Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
but the ground has been frozen. Thinks he can get a date to do the work in a week or so.
Oh please. Is he planning to hand dig the thing? The ground can't be frozen more than an inch, maybe two. Now up here, yeah it is frozen, likely 2' minimum, could be 3', frost line is generally accepted to be 4'.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
At the moment the septic is working so not too worried. It will get done. Tomorrow will load the tools and luggage in the truck. DS2 said to take his truck so I guess we will do that. Considering sticking a footstool in the back seat with a rope tied to it so I can use it to get into the truck then haul it in after me. LOL

Tomorrow I will disconnect and pack computer then only things left to load on Wednesday will be the coffee thermoses, cooler with sandwiches, and overnight bag with toiletries. :)

On the road again . . . . 🎼


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
I was supposed to go with DD2 Wednesday to meeting with teachers to discuss readiness for kindergarten but DSIL2 had the morning free and wanted to go with her. I was glad to get out of it since we could start for Texas several hours earlier. Made it to Gallup for the night. Were surprised that it was only 7:00m, clock in truck said 8:00! Next day we realized DS2 had not corrected the time when Daylight Savings Time ended! LOL Learning the clock was an hour off we managed to get into Sulphur Springs around 8:30 pm on Thursday night instead of stopping earlier. :D =D Sure travel faster without pulling the trailer! On the other hand, pulling our own bedroom behind us has its advantages - no motel bills.

Thursday morning we planned to meet the electrician at the new house, but he couldn't make it till afternoon, so we changed our plans and went to Quitman instead to Wood County Assessor's office. We took care of the taxes - AG etc. - then did some other errands before meeting the electrician, John. He hasn't finished the work other than hooking up the septic so we have to come back from Groveton to meet him on Wednesday. Also met the house tenants, Larry & Vicki, and our pasture tenant, Cody. Cody assured us he didn't need the barn so we can start working on it this summer. Needs some repairs, and need to work on the tack room - insulate it and install more walls and repair or replace the floor. We will get it ready to store our equipment.

I am considering leaving the trailer in the barn this summer and we can rent a trailer to come back in March 2023 with a rented trailer and a load of stock tanks, corral panels, etc. Need to figure it out. But we have to come back in March anyway since our niece's daughter is getting married then in Athens. She and her fiancé are currently living in Tyler and plan to stay in Texas. His folks live in Athens. She is trying to convince her grandparents to come out in their motorhome. The future in-laws also have a camper, and I told her we would come out with our trailer and stay in the same campground.

Since we have to come back in February/March anyway, maybe we should leave the trailer here and that way we can bring back a rental trailer full of stuff. Can't use our stock trailer because we have to take the trailer back with us. Decisions, decisions . . . .

The tenants might be here longer than a year. It will take them 4-6 months to build their new home and the land they are buying is still in probate. Told them no problem since we can't move in before another year plus. Talked to Cody about only having 30 acres for his cows and he was fine with that. Said he doesn't need the barn either. The tenants said they had some problems with the house but repaired them themselves. I told them that if they needed anything done to call me and I would pay plumber/electrician/HVAC direct. I hoped to meet with the septic guy but he was not able to come, and his boy was in the junior rodeo the next day so we said we would come and watch him. Larry (house tenant) said that he and Cody had a big laugh at me. I asked what the joke was, and he told me that they were laughing because I had called the tenants to tell them not to go in the pasture because there was a breeding bull in with the cows. It turns out that our tenant is a retired cattleman from OK. Born in Sulphur Springs and came back to retire here. Apparently he had a big herd of cattle that he bred for the organic market. :lol:

