Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
DS1 even made BACON!!! :drool I got 3 pieces.

I had to recut several pieces of molding to get them to fit. Still not done, need to put in bottom molding on long side. That will require splicing 2 pieces together since my long pieces are not long enough. The splice will be behind the couch though so won't show. I will also need to do a lot of nail hole filling - not only my brad nail holes but the pre-existing holes from the nails where Bay pulled them out of her house. I think they will look ok after filling though. I finished the short side, and tomorrow will finish the long side.

I was feeling very old and depressed that I did not do the entire project in one go but this evening my buttocks hurt (or are those the glutei muscles?). I realized it was from squatting down instead of kneeling on my new knee! Then there was the climbing in and out of the trailer to measure, cut, fit, remeasure, recut and install. Not old, just still crippled a bit from the knee replacement. I really thank God that I did all the removal of the banquette before the knee replacement since I removed most of it kneeling down! :bow
I stopped before finishing the last side because the miter saw was sitting in the sun and had gotten too hot to use! The last couple days have been very hot -100's plus. I hope it cools down a bit before the ewes lamb. So hard on them in the heat. I may have to send DS1 to get a couple large box fans for the barn. I had two of the large barn fans for livestock but sold them when the kids graduated from 4-H. Wish I had kept them. May have to buy more in Texas for the lambing barn.

DH got two truckloads of dirt and the grandsons shoveled it out and wheel barrowed it to the fill site. If we were on flat land we could use the tractor. I love my mountain views, but working on hills is too labor intensive. Anyway, the boys got it all unloaded and while DH was getting another load they cleaned the barn and creep. DH announced he would get a third load, but he arrived just as the dirt place closed. So the boys collected their pay (less the time they were goofing off, arguing as to who should shovel and who should wheel barrow, and DGS1 sat in the bathroom reading!) and went home in time to swim in their pool. School starts Monday. :(:hit


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I’m torn between putting a goodly amount of trim in the shipping container or leaving it out in the weather or lack thereof. I suppose I’ll put some up in the container for you, leaving valuable trash outside has done nothing to encourage rain!


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
I won't need much more. I pulled off the two horizontal pieces and recut the larger piece so won't need a large horizontal piece to cover the splice. I am hoping to get everything done with what I have but having some extra left in the shed would be good. I will store it in the loft of the toolshed.

Made coffee and about to go out and mark the bottom molding to cut. Hopefully I can get everything installed and then nail holes filled. Then I will clean and polish the paneling, take photos, push the couch back into place, clean up the mess and put away tools. Then next step rent a carpet scrubber to clean the carpet. Trailer carpets get incredibly filthy since they are walked on with dirty shoes constantly while camping in dirty areas, are washed, and are small spaces. I knew the carpets were dingy, but removing the banquette revealed the original carpet under them. Shock! Horror! Ick!

No lambs yet. Need to band 2 ram lambs in barn since we can't get the sheep to the butcher till we get back from Texas. This way they can go out on the field with their mamas who need to be rebred.

Finished the bottom molding then put in the vertical and horizontal pieces to cover the seams. I had just enough oak trim to finish the job. Looked great when I was done except for the nail holes. Hunted down the oak-colored filler. (Tip: If you are looking to color match precolored filler don't buy the color that your cabinets/furniture is supposed to be. It never matches. The "golden oak" is too yellow, some colors of medium oak need cherry colored filler which is too light red for cherry stain, and some wood needs a combo of several colors.) Filled all the nail holes, miter joins, etc. Then took pix.

As I stood there admiring the job before gathering the tools to put them away something did not look right. Remember the gap that needed one piece of molding to cover it? That original area that needed to be covered before I decided to panel two walls of the trailer?

:ep I had forgotten to keep a piece for that gap! :th OOPS! :hide

Luckily Baymule had suggested I take some of the white trim pieces and I put one of them in that spot. They are a little narrower than the oak trim but I made it work. Phew!


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Heard from Erick about Bubba. He is doing very well and Erick has said that i did not ruin Bubba. At least not totally. LOL He also said that Bubba is not an aggressive Anatolian and he has an exceptionally sweet temperament. Bubba loves Erick and Erick has introduced him to several new persons and he was very sweet to them.

Erick and I discussed the problem we thought we had and agreed that Bubba was probably sensing my fear that he would be aggressive with strangers. Sensing my discomfort with having strangers around made Bubba feel he had to be more protective since I was obviously uncomfortable with whoever it was. While we agreed on this, Erick also said he could understand my worry since Bubba is massive and would be hard, if not impossible, to hold back physically from any attack. Especially since I am now much older than I was years ago when I would have had no problem even with his size.

