellow goop. As any other knows that indicates a possible infection. Sure enough, the doctor said he had a chest infection and prescribed Augmentin. Also, an inhaler to help hm breath better.

The men are ensconced in front of the big TV with their chips, 4 types of dip, and their drinks. Hail to the Super Bowl - the religious High Holy Day of football. LOL


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Looking back over this posting, I really need to move so I don't have time to write so much about moving. Need to learn to be more succinct. My uncle said that I didn't write letters, he called them "tomes". :lol:

Watched part of the Super Bowl game. I didn't really care one way or the other who won since our teams were not playing. I decided to root for the 49ers because so much hype was being made about Taylor Swift and the Chiefs. Every time the Chefs did something good I would hear my son and husband cheering - not because of the play but because the cameras were focused on Taylor and her bouncing boobs as she jumped up and down to cheer on her boyfriend. The news people took some of the focus off the game because of her. She is a very outspoken supporter of poor old Biden and hates Trump. Easy to dislike the president that ran the country to support its citizens when you are rich. Liked her music but no longer a fan and I don't usually base that on politics other than to say all those actors, music stars, and sports stars should just shut up. Their opinions are no better than any guy on the street. Usually worse because they have so much money that they don't worry about the economy or price of gas! I guess Taylor is doing her part though - the news said she sold ONE of her private planes for the sake of the planet and climate control. LOL

I had to chase DH down and give him his antibiotics and meds. Then DH coughed half the night again. I don't know what was worse, hearing him hack and choke or hearing nothing and poking him to make sure he was still alive. :\ He is sleeping and breathing heavily now (DH doesn't snore - he says). I will doctor him again when he wakes up. In the meantime, I may have caught it from him. I had a sore spot in my throat, coughed a couple times and had a sniffy nose last night. The sore throat is still here this morning, but I haven't coughed. I'll start eating Elderberry gummies to try to ward it off.

Nice sunny day with traces of snow on the mountains. Very pretty. The snow won't last - just left from the past giant storms. I like the view from my computer. I can see the hills and mountains behind the house, the gate to the pasture, part of the gully, and some of the pasture. The barn is just across the driveway but out of view from the office window.

Trying to decide where to put my desk in Yantis to have a nice view of something. Thinking about putting it where I can see the garden plot. DH plans to raise sweet corn in a lot of it. I love looking at a productive vegetable garden. Sadly the Yantis house doesn't have a view of the fields. The tool shed blocks the view out the LR window to the field, the DR window faces the highway. On the other hand, all the windows are 36x48 and easy to clean. The smaller windows are easier on heat and AC loss. Eventually we want to replace them with double paned, but for now they have to stay. The California house has giant dual pane windows everywhere to take in the views. They are a pain to wash since there are so many and are awkward to reach on the outside. Since I am moving, DDIL2 can wash them. LOL

As soon as DH is well again, we can finish loading the trailer and he and DS1 can take the stuff to Texas. Then we have to make a trip to northern California to pick up my new sheep. They can quarantine in the barn. Then another trip to Texas with more stuff. DS1 can come home as soon as we unload. DH and I will stay there for several weeks so I can finish painting the bathroom, get a plumber out for the shower leak, do other chores, and maybe start putting in the posts for the front wrought iron fence. I have 20 8' panels here that I plan to remove and reinstall in Texas. I installed that fence around the old above ground pool and deck. The panels fit into screw on fittings. Very easy to install. I can buy more panels, posts, and fittings to finish up the fence across the front and down the drive to the carport. I need to put gates in the openings to the carport from the yard on both sides. With that front fence installed the dogs can choose to come up to the house or stay in the pasture. I suppose i could have had the men put in a 6' fence since we had enough wire left over, but Levi said it would look nicer with wrought iron since the house is nice and has a pretty porch in front. Another couple trips and we can bring out the sheep, horses, and dogs. AND BECOME TEXANS!

Already planning to mount an American flag on the porch. If I can find one, I will put a Texas flag on the opposite end. We have an American flag in Christmas lights. Told DH we needed to bring that with us and buy a Texas Christmas light flag for next year. ;) Also bringing some of our patio furniture to put on the front porch. I bought a lot of those metal garden sunflowers several years ago after the ground squirrels gutted the raised planter DH made. They were lined with wire but that didn't stop the bionic squirrels! Anyway, I packed those and will put them in front of the porch in Yantis. No time once we get there to do much flower gardening right off the bat, but they will look nice. Next year I can start putting in flowering shrubs.

Still need to ack some of the garden items. I have a 3-piece garden dragon - looks like it is coming out of the ground in 3 places when set on grass. Also, a large flat beach stone that is a platform for a garden Buddha - not the fat one, the smiling calm one. And a couple of stone ducks. I might wait to take them back since they will all fit in a car. I do want to pack the windchime and my antique triangle. The triangle will be good by the back door to use as a knocker and to summon the men in from the barn. I always wanted one when the kids were small, so I didn't have to hope they heard me screaming over the 100 acres of gullies and hills behind the house. I found this one at an antique store 10 years ago. Too late for my small children, but good for the ranch. Also want to bring the old dairy milk can, and my great-grandmothers huge and heavy pressure canner. Really neat with screw down bolts all around the lid. Good garden ornaments.

I finished my tax information and when I added the "new" gooseneck trailer, I noticed that my sheep chair and Boss electric hoof grinder were not on the depreciation list. That inventory is good for insurance purposes, not just depreciation. It is amazing how much equipment and portable panels we have accumulated over the years - 4 pages! It is a downer t think this way, but I need to keep it up-to-date for our son in case something happens to us and he needs to hold an online auction and sell out. We have all seen garage sales where stuff was not priced appropriately - either too high or too low. I need to add @Baymule on the information sheet I have for him along with my mule friend Cheryl, and Wes Patton, and Erick for the Anatolians. He will call them to find out about marketing the livestock if we are dead. Even though my children always refer to @Bay as my Dial-a-Friend, she would have first go at stuff and let others know about it. I never forget what a shock @Latestarter's death was for us all. I'll never forget how @Devonviolet and others had to rally around to help his kids with the livestock.

Could keep writing but need to go see what I can pack now, and then get to filling out the tax forms if DH feels up to it.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
Packing more stuff, wrapping the upholstered loveseats in plastic drop cloths and moving "saran wrap". Put the cushions in giant trash bags. I am also wrapping up the white chairs to store in the Connex. If we find a sofa or sofabed in Palm Springs, we can bring back what we don't need to the PS consignment store on another trip. Next need to take the Chinese screen down from the wall, carefully wrap it for transport, along with the support shelf. Also the large inlaid mirror, and a couple paintings. I left them up during Christmas so the room would not look so barren. I might be bringing some paintings back too since I am not sure all of them will fit in the new house. The 20' oriental rugs must stay here until we remove the '70's style entry divider half wall.


Herd Master
Jan 13, 2010
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Southern Washington State
I HATE MOVING. I've moved so often in the last 7 years, I could spit.

Smart move to plan for sudden unexpected change in being alive. I've got a trust, but need to update it to this state and add in some "blocks and tackle" given hubs diagnosis, and my Mother's eventual demise.

ie: I'm the saver and hubs is the spender.