After lovely weather Friday, it snowed! 🥶 Naturally - for the junior rodeo! :mad: As we drove down the narrow road to the arna lots of cars were coming back from the rodeo grounds. Wondered if it was called off but couldn't see tough Texans letting a little snow stop a rodeo. Drove in and found lots of guys sitting in trucks with engines on so DH said maybe it was really cancelled. Nope, lots of little kids on their horses muffled to the eyes with moms and dads turning blue with them. The people in the trucks were between events and warming up with their truck heaters. LOL I grabbed a blanket from the truck and found that there were no bleachers to sit on but found DH a folding chair. He sat down wrapped in the blanket and read his Kindle while I took photos of the kids' events to send to DDIL1. Most of the kids fell off at the chute, but a couple had good rides and stayed on almost till the buzzer. Some of those bulls were really good buckers too. The wind was icy 🥶 so we left after watching the pole bending and bull riding. Went to the Dairy Museum but it is closed on Saturday and Sunday, so will hit it next time. Hit Walmart for some healthy snacks for DH during the Super Bowl, and Tractor Supply where I got DH his Valentine gift - a bag of peanuts. He loves their peanuts!

Today we drove around town locating any places we would need, church, Dairy Supply, feed mills, fencing companies, hardware, etc. The Walmart, Lowes, and TSC are located all together on the south end of town convenient to our place. :D =D Back to motel to hook up computer. Then met Chad (septic) at the house and paid him. Lower than expected. Agreed that all the cars and trucks leaving the rodeo early yesterday were relatives that came out to watch their family's kids but decided it was too cold! LOL Asked if his boy was entered in the youth livestock show February 25 & 26 and he said yes. Exhibiting a red Beefmaster heifer. Said we would come and cheer for his boy. His son is not auctioning but might be next year. Since we are coming back next Feb/Mar we will go watch and told him that we would do an "add on" if he auctioned. Cody's kids did not get their steers halter broke so are not showing this year, maybe next.

Found out that there are a lot of deer around so can't plant my fruit trees like I wanted since the garden fence is not in. We need to put up the perimeter game fence first to keep the deep away from the fruit trees or they will become fruit stumps! Next year. We are going to try to get the game fencing in this summer. Located a fencing company in Sulphur Springs that I will call to price it. Chad gave us the name of a trucking company that might sell Connexes, or alternatively, bring them out full of stuff on one of their flatbeds. I will price them out also. So much to do so little time . . . .

Hoping to start moving a lot of our equipment that we are not using back to the property this year. Getting excited.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
So I wrote about my error in recording breeding dates and the 2 surprise lambings. Apparently I need to have a better system! DS1 called on Thursday while we were on the road to tell me we had another lamb i the night fold. He was trying to figure out to which ewe it belonged so put it in the sorting chute temporarily. When he turned around there were 3 more newborns in the pen! At first, I just laughed thinking he was teasing me, but it appears that 2 other ewes had delivered. Matching split twins from both of them! I had also left him the tag numbers of 2 ewes whose lambs could be weaned so he moved those ewes from the creep pen to the field. He had moved 7088 ewe with month old lambs out to the creep and turned the ewe that lost her lamb onto the field already. With those moved around he was able to sort the newborns out and move them to the barn jugs with their mamas. Now he will have to give them shots so he can dock the ewe lambs.

He had stern words for me about my poor record keeping! :rant I remembered that those were the 2 ewes that we were not sure had marked or not. They were on the calendar with a question mark after them. :hide Oh well, not bad for several years of correct lambing dates. LOL I was profusely apologetic, and groveled. Then we decided to blame DH since he often doesn't notice a faint mark when feeding in the am. :gigSo now 5 lambs to take to the auction when I get back, and another 5 to take the following month. $$$ :D =D


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Back from Texas on Wednesday, left for the sheep seminar Friday, back on Sunday.

So after taking car of some business in Yantis and Quitman, we met up with Baymule at her place (now Lstewart's place) to hep her finish her move. DH helped Bay with sorting the storage building and loading the big trailer the Stewarts loaned her. I went inside and made boxes for all the pictures, then packed up boxes with the items she had ready. Next we loaded the flatbed trailer with more fencing panels, pipes, timbers, and wire. It took 2 days to get ready to pull the load to Groveton. Bays DD came to help and loaded her car up. We rearranged the stuff in our truck and were able to fit almost everything in the last load. For a while we thought we would have to make 2 runs. We still had another flatbed run and the sheep and dogs but had to get pens up in Groveton.