At any rate Erick is giving my dog some extra training and has said that I did a good job with him since he was my first Anatolian I trained from puppyhood. And a male as well. Wonderful praise from the Anatolian Whisperer and my guru. LOL I am just worried that he will love him so much that I might not get him back! LOL Erick is so happy with Bubba's temperament and looks that he is now searching for some approved bitches to breed him to. He has his breeding partner on the east coast looking too. Maybe Bubba will have some puppies eventually.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Can't sleep so catching up reading posts on here. Went to bed yawning at 11 pm and have been lying awake for over3 hours! Still yawning but still can't sleep!

Won't be putting any drawers under the bed base in the 5th wheel. Measured the base today and the drawers will take 2" more than the space available. I can beef up the base and cut in openings. Then use the drawer fronts as doors to access the space. Would make it easy to store shoes out of the way since I took out the banquette. I used the banquette drawers to store shoes. Now either we take no shoes, or I find another place to put them. DH stores his right in the walkway so I guess any storage space will just be for my shoes! :gig Now that I took out the banquette and we have additional space, maybe just a basket at the end of the sofa would work to toss shoes into. Probably easier than climbing the steps to the BR and leaving over to shove them through a small door. Even easier than having to kneel down to reach in under the bed to retrieve them! The space on either side of the bed is so narrow that once I got down I might get stuck! :oops:


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Time to start emptying the trailer cabinets and checking supplies for our trip. Since we will be dropping the trailer and leaving it unplugged while we go to Tennessee, the refrigerator will not be left running. I don't want to leave it running on propane with no one around. I might just buy all the perishable stuff in Texas on our way up to the campground in Mt. Pleasant. Plenty of Walmarts in TX.

I have to get out the card table and folding chairs we will be using in the trailer for our dining area. Also need to get out the new light fixtures I have in the shed, and the 2 new medicine cabinets. Bought them for the apartments and never used them so will be able to use them in the new house. I will store them in the tack room with the wire. We also have a large heavy duty shelf unit in the milk shed that we aren't able to use - no wall space - that we can disassemble and bring to set up in the tack shed. With the banquette gone, we will have space to transport some items in the trailer. Maybe even some of the large pasture water tubs (100 gal)? If the house was empty, I would bring back some bedding to leave for when we come out with more loads. But I don't want to leave anything in the tack shed that might get chewed up for rat nests. Once the tenants are out, we can bring back trailer and truck loads since we will be able to camp out in the house.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Went to bridge today for the first time since my knee surgery. Sitting at the card table was harder than I expected. My knee started hurting from being in one position for hours. Maybe I am not as completely recovered as I thought. Doing well though. Soon they will add ankle weights to my ankles to do the exercises. Maybe I should buy some myself.

Robert found the Super Hero capes that were in the toy box today. He wore one and ran around the house until it sipped around to the front. I fixed it for him and he was happy again. Gave me a fist bump.

More skin cancer surgery for DH tomorrow. Going to cut out the 3rd basal cell cancer. The 4th one will wait until we come back from Texas. Results from the first 2 were clear of malignancy. :):fl Hopefully this one will be as well.

Got our reservations at the Mount Pleasant KOA. It is about 20 minutes from the ranch. There are closer campgrounds but in the TX summer heat we only stay at campgrounds with pools. A lot of campgrounds are on lakes and don't have pools since the people go there to fish. I don't swim in anything where I can't see the bottom. Next February if the tenants are not out of the house, we can stay in a closer one. For the March 3 wedding in Athens, TX, we will stay in a motel for 2 nights. Our niece's daughter is getting married. The bride and groom currently live in Tyler. She is hoping we move to TX soon since we will be her only relative closer than CA and Idaho. Better go on her website and check what they want for wedding gifts. If our entire family goes in together we can get something big. Have to check what is on their list.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
This might not work out well for you……. Remember my waffling on whether or not to pick up those trim pieces and put them in a container to protect them from rain? Or leave them out in hopes that it would rain? Exhaustion made that decision and I never picked up any of them, even though I decided to trim out the back side of closet doors with some of those strips.

It stormed last night. It poured down rain in a frog floater for over an hour. It’s almost 9 AM and I’m still sitting here drinking coffee. I’m so tired, I’m taking a day off, sorta. I’m going to town and run errands.

Now I suppose I should leave those trim strips out so they can dry out. LOL