Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
So back from Bridge and surprise! beautiful sunny morning turning to thunder, lightening, and tremendous rain during Bridge game. DH (sweetie that he is) ran to get the car since I had not thought I would need a coat. A little wet but didn't melt.

Rika looks to have recovered over the weekend from the neck muscle injury she somehow sustained. Probably from having dumb bunny Bubba bash into her while playing! He is a monster who doesn't know his own strength when playing. The vet, at last Thursday's recheck, said that Angel looked to have recovered too, so she was released from confinement. Sadly she is back in jail. This time in the giant Bubba crate. We had to put it in the barn in one of the sheep pens because it continues to rain. She is back on anti-inflamatories and pain meds, and has to go back in 3 weeks. If she is not better, she will be referred to a specialist. Not even going to worry about that right now. Apparently the growth plate has separated. ??? Depending on what happens in 3 weeks, and what kind of specialist it is, we might just end up with a gimpy LDG. She doesn't seem to let it slow her down since as soon as she gets out she races and jumps! Hopefully confining her in a 36" x 48" x 40" cage will keep her movement curtailed enough to heal, if it does, we may confine her in the kennel for an additional several weeks after the vet pronounces her able to leave the "Dark Hole of Calcutta" in the barn.

The 3 young ewes in with Ramborghini have all marked. 2 remarked on the 11th of May. The 2 Dorsets in with Lewis are marked, the last one on 7th May. So lambs expected in September and October from those ewes. 3 of the 4 ewes we brought home and penned with Axtell also were marked this morning. He apparently didn't waste any time. :love Only one left to breed to him. Some may still remark. The 2 new fall ewe lambs we picked up that are n quarantine will go in with Lewis along with the remaining yearling ewe in September or October for early spring lambs. I also have a ewe that I bought who needs to be picked up when we return from Texas. She was due to lamb any minute and we did not want her riding in a trailer full of other sheep so close to lambing. I just got a text with the photo of her and her twins! Her owner is keeping her until the end of August to raise the lambs. When we return from Texas we will pick her up and her lambs can be sold for meat. I will flush her for a month to get her back in condition then put her in to breed for February lambs. Our home bred fall ewe lamb will go in with Axtell. She was sired by Lewis so either Ramborghini or Axtell will be chosen to breed her. She doesn't look to be a good shedder at the moment so I think it will be Axtell, since Ramborghini (I really have to shorten his name!) doesn't look to be a good shedder either. If they don't shed well by 2 years old, I plan to cull them since I only want good shedders.

DH has rented a cherry picker for this weekend to take down the dead cedar tree that overhangs the driveway where we park the 5th wheel trailer. After the incredible winds of last winter, we are asking for trouble not removing it. We were surprised that it didn't come down when we lost the barn roof since it is right at the edge of the barn. DH2 has the holiday weekend off so we will have both boys to help us. DH1 will have to empty one of the little sheds and move it so we can get the cherry picker into the area to get at the tree. DH can get at it with DS2 and hand line the pieces down onto the driveway. Time was DH would just have buckled on his gaffs and belted off to climb the tree and take it down that way. :old Now he will have to direct operations instead.

As soon as the tree is down the trailer can be brought home to get ready for our trip. However we found out there was a recall on the fridge so want to get that taken care of before the trip. I am waiting for a return call from the guy that does all the recall repairs and replacements. We hope to take the trailer straight from the shop we use to the guy for the recall replacement. Less work and stress to do everything that way.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
I know but it was for the youth program and we are suckers for those kids.

Our Nonning sired ewe marked this am. Bred to the new Axtell ram. Then we picked up the meat from our lambs and will have leg of lamb tomorrow.

Butcher Kent raved over the lamb carcasses again and said he can sell any I have. Apparently he posted a picture of my Lewis ram on the wall of his office as being the ideal of a meat carrying ram. I am looking forward to his comments about the new ram when I email him a photo. He is just as good.

I am planning my lambings carefully to have lambs every 2-3 months so I will have a steady supply but not too many at one time for him. I also have private customers and we will eat several ourselves. I am currently discussing things with BK to see also f he needs ethnic BBQ size lambs and when. My ewes will produce lambs every 8 months and by staggering the ewes and breeding dates I can supply all year long. Excited, but it will take extensive planning.

More heavy rain yesterday. I hope this breaks the drought and we will get backing a seasonal heavy winter rain for several years to come. The areas DH and DS1 already cut next to the house are sprouting green again. DS1 said he wants to fence in 200 feet from the fence for the sheep to graze off where he needs to cut first. Those pastures can be subdivided and cross fenced to clean them off quickly then move the ewes/rams into the next ones. I had suggested that last year but got the hairy eyeball from DH and DS1 and DS2. Now since it is their idea it may get done! :lol:

Going to a kindergarten play tomorrow. Actually cancelled Bridge to go and little Elizabeth lit up and threw herself into my arms. :hugs She has been telling us all about it and is excited because she is "the Narrator because I am the best reader in the class". Got to treasure these days when the grandkids think we are special. Eventually they will still love us but not feel like we are the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Best ages ever! :love


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
You sure got some very nice ewes and that ram! he is so nice, it doesn't surprise me one bit that he went home with you. When you come to Texas, I really think that you need to smuggle a little ewe lamb in a dog crate for a special friend...….:lol:


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
I wish I could. But no lambs on the horizon right now. Almost everyone is bred hopefully. I guess we will have to arrange another
if you want a lamb. Oh No! Not another trip to my favorite state! Let me consult my charts - I have ewes due to lamb in September, October . . . and some planned for lambing in December - February . . . . Sadly, they only come in white. Will that color be ok? :idunno


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
I know of a place that is going to go on market very soon, tho may be smallish for your plans, but the good news is, the whole place is fenced in chain link except the front. Last time I was by there, the front had an ornamental steel fence. Rock house with 2 bedrooms I believe. Only 35 acres if I remember right. One of my friends has been landscaper/caretaker/farm manager for the property for several years. Out of state resident owner that is up there in age and is liquidating all his/her away from home assets before they get too decrepit to travel to them.
Going to be pricey too. Probably in the $600K range.
I'll let you know when it hits the market..Coldwell Real Estate is going to be the agent.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Pretty sure this is that property. (things look different on google earth than in real life)


Been quite awhile since I've by there.