We planned to stay in a motel and drive back and forth to do the loading but Bay insisted that we stay with her. We would have lost about an hour daily in commuting so we accepted her offer. We would have slept on the floor but Bay gave us her inflatable mattress and she slept in the recliner.

The first night there was an earthquake which woke me up! :eek: Turned out that DH needed to go to the bathroom and fell off the inflatable mattress while struggling to get up. This happened several times and by the time we left for Groveton DH was casting covetous looks at the recliner! LOL

Arriving at Groveton, it took the 4 of us a full day to unload the trailers. Seeing all the stuff Baymule had already loaded and taken down herself was impressive. No wonder her knees are about to give out! Bay's son came home from Austin that evening and helped us. The next day we started building the first fence for Trip and Carson. This was a very small pen around the back of the house so they would have access to the covered porch room. The next pen was the sheep fold with the 3 arched huts. Baymule had planned it out so we drove in the T posts and attached the fence panels as we went along. DH and Bay drove them in. DH started coughing heavily with a lot of exercise or cold air. He was still recovering from Covid and had to rest frequently. I kept dosing him with cough medicine. Bay's DS took his tractor and placed a large round bale of hay in the area she had planned between the pens so both pens had access. Finally those pens were finished.

The next day Bay's DS was home and we decided to go to Houston County which was where their families had lived for many generations. We needed the rest! While we went inside to make lunch B's DS took the opportunity while there was no wind to burn some of the cardboard boxes and other rubbish. When he came in for his sandwich Bay told him of our plan to go sightseeing in Houston County to look at the family land he had inherited from his Dad's family. He went to check his burn pile while we gathered up water bottles for the trip. Suddenly there was shouting outside. Bay ran out and BDS yelled to bring his truck. Apparently the breeze had come up and we had a problem. Bay drove the truck next door where BDS was struggling to get the neighbor's gate open for the firetrucks. He needed the tools in the truck to take the gate off its hinges since the neighbor lady couldn't open the lock on the gate. The neighbor's wife collapsed into Bay's arms sobbing while the firefighters and BDS put out the fire.

Going outside we could see that the small burn pile had rapidly spread across the yard. It was approaching the neighbor's fence on the north and had already burned through the wire fence on the south into the Nasty Neighbor's yard. DH and I grabbed shovels and began beating out the fire creeping closer to the storage containers. The Nice Neighbor to the north was out in his yard shouting something to the firefighters. I heard him yelling at the firefighters,
"I didn't do it! I didn't do it! It wasn't me!"
Apparently, one firefighter was his brother-in-law and another 2 were his wife's uncles. He told me that he had been one of the firefighters until he got caught setting fires! He had done time in jail for arson!!! :lol:

The fires were extinguished but the nice green grass that was to be Bay's sheep pasture was gone. :( It looked like we had decided to have a big BBQ on BDS' property then and then invited the neighbors! Unfortunately, the neighbors we invited were the Nasty Neighbors. The Nasty Neighbor complained to the sheriff about the fence posts being burned and needing to be replaced (not necessary) but that didn't fly since the entire fence was on BDS' property and were his fence posts not the nasty Neighbors!

We decided to just have a quiet night in to recover from the excitement. The 4 fire trucks and their operators had a good time though. Apparently this happens all the time according to one firefighter who could barely keep the grin off his face. These guys are volunteers and love to be called out for a fire so they can drive very fast and use their sirens. Particularly for a fire like this that did not burn any buidings or injure anyone. My brother was a volunteer firefighter in Moses Lake when he was in college. He told me that as volunteer they loved fire calls! Unfortunately for BDS the fire did reach the back of his property and melted the lights on 2 of his trailers, and scorched the tires on one.

We had gotten tickets for the Greg Gutfeld Show on Thursday evening. He was in Dallas for 3 nights. Wednesday was warm - almost 80, but Thursday was cold, snowing in Dallas, and the roads were very icy. However, Bay, DH and I drove to Lindale and dropped Bay's truck with the flatbed trailer. DH unhitched the giant cargo trailer we had borrowed, and the 3 of us took off for Dallas. The weather was icy, but we made good time and got there before noon. This would give us time to go to lunch before lining up for the performance. Our instructions were to allow 2 hours to stand in line. We got a great parking place and decided to walk to the restaurant. First, we went to the box office to make sure that we knew where to get in line. A very nice attendant sadly told us that due to the weather the performance had been cancelled!!! :barnie

Nothing for it but to fight our way back through the sleet to Sulphur Springs where we had reserved a motel room. Since we didn't want to do the much longer drive to Groveton after the Gutfeld show ended we planned to stay in Sulphur Springs which was half the drive. Then we would pick up the last load of sheep equipment and the sheep on Friday morning and go back to Groveton. After finally getting back to SS we were cold, hungry, and tired. We had lunch and then did the post office, Lowes and Walmart errands we would have done th next morning. This saved us time which it turned out we needed since Friday was just as nasty a day as Thursday had been.

More tomorrow.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
The Nasty Neighbor is farther away than the Nice Arsonist Neighbor. We should have bought wienies at Walmart and gone out to sit by the fire and roast them. Who knew that the breeze would come up and drive the fire like that?! And the ground wasn't all that dry - it had rained just a couple days previously. It is a good lesson to plough a large circle around the burn pile before lighting it and stand guard with a hose! It was sad to see all the burned ground since Baymule's sheep would have enjoyed eating that dry Bermuda grass.

Anyway, tried to get my computer up and running and had a lot of trouble. Rebooted1 said that it several times finally had DS1 come to fix it, He discovered that it had a cracked screen! Must have happened on trip. Slight melt down since all business records are on it! Thought I might have to buy another computer (this one is only 18 months old!) but DS1 turned off the touch screen option which I never use and it seemed to fix the problem for the time being. He figured that because the screen was cracked it was telling the touch screen option conflicting instructions, Thank goodness for a computer savvy DS1! I really did not want to have to buy a new computer just now. I need the money for gas!!! $6.00 gallon since we returned!

Meanwhile back in Texas - Got to Baymule's place and got to work. That woman is incredible! I couldn't believe all the stuff she had loaded, transported, and unloaded on her own!!! In addition to the stuff she had help with. She is Super Baymule with super powers for moving!

After the non-appearing Greg Gutfeld fiasco we went to Lindale the next morning still in the icy sleet to load the animals and more equipment. The dogs were so happy to see Bay! We hitched the stock trailer and DH put it in position to load. The latches were frozen shut and had to be knocked loose. I never loaded in ice before and should have realized that we needed to do something about the bad footing on the icy trailer floor. After getting Ringo and his girls loaded in the front compartment we tried to load the rest of the ewes and lambs. They started into the chute and then one would turn around backwards and bottleneck. They did not want to leave their nice covered barn area and get in the drafty clanking trailer. Did they know that they did not have such nice accommodations at the new place?

We finally got most of them in the trailer when tragedy struck. We were loading through the slide gate instead of opening the swing gate hoping it would make it easier to get the ewes into the trailer. Miranda's rear hoof slipped on the icy trailer lip and her leg slid into the gap under the trailer door just as she tried to get into the trailer. I won't talk about it anymore since I know Bay talked it about already. It was heartbreaking and I will never forget the sound of her leg shattering. Icy footing is very treacherous for animals as well as people. My heart just breaks for Bay.

While Baymule and her friend rushed Miranda to the vet, Lstewart's daughter's boyfriend helped me load the rest of the sheep again. First I went and got a rug and draped it over the icy rear step of the trailer for safe footing. Nothing like locking the stable door after the horse has been stolen. :mad: When Baymule returned we had the sheep loaded in the trailer.

Next to load the dogs. Poor Trip was shaking as we tried to get him into the truck under the camper shell. Lstewart and Baymule lifted him in together. While I held him in place they got Sheba in. "Quick shut the door!" I said and Baymule slammed the door down - on my head! :lol::lol::lol: Really need to be quicker when giving those orders. After we stopped laughing we tied down the camper shell door with bungees and were ready to leave. Carson and Trip were already in the truck - they were taking no chances at being left behind again!

Arriving in Groveton Carson and Trip were introduced to their new quarters. I think they were puzzled at the size of their new home, but it opened into the patio room of the house so they could be out of the rain. Next we unloaded the ewes and lambs into their side of the fenced pen where they immediately started eating the long dry grass. Ringo and his girls were next into their pen and they started dining on the hay. Ringo was not impressed with his new quarters and gave Bay several reproachful looks in the rain. After she fed the sheep we ran into the house to get warm. We had hoped to maybe finish the T-posts behind the cargo boxes on the Nasty Neighbor side but it was freezing! And raining! And getting dark! Instead Bay fed the dogs and unpacked some boxes.

The next day was still wet and cold so we were happy that the fence stringing day had been pushed to Sunday. I did laundry and packed suitcases in preparation for our departure on Monday. In Ridgetop tradition these had to be unpacked and repacked due to the changing weather!

Bay made chili for Sunday and continued to empty boxes. There were intermittent cries of "Where is . . . ?" Punctuated by vague replies of "I thought I saw it . . ." as we circled the huge stack of cartons peering into, around, and behind them for the missing items. Every so often there would be a cry of triumph as the missing item appeared where we had looked several times already! I was not much help as I often thought Bay was looking for something else entirely! :rolleyes::gigAs Bay emptied cartons I broke the boxes down and took them out to the patio room to place in the pile for the next Big Burn. I noticed that Carson had taken the entire dog blanket for himself. leaving poor Trip to sleep on the cold concrete!

Sunday was dry and Hidden Pines and her DH came early to string fence with us. Meeting them was so much fun. They are terrific people. He had brought along all kinds of tools in his truck, including one of the same fence tools I bought for attaching the T post clips to the wire. Bay and I each had one to use if we could figure it out. We were going to be on top of this fencing thing until I realized that the hinged tool was trickier than I thought. Unfortunately, it seemed to collapse like a wet noodle every time I tried to bend the clip with it. Perhaps if I had put the clips on the right way up first it might have helped! HP's DH showed us how to use the tool but I think I am a slow learner. :he I did finally manage to get several clips fastened on while everyone else raced along the wire fastening their clips! Luckily I had a pair of pliers which I used to clamp the wire, disguising my ineptness with the special fencing tool! :hide Later I fished the package with the instructions out of the trash and put it carefully in my tool box. I will not be beaten by a weird hinged tool that disobeys me. I sent it for a time out in the tool box and by the time we go back to Texas to string fence on our ranch it better have learned its lesson!

After we had finished the fencing we all went in to have Bay's chili with Fritos. Everything she made came from her own beef and garden. The chili was terrific! I never had Fritos on chili before and it was a gastronomic enlightenment!!! I plan to make it that way for my family from now on. Sooo good! Too soon Hidden Pines and her DH had to leave. We hope to see them again when we go back to Texas. Their place with all the work they have done sounds amazing.

Monday we sadly said good bye to Baymule. We had to leave for California and some doctor's appointments. Rushed back for orthopedics appointment on March 3. When we got there were told it was the following Wednesday. :barnie So I told DH we could rush home and hitch the stock trailer to take lambs to the auction. since we couldn't do it the following Wednesday as we planned. I called the stockyard to find out how late we could get there only to find out that the auction had been held the previous day. I thought it was Wednesday while it was actually Thursday! :rolleyes: DUH! However, we could take the lambs in Tuesday and pay an extra day's yardage which we decided to do since the oldest rams were already over 3 months old. So yesterday took in the 4 lambs which were looking very nice. Had a nice chat with the stockyard clerk. I asked if they had buyers they notified if I brought in another load and called ahead. She said they didn't have that kind notification but she knew who would probably buy them - that buyer had bought my others the last couple months. Nice to know my lambs are being looked for. Will be bringing another load of ram lambs in either March 30 or April 6 since Easter is late this year. Will also take the ewe whose udder has gotten bad and her ewe lamb. The ram lamb is ok but the ewe lamb is 6 weeks old and sort of stunted. If I had been here I would have put her on a bottle, but since she is 6 weeks old now I don't think it would help. I might pull her anyway and put her in a jug with hay to see if she will perk up and maybe grow a bit more.

Saw the orthopedist today and got the orthopedic surgeon referral for knee replacement. :hit Doctor looked at my crooked leg (knee juts sideways at a 15+ degree angle from the knee and is getting worse from old injury), looked at x-rays that showed the knee bone on bone on one side with the leg being kinked off at an angle, then at my hip x-rays showing damage to spine from wacky crooked leg and said "Get this fixed before you need spine surgery and a hip replacement as well as a new knee!". Making an appointment tomorrow for surgical set up.

Odd thing is that when sitting or lying down unless I have done a lot of standing, walking, or heavy working, I don't have pain. I can kneel down and squat - can't get up but getting down is not a problem and doesn't hurt much. Everyone getting knee replacements complains of terrible pain in knees so I didn't think I needed the replacement. I have noticed when rolling over in bed that the leg doesn't like turning over. It is also getting hard to walk with the crooked leg - I sort of lurch along - so . . . . :fl

I hate surgeries - I always think this will be the time I won't wake up and I haven't told my family everything they need to know yet . . . . LOL Also worry about who will take care of my sweet DH. Oh well, life goes on.

DH is very full of "Told you so". Annoying when he is right.

Since coming back we are trying to figure out how to get all our stuff back there with the cost of gas and diesel. We might just pay to have it trucked back then meet the movers and put all the fencing and equipment into the barn. DH plans to buy the supplies he will need to rewire the house and put wiring into the barn here if we can get it since the electrician said he can't get it in Texas without a long wat. We will bring it back with us. Also going to price no climb and woven wire here since it is getting in short supply in Texas. DH has decided that we don't need to pay to have expensive game fence installed. Just need tall fencing for the dogs. As long as they can't get out they will repel any deer, coyotes, and hogs from getting in. We have another bitch puppy coming from Erick this summer. That will give us 4 Anatolians, although Rika is almost 10 now. I may promote her to yard and lamb jug protector in Texas.

DH is very upset about the rising cost of gas. He has decided with the Ukraine situation that we have to "cut back". At the same time he is running around turning off all lights so we have to feel our way around the house, he wants to stock pile meat! I told him that we have plenty of meat but really need a garden. He was excited about plantg stuff but I reminded him that we can't have one due to the ground squirrels. I may try to order some garden electro netting from Premier. It has been on back order for the past year but if I order it maybe I will eventually get some and it will be useful in Texas. Also the solar chargers but not from Premier. There is a better brand which I will order. I want one with a high power charge - I can't wait to see those fried ground squirrels hanging from the electric netting! :somad :smack

I will keep all ewe lambs again this year to see if I can get a good flock of breeding ewes together before relocating to Texas. I might have them shipped out by livestock carrier since I can't go back and forth several times and leave the sheep to fend for themselves in Texas. Better to pay for them all to be brought put at the same time. Or maybe we will bring the rams and dogs in our stock trailer and have the ewes shipped.

I will have to add to the story of our Texas trip tomorrow.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Yes you NEED knee replacement! Time to STOP and take care of yourself before you crash and crater into worse shape.

I go March 24 for an examination. Let's get this show on the road!

This is the wire I bought at the hardware store in Groveton. I plan on using it when I get my farm. You might want to give them a call and see if you can order it direct.
